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Technology Essay: Implementation Timeline and Reflection

Essay Instructions:

Implementation Timeline and Reflection

Throughout the course assignments, you have considered the implementation of an electronic health record (EHR) and/or electronic medical record (EMR) system for your health and wellness organization.

In Part 1 of this assignment, you will develop a project timeline with your intended go-live date for implementing the selected EHR/EMR and all integrated services. For assignments in this course, the Health IT Playbook (Links to an external site.) offers guidance and provides background information.

In Part 2, you will reflect on the role of the informaticist in the implementation of EHR/EMR systems in health and wellness organizations. In the Reflection, you will offer your perspectives on a number of guiding questions.

Create a 3-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response. Use APA format.

Create a title page and references page in APA format. Cite references in APA format.

Develop an introduction and conclusion for your two-part paper. Use the parts as subheads in the paper.

Part 1: Project Timeline

Create a timeline for the implementation of an EHR and/or EMR for your health and wellness organization. You may select the format for your timeline.

Make your timeline as realistic as possible, and project a go-live date for the electronic data system.

Determine the series of tasks necessary for implementation (access the resource, Electronic Health Record (EHR) Implementation (Links to an external site.), for guidance).

Determine the time required for each task.

Determine a go-live date.

Backward plan from the go-live date to create your timeline.

Part 2: Reflection on Technology in Health and Wellness

Use the questions to guide your response:

Why is the role of the informaticist essential in the implementation of electronic data processing systems in health and wellness organizations?

How can the informaticist promote teamwork among members of the EHR/EMR implementation team?

What challenges related to the transition to electronic data processing may be present in an organization? How can the informaticist and other implementation team members help overcome these challenges?

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Implementation Timeline and Reflection
Course code:
Implementation Timeline and Reflection
This project focuses on the implementation of an EHR/EMR system. The introduction of an EHR/EMR system is a great addition as it will help enhance patient outcomes. Adopting such a system would help enhance data collection, shareability and even reduce medication errors. However, to adopt and implement such a system requires a clear and thought-out plan that factors in all aspects could potentially lead to the project's failure. So, in this paper, I will discuss the various steps involved in the implementation process in part one and share my thoughts in a reflective piece in part two.
Part 1
Activity 1: Selection of EHR/EMR vendors. – 4 months.
The system will be outsourced because there is no internal team that will help develop the system. So, the first step will involve selecting the vendors who have the capability to develop a system that fits the organization at hand. These vendors will present their portfolios, and the decision will be made from those who will be interested.
Activity 2: Recruitment of the Implementation Team. – 1 month.
An implementation team is crucial to the success of this entire project. If the project manager is not careful, the team selected could be the only impediment to the system's successful implementation. So, this process has to take time as the individuals deemed capable of handling the implementation process are selected.
Activity 3: Creation of a Change Management Plan. – 3 months.
Every implementation process results to changes that will disrupt the norm. Resistance to a project stems from the reason above: disruption of the norm. However, by having a change management plan, the change process can attract staff members' support instead of resistance. This calls for the adoption and enactment of a change management plan.
Activity 4: Development and Adoption of the Implementation Budget. – 2 weeks.
For the implementation process to be successful, there has to be a budget. This needs to be developed with consideration of the team, and the time it will take to have the project up and running.
Activity 5: Data Migration. – 3 months.
Data migration is a tasking process. It mainly involves the transformation and transfer of data from one system to another. This needs ample time, or else a lot of crucial data will be left out. Three months is ample time for the team to not only sort the data but transform and transfer it to the new system.
Activity 6: Testing. – 1.5 months.
Testing needs ample time as well. Testing means that the system is up and running, but it is running adjacent to the old system. The goal of testing is to try and make sure that every loophole and downside of the new system is discovered and addressed. So, this stage or phase is quite serious.
Activity 7: Training. – At least 45 hours of training for users.
The training of the users needs to happen as well. All the users must undergo a thorough training process to ensure that they are equipped to handle the system and are not resistant to its adoption. Forty-five hours of training for every user will help ensure that they are well-equipped to handle the system and be a part of its success.
Activity 8: Go-live.
This should happen after a year and four months. This will ensure that the training is complete and that the users are ready to make use of the system. However, training will continue even after the system goes live. To avoid mistakes and to take chances that could eventually come to haunt the organization, it is prudent that training continues.
Activity 9: Evaluation – 2 months.
Here is where now the system is assessed based on its performance and efficiency. This process is quite crucial because it will help reveal the impact the new system has had. So, the evaluation process has...
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