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Essay Instructions:
Essay Topic Associations such as the ACM and the Australian Computer Society have developed code of ethics for computing professionals. For example see: http://www(dot)acm(dot)org/about/code-of-ethics/ http://www(dot)acs(dot)org(dot)au/attachments/Code_of_Ethics.pdf In the first assignment you looked at security threats in an on line commercial world. Some of these threats are related to people working in the field of IT security not doing the right thing. In this assignment your task is to write an essay on the following topic: The Role of the Professional Code of Ethics in addressing Security Threats You will identify security threats that can arise from bad behavior of IT employees, study one of the professional organisation's code of ethics, analyse what aspects of the code of ethics would help prevent such behavior and what IT organizations need to implement as policies in order to foster an ethical environment. You might want to use real case studies to support your arguments. Provide full reference of your literature sources and use Harvard style referencing. Your essay should be around 1500 words.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running head: TECHNOLOGY
Ethics for computing professional
Ethics for computing professional
The whole issue of the increasingly high technology is marked with many controversies with potential debates ranging from computer crimes to communication and data transfer. Despite the importance of technology in the development and sustainability of any organization, computer crimes are becoming increasingly high with statistical information from US Uniform Crime showing that one million people in every three million people who access the world web were involved in illegal internet activities (Kevin, et al, 2010). Further to this, computer crime and security survey reported that computer crimes impose security threats and financial losses to the organization and the country at large. In this interest therefore, the issue of computer crimes need to be addressed by the global society if a secure and a sustainable environment have to be achieved. This paper seeks to discuss the security threats that can arise from bad behaviour of IT employees as well as identifying one of the professional organisation’s codes of computing ethics. The author takes the discussion a step further by analysing the aspects of the code of ethics which would help prevent such behaviour (Jordan, 1999). It also focuses on some of the measures which IT organizations need to implement as policies in order to foster an ethical environment.
Security threats that can arise from bad behaviour of IT employees
Computer crimes can be described as the illegal use of the computer network and the internet. Computers are becoming inevitable in the modern society and hence accounting and information technology employees in any organization have the opportunity to access vital and valuable organisations information as well as exposing the information to unauthorised people. The following are some of the security threats which are imposed by the organization’s employees
The greatest security threat can be incurred by the information technology employees. Most organisations in the modern society rely heavily on computers to store vital information such as financial records. The information technology system is design, implemented and maintained by the company’s employees who may not be part of the policy marking or management team. As a consequence therefore, they pose the greatest threat of compromising the information technology system (Ye, 2003). This threat is underscored by the fact that the employees have the security codes required to access the information and in many times, the repair and maintenance of the system is done during the hours when the management team and the other employees are off. Further to this, the control rooms for the systems are restricted to the IT employees only. If the IT employees have the feelings of not being appreciated, recognized or treated unfairly, then the system is at risk of being compromised in order to draw the attention of the management
Accountants and financial employees also pose threat to the security of any organization. These employees have access to organisation’s vital information concerning the financial status of the organisation. If these employees are not treated fairly, recognized and appreciated, they can decide to draw the attention of the management and to hurt the organisation by misusing money or leaking the information to unauthorised people. Further to this, they can give out customer’s secrete information to strangers (Neeley, 2010). As a result therefore, the organisational money can be stolen and it will seize to exist. Giving out customer’s private information can also lead to theft and as a result, change the perception and altitude of the customers towards the organisation. This means that the organisation will be serving less number of customers and hence law overall output.
Another source of security threat is the behaviour of employees to bring working materials or the work out of the organisation. Some companies do not allow employees to carry working materials for the company and work at home. This is because the organisational data such as customers and client’s private information can be lost or accessed by unauthorised individuals at hoe because the restrictions at home are not as strong as in the organisation (Ye, 2003). Although it can be counterproductive to restrict employees from working at home, attention should be put to the possible risks and consequence...
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