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Jobs of the Past and of the Future: Technical Ethicist for AI

Essay Instructions:

For this module, please write a short essay reflecting on jobs of the past and jobs of the future.

Specifically, I want you to articulate a dream job that you want to have right now. What kind of occupation and what kind of industry is this? What level of earnings, social prestige, and social impact do you expect to receive from this dream job ? What kind of technology/ Big Data/ AI/ automation might be involved in this job?

Then, identify a job that someone you know has (or has had) that can be considered similar in terms of earnings, prestige, and class. Tell us about that job: what was it? Is the same job still around? If yes, how has it changed over time? Has it become a lot more difficult to get (why or why not)? If the job is no longer available, why? what happened to the industry and the occupation? What do technology, Big Data, AI, automation have to do with this transformation?

Third, think about your dream job and speculate what it will be like in 20 years. Would it still be around or would it disappear? Would it become more difficult, more competitive, more exclusive or would it become easier to get, more accessible, more mundane? And again, what do technology, Big Data, AI, automation have to do with this transformation?

Your essay (recommended length 4-6 pages) should be a critical reflection on how technology - especially AI, automation, Machine Learning - has transformed and will transform jobs as we know them. I am quite confident that there are ways to link technologies to whichever jobs you decide to write about, so if you struggle to identify the link, just talk to me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflecting on Jobs of The Past and Jobs of The Future
Student’s Name
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The advent of technology and shifting societal demands have led to substantial changes like employment throughout history. Reflecting on occupations' history, present, and future is essential. My ideal job will be discussed in this article, along with a job that someone I know does that is similar to it and my predictions for the work's future in light of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, and Big Data.
Technical Ethicist for AI
Technological ethics in AI is my dream job. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, ensuring that AI is created and utilized ethically is crucial. As a technology ethicist, I would critically analyze AI systems' ethical implications, set standards for responsible AI use, and promote industry responsibility and transparency (Turner, 2021). Furthermore, I would evaluate AI systems' ethical implications, establish standards for responsible AI usage, and advocate industry openness and accountability.
This position can provide a competitive wage in terms of earnings. It is anticipated that as the need for specialists who can successfully negotiate the challenging ethical terrain of AI grows, so will the pay for those working in this area. While this employment may not have the same social prestige as more conventional occupations like law or medicine, it is expected to grow in esteem as AI's ethical ramifications become clear.
The Functions of Big Data, AI, and Automation
My ideal career as a specialized ethicist center centers on AI and automation. One has to have a solid grasp of the underlying technology to comprehend the ethical implications of AI. Big Data is used extensively by AI systems to train their algorithms. Hence ethical questions about data privacy, permission, and bias must be considered. To guarantee justice and avoid unforeseen repercussions, machine learning algorithms, the foundation of AI systems, must be continuously monitored and improved. Automation facilitates effectively reviewing and evaluating AI systems for ethical compliance, especially in data collecting and processing.
Job Considered as mine
The position of a Financial Analyst in the banking sector is one that someone I know has had and can be compared to in terms of pay, standing, and class. A well-known investment bank employed this person and was in charge of analyzing financial information, evaluating investment possibilities, and making customer suggestions.
In the banking and finance industry, the position of financial analyst is still available and in demand. However, the work evolved when technology developed and integrated Big Data, AI, and automation (Powell, 2019). Financial analysis formerly emphasized manual data collecting, spreadsheet-based computations, and conventional financial models. However, as technology has advanced, financial organizations have access to a wealth of data from many other sources, including market patterns, consumer behavior, and economic indicators. Thanks to big data analytics and AI technologies, financial analysts can now process and analyze this data more effectively and precisely.
Financial analysts may now concentrate on more complex duties like evaluating outcomes, making strategic suggestions, and giving individualized financial advice since the introduction of AI and automation has simplified data analysis. Financial analysts may obtain deeper insights and make data-driven choices using AI algorithms to find patterns, correlations, and anomalies in massive datasets.
Technology integration has improved the efficacy and efficiency of financial analysis but has also presented difficulties. Given the growing dependence on these technologies, financial analysts must adapt and learn new skills to use automation and AI efficiently (Carey, 2020). The position has become more data-centric, requiring proficiency in programming languages, machine learning, and data analysis. As a result, developing the required skill set has become essential for aspirant financial analysts, making it more challenging to get into the sector.
The sector has also been disrupted by the emergence of robo-advisors, automated investing platforms run by AI algorithms. In ...
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