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ITM431 Module 4 SLP: Web Security and Emergency Planning

Essay Instructions:

Module 4 - SLP
SLP4 Assignment Part I
SLP 4 consists of two parts. For Part I, you are to review the following sites.
Obringer, L. (2011). How creating an online business works. How stuff works. Retrieved , from http://money(dot)howstuffworks(dot)com/online-biz-do-it8.htm
Two companies providing web security services are:
Verisign http://www(dot)verisign(dot)com/
TRUSTe http://www(dot)truste(dot)org/
Examine each of the sites. Look them over, follow up some links if you like, see what they're offering, and in general become familiar with their content. Compare the two sites in terms of the degree to which they seem to be reflecting an ability to provide security for Internet transactions. Think about such issues as:
summary descriptions of their services and the roles they play to electronic commerce
summary descriptions of how their services are provided
bottom-line evaluation of their credibility as sources of e-commerce security
competition in the field that may compete with their services
complementary services in the field that may supplement their services
Please conduct an independent search on your own regarding the role of trusted third party (such as VeriSign or TrustE) in electronic commerce.
For Part I, please write a 3-4 page report discussing the following topic.
"The Role of Trusted Third Party in Enhancing Electronic Commerce"
SLP4 Assignment Part II
For Part II, you will be reviewing publicly available tools to assist in disaster planning and recovery. Here you have two alternatives but you are free to use for your review any other web site/portal (as long as it allows you to answer the questions about the topic). Or you can choose to look into all the portals and do a comparison and integration of your findings. To find out about additional choices, make a search on "Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning".
The first option is the portal meta-site called INFOSYSSEC.
INFOSYSSEC - which bills itself as "The Security Portal for Information System Security Professionals". You can find information on Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning at http://www(dot)infosyssec(dot)com/infosyssec/buscon1.htm.
The second option is this other meta-site related to this module's topic is Disaster Recovery World.
Disaster Recovery World - which "is designed to consider all these issues and to catalog some of the most highly acclaimed products and services. Here you will find software to assist with BIA and risk analysis, as well as links to tools/services to help you create, maintain and audit the plan itself. Whether you are entirely new to business continuity and disaster recovery planning, or whether you already have a proven and established plan, the directory should hopefully prove to be of real value."

You can find the "Disaster Planning and Recovery" related discussions at http://www(dot)sans(dot)org/reading_room/whitepapers/recovery/disaster-recovery-plan-strategies-processes_564.

The third option is to select another meta site of your choice. In this case please include an introductory paragraph where you describe the site/portal.

Now that you have made your selection, go over the range of resources and do the following.

use these meta-site(s) to find information bearing on this problem and to locate possible technology-based solutions

formulate conclusions about the experience

Then in 3-4 pages, set forth:

Statement of the problem you're going to be investigating

Reasons why the problem is significant from the IT security perspective; Reasons why you think there may be technological and managerial solutions to the problem

Impressions of the site -- ease of use, quality of information, etc.

What solution(s) you found on this site (list the potential useful tools)

What you selected as most feasible

Your final conclusions about solving this problem with technology

Use information from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Then write a 3-4 page paper discussing the following topics.

“Identify a significant problem in IT security, disaster planning, or related area.”

"Emergency Planning and Disaster Recovery: Technological and Managerial Solutions."

Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.

SLP Assignment Expectations

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Deliver a single paper containing SLP Parts I and II properly labeled for a total of 6-8 page paper excluding cover page and reference list.

Your ability to present the ideas clearly and logically.

Evidence provided to support your argument.

Your ability to consolidate ideas from reading materials and apply it to a site of your choice.

Some in-text references to modular background readings.

Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Web Security and Emergency Planning
The Role of Trusted Third Party in Enhancing Electronic Commerce
ITM 431 Introduction to It Security Module 4
Commercial transactions are possible when there is trust between the buyer and the seller, given that the buyers must trust the supplier will provide genuine goods or services that fit the purpose. The supplier must trust that the buyers have a legitimate way of making payments. At other times, the use of trusted third parties especially the financial institutions act as intermediaries that enhance trust. Electronic commerce has more challenges that conventional commerce, since the issue of trust is complicated given that the parties interact virtually, and there is lack of real time, this presents a problem since cannot be sure that the person they are dealing with are trustworthy and the right persons, while also requiring evidence in case disputes arise and requiring that there are no people eavesdropping on online business transactions. This is a review on the role of VeriSign and TRUSTe as third parties in enhancing electronic commerce.
VeriSign has focused on security measures to improve operations and ensure that more people trust the site. The regular billing feature and fraud prevention are identified as aspects of the website, ensure there are more visitors to the site as there is trust. VeriSign issues certificates to companies and organizations so long as they can show proof that what the represents does not misrepresent their operations (VeriSign, 2015). The first level of verifying the information is proof of ownership of the domain name. This has to be accompanied with proof of a business license and the requirement that the identities of the directors are verifiable.
TRUSTe reviews privacy assessments based on the client needs, strategic priorities, data discovery and the privacy impact assessment. Before companies, organizations and people can use TRUSTe they are allowed to determine that there is compliance with the privacy requirements and ensure that there are no gaps (TRUSTe, 2015). One of the main benefits of this option is that independent assessment is carried out, while there is a team that offers their services to the clients when required. Assessment precedes Certification and this process includes the validation of the privacy statements to ensure they meet the required privacy needs and standards.
To verify that there is privacy protection VeriSign mainly deals with the Secure Sockets Layer (SS). Additionally, the company also focused on VeriSign Identity Protection (VIP) authentication, VeriSign Trust Services and the Public Key infrastructure (PKI) services. This makes it easier to link the suppliers/ vendors with the buyers, and sites with VeriSign stamp are considered trustworthy and secured and the users are assured that their private information is safe and secure while dealing with the trusted third parties (Kamal, 2015).
On the other hand, TRUS...
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