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Industry Analysis: Pfizer's Unique Strategies on Supply Chain Management

Essay Instructions:

The Company is Pfizer Please read all instructions that is attached on the files

Overview: As a supply manager committed to the efficiency of the supply chain operation, it is critical to be aware of strategies for improving productivity and quality. This course has prepared you to improve an organization’s supply chain. The final project for this course is the creation of a supply chain management plan. The final product allows you the opportunity to connect theory with reality through research on an industry and company supply chain. The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions.

Prompt: For your third milestone, you will analyze plans for inventory management and the impact of the manufacturer’s production strategy, identify and analyze your centralized and decentralized distribution strategies, analyze the impact of production strategy and contracts, complete an analysis of performance measurements on your industry’s supply chain, and discuss how the supply chain creates a competitive edge. This milestone is due in Module Seven.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Inventory Management:

a) Product Selling Season: Determine whether seasonal or generic products or both are sold. Determine if the selling is seasonal, steady, or hybrid.

b) Retail Inventory Strategy: Using the information you received from your interview with the industry retail store manager, determine what inventory policy strategies the store has adopted for order quantity, safety stock, and reorder level.

c) Impact of Manufacturer’s Production Strategy: What impact does the nature of selling have on the supply chain? Consider domestic and foreign supply base, safety stock levels, reorder points, and demand variability. Identify the production strategy for the company (continuous/mass production, batch production, or project-based).

II. Distribution Management:

a) Centralized Distribution Strategy: Describe your centralized distribution strategy. Explain why the strategy was selected and identify potential risks based on your distribution strategy.

b) Decentralized Distribution Strategy: Explain why the strategy was selected and identify potential risks based on your distribution strategy.

III. Product Supply Contracts:

a) Production Strategy and Contracts: Complete an analysis of the impact of the production strategy on the supply chain. Identify the appropriate production strategy and contracts for the supply chain, such as daily deliveries, weekly deliveries, and monthly deliveries of supplies. Consider stable ordering versus high variability. Be aware that multiple strategies may be employed. If more than one strategy is used, be sure to discuss when the contract approach is used and why.

IV. Performance Measurements: Complete an analysis on how the industry supply chain performance is measured. Explain the performance measures used to measure performance for each of the following parts of the supply chain.

a) Manufacturing: Identify the performance measure and explain how they attempt to perform better than their competitors. Be sure to address addresses quality, cycle time, and takt time.

b) Distributors: Identify the performance measure and explain how they attempt to perform better than their competitors.

c) Retailers: Identify the performance measure and explain how they attempt to perform better than their competitors.

d) Third-Party Logistics Company: Identify the performance measure and explain how they attempt to perform better than their competitors. Be sure to addresses cost, efficiency, and wavelength.

e) Supply Chain Competitive Edge: Discuss how the supply chain creates a competitive edge. Be sure to consider low cost, service levels, wide distribution network, and quality level in your response.


Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Milestone Three: Industry Analysis
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Milestone Three: Industry Analysis
Supply chain management has become a vital element of competitive advantage bearing its impacts in various industries. Companies are employing efficiency in their supply chains to ensure that they capture the necessary customer loyalty. Pfizer is one of the organizations that has employed its unique organizational culture and a superior supply chain strategy to stabilize its competitive advantage. In a highly competitive pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer has grown unrivalled. This paper explores Pfizer's performance through various supply chain analytical tools such as inventory management, distribution management, product supply contracts, and performance measurement. The analysis should be vital in understanding operational growth through supply chain management as the primary factor in delivering the ultimate organizational goals.
Inventory Management
The selling at Pfizer and most of the pharmaceutical industry is generic. In a generic supply, the chain begins with the extraction and sourcing of raw materials. The raw materials then go to suppliers who deliver them as wholesale materials to Pfizer. Pfizer becomes the product manufacturer. The organization's adherence to generic products is marked by intensive adhering to the processes that accommodate planning, sourcing, making, delivering, and returning based on the customer demands. Pfizer's generic product sales have shown a geometric average return of 0.3% above the S&P 500 Total Return Index benchmark rate over the past 20 years (Equity Clock, 2020). The company stays on a positive tangent through its sales growth strategy.
Pfizer employs the multi-echelon inventory optimization strategy. This strategy gives the retailer the freedom to define the safety stock targets and right cycles across the channel. Bearing their participation in different portfolios, Pfizer uses this strategy to enhance reorder level analyzes and order quantities through differentiated product categories and service level requirements in the individual portfolio channels. This has steered the best outcomes in inventory investments for the organization as they can easily advance their techniques of correction workflows and root causing. Remarkably, different organizations, depending on their operational scopes in the pharmaceutical industry, showcase bear strategic variations in respect to inventory management.
Pfizer has showcased supply chain excellence through a superior production strategy. Pfizer employs a project-based production strategy characterized by both differentiated and market segmentation production. With this strategy, the production in each portfolio is maintained depending on meeting the market demands. This strategy helps to ensure that their more than 3,000 formulations reach their target customers in 175 markets (Argiyantari, Simatupang, & Basri, 2020). Pfizer has segmented its production into 75 production sites globally. That shortens the supply chain, especially in global operations, while still ensuring their products' safety and quality. The strategy also allows for supply chain flexibility based on demand safety stock levels in individual production points and the sustainability of various reorder points.
Distribution Management
Pfizer anchors its supply chain in a decentralized supply chain strategy. With a decentralized model, the products move far away from the central operational center. This strategy also helps quicker access of the products by the consumers. Pfizer has employed its multiple production centers throughout the world to mark its decentralized operations. With this strategy, it can evade the bureaucracy in centralization and draw their operations closer to the consumers with the necessary agility. This strategy also enhances data-driven decisions, especially when analyzing the needs of specific market segments.
Decentralization is also marked with various risks and challenges. Principally, shipping in multiple distribution locations may affect the suppliers' bargaining power. Often, suppliers demand shipping in bulk in singular l...
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