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Impedance Matching Network

Essay Instructions:

I'll send you a paperwork request. Basically all of them. Mainly according to the circuit diagram in MATLAB code to achieve impedance matching, and calculation optimization, and then find the length of the transmission line and impedance.

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Impedance Matching Network
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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction: PAGEREF _Toc81180560 \h 3Problem Statement: PAGEREF _Toc81180561 \h 4Deliverable: PAGEREF _Toc81180562 \h 4Research Methodology: PAGEREF _Toc81180563 \h 5Results PAGEREF _Toc81180564 \h 7Conclusion: PAGEREF _Toc81180565 \h 9Code: PAGEREF _Toc81180566 \h 9
The importance of the RF communication system has evolved from just a Walkie Talkie system to communication in various flight operations and the mode of worldwide information propagation. The propagation of information throughout the world is mainly due to the physical connectivity lines underneath the oceans. But to be able to move without wires and still being able to connect to the world is widely due to the Radio Frequency and Microwave transmission lines. The transmission line not only works as a wired instrument but also as gives an opportunity to connect wirelessly.
The connectivity in antennas and amplifiers sometimes looks for joining two different modes of connectivity. The signal power, when it leaves the circuit to be a part of an electromagnetic wave, would require a transmission line with matched impedance for a better transmission process. In this assignment, the students were given a choice to select any values of the problem but to give a proper solution of constructing an impedance matching circuit. This impedance matching circuit should comprise a few sections of the transmission line having an impedance of 50 Ohms, with capacitors connected to the ground.
This assignment not only provides the optimized data for constructing such impedance matching circuit but will also try to minimize the reflection coefficient using an optimized technique and the equation of Reflection coefficient. The problem statement and the deliverables are discussed in the next section.
Problem Statement:
The problem in this particular assignment is designed randomly in order to construct a transmission line according to the desired limitations from the instructor. The problem statement is as follows,
For this assignment, we are required to design an impedance matching network using a few sections of a 50-ohm transmission line with capacitors connected to the ground. It is our choice how many capacitors, and transmission line sections our circuit use.
The load impedance is selected to be 50 + 75i as it is complex, with both the real and imaginary parts having significant values, and it does not change over. The input impedance Zin leads to a reflection coefficient (relative to 50 ohms feeding transmission line Z0) as a function of frequency. The specification of the desired reflection coefficient and the operating bandwidth you can choose. So the reflection coefficient must stay in a certain range over the selected bandwidth. The frequency is selected to be 1 GHz. The selection for the values and transmission lines lengths will be made manually, and these results will be simulated using Software to get the proof of the system's accuracy. This will be done by plotting the reflective coefficient.
Research Methodology:
The construction of this transmission line can be made easily using any version of Matlab above 2018b. The coding technique is simple, and it can give you the desired results. The Matlab code will ...
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