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Implementing Software Changes

Essay Instructions:

In Module 4 SLP, we return our focus from the specifics of information technologies and the formulation of ideal strategies to the wider world of real corporate behavior. Our emphasis now shifts to the actual implementation of information technologies and the sociotechnical dynamics that implementation not infrequently founders upon. No technical solution—however brilliantly designed or competently backstopped or elegantly integrated with other corporate plans—is any better than its implementation at the lowest levels of the system to which it is addressed. All too frequently, plans and solutions are developed in a vacuum apart from the context within which they are to be deployed and used. It is hard to overestimate the quantity of corporate resources that have been squandered on poor IT implementations over the years—to say that it would exceed the GNP of many third world countries would probably not be an exaggeration. Implementation is by no means an all-or-nothing proposition; even though the full measure of system changes may not be as successful as desired, there can often be positive local results, particularly if the implementation process is oriented toward learning as well as doing, or even more so, doing unto others. The one sure way to implementation failure is to assume that all knowledge resides in IT management—or even in management generally. Success is inevitably based on user involvement in varying degrees, generally more rather than less.

All modules in the course draw on everything that you have learned in the program; however, this module most specifically draws on your courses in computer-human interaction, systems development, and project management as well as on your general introductory courses. However, this module most specifically draws on your courses in computer-human interaction and systems development and project management, as well as on your general introductory courses. Implementation is a drawn-out process requiring effective collaboration among many different kinds of specialists and generalists, extended over time and across space, and requiring explicit attention to both the social and technical systems of the organizational units affected. Above all, implementation must be sensitive to feedback, resilient enough to deal with changing circumstances, personnel, and goals, and focused much more on the users than on the technologists. Effective implementation always embraces the fundamental sociotechnical criterion of "incompletion"—that is, the idea that no change process is ever "finished" as such, but that change is an ever-flowing river in which one set of adjustments is merely the prelude to another set. Sociotechnical life in organizations is a soap opera, not a novel. There is never a "happily ever after," just an ever-evolving and constantly reconfiguring cast of players and problems. Sometimes things get better; sometimes they get worse—but they will always be different.

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Andrew McAfee discusses an array of revolutionary technologies that are replacing routine jobs with machines that can speak, understand, translate, and hear. McAfee believes that this kind of innovation will lead to creating new jobs that involve more than enhancing creativity. He refers to this cycle of innovation as “The New Machine Age.” Think in terms how technology-driven changes could impact the ERP implementation for Aux Bons Soins’ case study below.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Implementing Software Changes
Implementing Software Changes
According to Roberge, there are quite a number of characteristics that can be associated with this project. One of the main characteristics of the project is that it is going to be the largest that the company has ever undertaken in its entire history. This is a characteristics that borrows from the fact that the company will be merging between three major entities all of which are supposed to be unified under the information system and functions (Bernier, Roy & Brunelle, 2006a). The other characteristics that is closely associated with this project is the fact that, it is going to greatly reduce the costs of operations from the IT functions merger (Dube, Bernier & Roy, 2009). Relative to the fact that, the IT functions are going to be merged, the element of highly fragmented functions within the IT department are going to be reduced considerably with the adoption of streamlined and unified processes within the three merged entities. Mr. Roberge estimates that the project is going to bring down the cost of operations by roughly 10%. Relative to the fact that the project is also going to bring about new and unified functions while dropping some of the redundant and unproductive functions, Mr. Roberge also feels that this project will bring real progress within the company’s practices. Relative to the magnitude of the project, Mr. Roberge also feels that there should be a project manager manning the progress of the various facets of the implementation process (Bernier, Roy & Brunelle, 2006a).
Relative to the scale of the project and the level of overhaul of the existing systems, Mr. Roberge also identified quite a number of challenges that are going to be very crucial to the success of the project. Some of the challenges that are associated with the human resources include the fat that, the staffs will have to learn how to use the new software and resume their productivity levels. This is crucial element of the implementation process of any IT solution and software (Bernier, Roy & Brunelle, 2006a). Regardless of the quality of the software, the implementation process is always quite tricky and determines the effectiveness of a software. The level of integration of the software and the end users determines favorability of the software other than the element of the way the software is made (Bernier, Roy & Brunelle, 2006a). The other major challenge that was identified by Mr. Roberge, was the fact that the new software alongside the new changes associated with the merger are going to lead to some major changes in the IT department. As such, most of the IT staffs were concerned with their new roles and their ability to fit in with the changes introduced (Dube, Bernier & Roy, 2009). Relative to the program, there were quite some challenges expected such incompatibility of the applications across several functions, redundancy of applications from different systems, data incompatibility, differences in interfaces, financial and accounting differences between the companies, differences in human resources processes and the complexity of the sales and marketing processes under the different companies.
In my own opinion, Mr. Roberge did not address the element implementation complexities as he was working with fixed time frames and set results. Implementation processes are quite complex are thus are not set on stone that they are always going to pan out as planned (Bernier, Roy & Brunelle, 2006a). This means that there should some backup plan relati...
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