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Proposal:Information Technology Solution to Health Information Challenge

Essay Instructions:

The description of the health information challenge
• Proposed informatics systems approach for solving the challenge
• Selected technologies (products/tools) that will be used in the informatics approach to the
• Benefits and advantages of your proposed system for addressing the health information
• Several (at least 3) scenarios of situations of how the new system will be used to address the
health information challenge
• Additional considerations for implementing the new system that may apply: security needs,
data sources, data governance, ethics/privacy/confidentiality
• Proposed plan for an initial pilot of the proposed system. Who would be the target users
and organizations for the pilot? What data sources/sets would be needed? How will the
success of the pilot be determined?
I have a plot in project 4 plot.docx file

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Proposal for An Information Technology Solution To The Health Information Challenge
CS 152 Health Information Systems
Project 4
Proposal for an Information Technology Solution to the Health Information Challenge
1 The description of the health information challenge
The health information challenge is connecting electronic medical records with external apps. There is growing interest in leveraging electronic patient health information to improve health care delivery and meet individual health care needs. However, it is essential to ensure there is data security and that no unauthorized people access patient data. There are apps connecting the Application Programming Interface (APIs) with electronic medical records. While external apps capture sources and types of patient information, some information is easier to integrate, such as demographics, lab results, notes, and scheduling. Patient and other health care data tend to be stored in disparate systems. Thus, this is likely more complicated when apps are connected with medical records and other healthcare applications if data is not synchronized or seamless.
Ideally, there should be uniform programming and coding standards, but insufficient system maturity and readiness make connecting electronic medical records with external apps challenging. Furthermore, compatibility issues for the healthcare IT applications where there are problems integrating with the existing electronic database. In any case, this can cause resistance to change with medical practitioners less willing to support and use the external apps connected to health records. Integrating electronic medical records with external apps would improve the timely exchange and sharing of medical information exchange. However, there should also be a focus on user authentication and patient identification while also prioritizing the availability and accessibility of patient data and information.
2 Proposed informatics systems approach for solving the challenge
There is a focus on the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) tool to facilitate the exchange of information between healthcare providers, patients, payers, caregivers, researchers, and other users. Besides the FHIR, Health Level Seven (HL7) standards also support the exchange and transfer of data between software applications. The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) interoperability standard facilitates the efficient exchange of electronic health information. FHIR is not only essential for interoperability. It improves data access. Semantic interoperability when exchanging health-related information with apps remains a challenge, but with the FHIR, it is possible to sync the apps with electronic medical records (Levy, 2020). Even as there is more research on the benefits of mobile applications based on the FHIR, safety and privacy concerns constrain the wide adoption of the apps in the medical world. Still, there are different technology standards using the FHIR and posed solutions to connect medical records with external apps. Connecting electronic medical records with external apps emphasizes data security, privacy, and integrity to avoid compromising patient data and healthcare IT applications.
3 Selected technologies (products/tools) that will be used in the informatics approach to the challenge
The main technology or tool is FHIR for data transfer information, and the data architecture description (figure 1) highlights the application of the proposed solution. There is also a patient dashboard in Restful API. The system architecture highlights the HL7 standards and the FHIR specifications being used to facilitate the exchange of related data and information. The FHIR standard facilitates communication between different platforms and devices to ensure the seamless exchange of clinical information between different health practitioners in the health system and with patients. Moreover, the standard supports the development of various web tools and mobile applications with different new functionalities. Thus, the FHIR and HL 7 have facilitated developing interoperable healthcare-oriented solutions. There is data encryption, so there is secure sharing of information, and when information is accessed remotely, the system users use a VPN.
The system architecture highlights different components from the mobile gateway to the patient safety system and HMIS. Furthermore, there is data analysis, a patient safety system, and a clinical support system. FHIR has improved interoperability, and using the FHIR to build new applications and link this with electronic medical records helps improve access to data. Integrating and interacting the mobile applications with the health system is necessary to access the data.
Figure 1: Diagram with a high-level data architecture approach for the above system.
Increasingly, telemedicine and telecommunication are essential to providing long-distance clinical healthcare, and this improves access to healthcare services. Telemedicine is the provision of health services to patients through health information technology regardless of distance. It is possible to collect, process, transmit, analyze, store and display the most relevant medical data in a short period of time, reducing the waiting time for those seeking medical services such as diagnosis. There is the provision of medical services to distant places using telecommunications technology. There is improved patient monitoring, faster diagnoses, and treatments regardless of location. Linking healthcare IT applications with electronic medical records, including those facilitating telemedicine and promotes early patient management.
4 Benefits and advantages of your proposed system for addressing the health information challenge
There will be access to compre...
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