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PPM Tool Evaluation Aid

Essay Instructions:

After you review the Celoxis website below, write a 2- to 3-page paper analyzing the following. To complete your evaluation of Celoxis, use the following PPM tool evaluation aid. This resource is intended to help evaluate and compare PPMs. When managers use software evaluation tools, they are more likely to choose wisely and have less probability of the software ending up as shelfware. For this exercise, only a portion of the tool is made available. The sections on help, training, and delivery were omitted. Use the following weights and scores to evaluate each element based on your understanding of the PPM software.(see attachment)

Start the paper with a brief overview and a description of Celoxis software, uses, advantages, and disadvantages.

Then report your evaluation of Celoxis using the following PPM tool evaluation aid (see attachment). This resource is intended to help evaluate and compare PPMs. When managers use software evaluation tools, they are more likely to choose wisely and have less probability of the software ending up as shelfware. For this exercise, only a portion of the tool is made available. The sections on help, training, and delivery were omitted. Use the following weights and scores to evaluate each element based on your understanding of the PPM software. Attach the points/score evaluated on the PPM tool aid. 

After reading, evaluating and analyzing the following cases and articles in relation to the below readings, write a 2 FULL page paper on the following topic: (PLEASE Not 1 and a 1 one half pages, 2 FULL pages please or more like you did last time). Answer & discuss the following questions based on the below readings/cases:;;;_______________

“”Start the paper with a brief overview and a description of Celoxis software, uses, advantages, and disadvantages, and your experience with the evaluation process. What are the advantages of using a tool to evaluate technology decisions and why, what are disadvantages? What are the advantages of using a tool to evaluate technology decisions and why? Explain. Evaluate software in terms of advantages, disadvantages, and company fit. . Then Rank systems for selection””__________________

***Points to consider, NO Plagiarism please!!! Carefully explain and justify your conclusions.

For this paper, you will be looking at some software that claims to be able to manage a large part of the project management process: the Celoxis project management and project portfolio management software. Specifically, you will be carrying out an evaluation exercise relative to this software, much as any IT manager would carry out when making a software selection looking for the "best of breed" in project portfolio management systems. When purchasing new software, two or more candidate systems are chosen and ranked using an evaluation tool to determine the best solution. The ranking process requires careful evaluation of system features, vendor credibility and reliability in the market, peer-company reviews, due diligence reviews, and overall software fit to the company goals and plans.

As mentioned, for purposes of this exercise you will be evaluating Celoxis. Normally, you would probably be able to have some hands-on experience with tools that you evaluate; however, in the interests of manageability, we will stick to reviewing the information about the system found on the company's website. Carry out your software evaluation by reviewing the screenshots, video, and related product information located at http://www(dot)celoxis(dot)com/index.php.

In addition, the optional reading expands on many of the central points; you may also want to do some independent research to clarify any issues. Be sure to reference these sources properly.

This module's Case is about assessing project risk at the development and implementation level. Evaluating risk in a systematic way reduces project failures and empowers all stakeholders to communicate and reach agreements. MUST provide in-text references to the below background readings.


These are The required background reading for this Case is you MUST use/cite:

#1.) Levine, H. A. (2008, November). From project management to project portfolio management: Why the new process needs more than Excel. The Project Knowledge Group. Retrieved from http://viewer(dot)media(dot)bitpipe(dot)com/1103740304_372/1270227600_160/FromProjectManagement.pdf

#2.) Gliedman, C. (2002). The many faces of IT portfolio management. Research Digest,5(3), 1-10. Retrieved from http://tvertne(dot)org/tmp/IT_portfolio_management.pdf

#3.) Lee Merkhofer Consulting. (2011). Best practice project portfolio management. Priority Systems. Retrieved from http://www(dot)prioritysystem(dot)com/reasons6b.html

#4.) Ernst & Young (2014). Strong risk management practices and internal audit capabilities as drivers as drivers for growth, http://www(dot)ey(dot)com/GL/en/Services/Advisory/EY-accelerating-high-growth-companies-climb-to-the-top

#5.) Pennypacker, J., & Retna, S. (2011). Project portfolio management: A view from the management trenches. Garnert Group. Retrieved from http://www(dot)gartner(dot)com/it/content/911400/911412/project_portfolio_mgmt_excerpt.pdf

#6.) Celoxis. (2011). Project Portfolio Management. Celoxis Resource Management. Retrieved from http://www(dot)celoxis(dot)com/index.php

#7.) CMS. (2008). Selecting a development approach. Department of Health and Human Services USA. Retrieved from https://www(dot)cms(dot)gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/CMS-Information-Technology/XLC/Downloads/SelectingDevelopmentApproach.pdf

#8.) Cervone, F. H. (2007). The system development life cycle and digital library development. OCLC Systems and Services, 23(4), 348-352. doi: 1369374821.

#9.) Lewis, E., Romanaggi, D., & Chapple, A. (2010). Successfully managing change during uncertain times. Strategic HR Review,9(2), 12-18. doi: 2035664951.

#10.) Long, P., Kovach, J., & Ding, D. (2010). Designing an IT change management process for mid-size accounting firms. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings,1-6. doi: 2093696301.

Please write an A+ paper at a Masters/Graduate degree level, Thank you!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

PPM Tool Evaluation Aid
Student Name
Celoxis is an integrated web-based software that is critical in project management. It is well equipped to help you assess your workflows, time management, financial tracking (budgeting and expenses), resources, forecasting and project portfolios. It offers the company the deployment options with two versions suited for typically all situations: the SaaS and On-premise versions (Celoxis., 2011). Depending on the organizational environment, the two versions guarantee a peace of mind during usage. The On-premise version has the provision for adaptability to most Operating Systems (OS) compounded with a database support (CMS., 2008). The customized Application Programming Interface (API) makes it easy to integrate the data gathered and assessed by Celoxis to other tools, for example, Microsoft Outlook. Key features of the Celoxis include:
Earned value analysis
The Custom Reports
Resource management
Duration and expense management
Manual and auto scheduling modes
Management dashboards
Role-based security
Custom apps
Project portfolio organization
Revenue forecasting
Schedule and budget forecasting
Resources and capacity planning
Celoxis has a load of benefits desired by most organizations especially the research companies. Some of its advantages include:
Offers intricate workflow solution enabled by the Custom Apps that allow the company track the project processes
It has a comprehensive all-in-one package for clients, executives and managers
Offers two versions, the SaaS (cloud-based) and On-premise, increasing the flexibility of deployment.
Offers broad language support (German, Chinese, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese)
Celoxis software is an outsourced resource that poses major hosting disadvantages. The security concern is a potent risk for most clients or companies as the confidential data is kept off-site at the hosting databases (Cervone, 2007). Internet security is also another concern for the usage of the Celoxis software. Since most of the upgrades are done by the provider, the company or organization utilizing Celoxis has to update frequently (Consulting, 2011). Also, data can be exported to other platforms which is recommended for achievement of data portability.
The success of any project greatly depends on the intensity of planning, preparation, structuring and evaluation (Gliedman, 2002). All these process are inclusive of decisions that have to be made based on reliable data and its analysis. The diversification of tools used in most softwares enhances the credibility of the end results (Levine, 2008). The tools offer at least three purposes in most organizations that include:
Can analyze competently, assess and produce reports on the most sophisticated data content.
It provides simulations and real-world experience that develop the decision-making process
The tools can manage data, solve problems and even provide sophisticated analysis
Celoxis tools provide access to a wealth of information that could be used to assess the data thereby making informed decisions.
The tools enable sharing of knowledge in the organization that would improve overall performance as the employees will have the necessary information and analysis on which their decisions are based (Long, 2010). The accuracy of the analysis results, conformity to the organization’s requirements and the support of the general effectiveness are the critical factors in measuring the performance of the tools in the evaluation of technological decisions (Lewis, 2010). Therefore, the data tools can best be described as a collection of support processes for evaluation of technical decisions, unlike most organizations that stress mostly on the importance of data/information.
Pennypacker.J. et al. discussed the roles of software technologies in project information systems, to garner the best management strategies in project execution. Celoxis software is the preferred choice as it offers a range of data tools that ease modification and manipulation of project data. It also can accommodate different types of project and their data ensuring its high adaptability. Error checks and warnings are also incorporated in the software that would guarantee the credibility of the reports produced by the software (Young, 2014). Security of data, storage, and accessibility is guaranteed as the software has cloud-based storage where data can be stored and retrieved by the company. It would be the preferred choice for most businesses or organizations.
Importance of Criterion to Your CompanyWeightNot needed, not important, or already provided by your existing tools0Nice, but of minor importance; not having would result in minimal loss1Useful; not having would result in some loss and/or extra work2Important; not having would result in significant loss and/or extra work3Extremely important; not having would result in major loss and/or much extra work4Essential; not having disqualifies the toolEScore candidate features
Estimated Performance Against CriterionScoreCriterion not achieved or supported0Criterion partly achieved or supported1Criterion mostly achieved or supported2Criterion fully achieved or supported3Multiply weight and score to arrive at total number
Here is a summary score sheet to help you keep track of points that should be included in your evaluation; use it to help you write the above summary.
Project Portfolio Management Tool Ev...
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