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Usability: mod4 case itm433

Essay Instructions:

please see attachment for instructions and base paper off links and questions provided.


First, you should read these key documents relating to the definition and expression of usability.  As you read, try to define for yourself as specifically as possible how you would assess usability.  Remember, usability matters, because time matters -- the argument for usability is heavily based on efficiency, not on aesthetics or people's rights not to be put upon.

User Interface Design and Usability (2009), retrieved from http://www(dot)isii(dot)com/ui_design.html 

The Independent. (2011, March 22). Website redesign: A design for strife. Retrieved from http://www(dot)independent(dot)co(dot)uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/website-redesign-a-design-for-strife-2248852.html

Krueger, M. (2011, August 12). Jakob Nielsen on usability for mobile sites and apps. Clickz. Retrieved from http://www(dot)clickz(dot)com/clickz/column/2099266/jakob-nielsen-usability-mobile-sites-apps

Nielsen, J. (2011). Defer secondary content when writing for mobile users. Useit.com. Retrieved from http://www(dot)useit(dot)com/alertbox/mobile-content.html

Usability First. (2011). What is usability? Here are few starting points. Retrieved from http://www(dot)usabilityfirst(dot)com/

Then comes the experiential component of the case.  It shouldn't take you too long and will give you a point of reference for what the debate is all about.

Take the Web Usability Quiz  -- free and online at http://www(dot)humanfactors(dot)com/downloads/webquiz.asp.  You might actually want to try the quiz before you do the reading to check your prior knowledge.  However, since your score is just between you and the machine, it's up to you.  But you'll get more out of it if you do take the quiz.

Case Assignment Expectations:

Prepare a +3 page paper to discuss the following questions:

What do you believe are the appropriate criteria for assessing usability?  Who should make such judgments?  How should disagreements about usability be resolved? 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Usability refers to software sustainability for customers or end users. Usability is directed towards measuring satisfaction, efficiency and effectiveness with which customers can achieve goals in certain environments. Effectiveness is the capabilities of software application to enable customers fully achieve goals with accuracy. Efficiency refers to the ability of users to utilize resources in relation to effectiveness. Additionally, customer satisfaction refers to the capability of software products to meet their needs (Krueger, 2011). Accessibility and information architecture are important aspects of usability. Accessibility increases involvement level with software products while information architecture focuses on the organization and designing of effective systems. Hence, focus is the main element for mobile websites, users and applications (Nielsen, 2011). The paper will focus on the criteria for assessing usability and how disagreements about usability should be resolved.
Evaluation models are important elements when assessing the criteria for usability. Evaluation models are the usability methods that researchers use when analyzing the criteria for assessing usability. There exist several usability methods. Cognitive walkthrough, contextual task analysis, surveys, brain storming and one-on-one interviews are some of the usability methods that can be used by researchers when assessing usability. In cognitive walkthrough, evaluators ask themselves certain questions about their expectations of end user behaviors (Usability First, 2011). For example, will the user see that progress is being made if the correct action is performed? During this analysis, the evaluator tries to create a successful story from each step of the evaluation process. If the researcher is unable to create a successful story, he or she can create a failure story and assess the users based on the design interface of website applications. Information from the researcher's evaluation can be used as criteria for assessing usability. Therefore, the applications can be improved based on the research information gathered.
Facilitated brain storming is another method used when assessing the criteria for usability. It involves the use of a moderator who focuses on the participants' contribution during discussion sessions. This exercise also involves the use of random questions to get ideas from contributors. During brain storming, the moderators should host sessions in environments that motivates and encourage participants. For example, a room with proper lighting and ventilation is likely to encourage participants and motivate them during discussions. Decoration of the room according to project theme could inspire creativity among participants. Additionally, the number of participants is also important when forming discussion groups. Eight to ten participants produce effective and efficient discussions. The participants may also include usability experts, moderators and developers. When brai...
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