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English (U.S.)
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The Effects of Technology on Healthcare Work and Workforce
Essay Instructions:
This essay is designed to allow you to focus on a particular area within the health sector of interest to you. The required textbook may spark some ideas and you can also look at the list of possible topics below.
Be sure to watch the video on Thesis Statements below and also refer to the Thesis Statement Formula with an Example Handout below.
After you decide on a particular topic, then be sure to follow the instructions below to earn full credit for your essay. Limit your essay to 1,000-2,500 words.
How will the essay be graded/marked?
Refer to the attached grading rubric.
Graduate Students Only:
Follow the instructions above but be sure to address these requirements:
Include at least 5 peer review articles from any journals on this list of health management journals or this list of medical journals or this list of health technology journals.
Be sure to demonstrate how each of the 5 peer review articles supports your thesis statement.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Short-Term Proposal: Addressing Mental Health Support for Firefighters
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
October 7, 2024
Firefighters are one of the professions who are exposed to multiple stressful events, have high-stress levels and possible physical dangers, and have to face severe mental health issues. Mental health problems, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, and burnout, are common among such specialists, and many firefighters have no access to proper mental health care. Much emphasis has been put on promoting mental health roles in fire departments' wellness programs to ensure optimum physical and psychological functioning and performance on the job.
Thesis Statement
Because such a large proportion of firefighters experience mental health disorders, there is currently an imperative for fire departments to incorporate evidence-based mental health services for trauma and workplace stress together with consideration of cultural norms that might inhibit the utilization of these services.
Evidence and Research
It is important to note that several dangerous working conditions affect the psychological state of firefighters. Taylor et al. (2023) also found that trajectories of fire contaminants and sleep disruptions were associated with higher incidence rates of anxiety and depression. Along the same line, Johnson et al. (2020) noted that cultural norms in the context of firefighting make it impossible for many to seek support. Initiatives like peer support, telehealth, and mindfulness are critical tools that should be im...
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