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The Impact of AI on Society

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1. Introduction 1.1 provisional thesis In recent years, many new technologies have emerged with the construction of big data and the development of artificial intelligence technology. Undeniably, artificial intelligence is the path to the future. It is also the path that full of unknowns. Machines can outperform humans in most of fields, which will undoubtedly bring many benefits to our society. On another side, the tremendous power of artificial intelligence also raises concerns about ethical risks. The current system is inadequate and still insufficient to face the upcoming challenges. 2. Background 2.1 The history and development of AI Perhaps it's a bit surprising that the concept of AI was introduced back in 1950. Turing test was introduced in Alan Turing’s paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”. In the same year, the influential science friction “I, Robot” was published. (Tate, 2014) After several downturns, AI has evolved into what it is today. 2.2 The application of AI in 2022 AI has a wide range of applications in various fields. In Astronomy, AI is used to solve these complex universe problems. In the education industry, AI can be used to assist in teaching and grading. Even the financial industry is also incorporating AI such as chatbots, adaptive intelligence, algorithmic trading and machine learning. (Penumudy, 2021) 3. Methods 3.1 Benefits 3.1.1 Increase Productivity Automation is an important part of artificial intelligence. Automated production is far more efficient than human labor. Swedish mine operator Boliden;s Kankberg gold mine has been completely automated. The mines can operate on a near 24/7 schedule which leads to a significant increase in production capacity. (Lempriere, 2021) 3.1.2 Reduce Cost AI can greatly improve the utilization of energy and raw materials for production. SmartVentilation system with 5G connected allows Sweden mine operator save 18MW energy a year which is 54%. (Lempriere, 2021) 3.1.3 Enhance Safety According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 94% of vehicle accidents are caused by human drivers (Woo, 2017). Autonomous cars increase safety since computers cannot get distracted, fall asleep, or get drunk. 3.2 Ethical Risk 3.2.1 Privacy Risk Many AI systems, including deep learning, require large amounts of data to train learning algorithms. Data has become the "new oil" in the age of AI. Some programs can mimic a person’s likeness without their permission such as deepfakes. (Goodwine, 2020) 3.2.2 Algorithmic Discrimination Search engines can be sexist. An image search for “female secretaries” will most likely will reveal pictures of women in sexualised costumes instead of career woman. Algorithms allow search engines to present more attractive and popular data to users rather than objective one. 3.2.3 Ethical Decision Whether AI can replace humans in making moral decisions is a controversial topic. If it was a driverless car in the trolley problem, AI needs certain guidelines to make decisions. 4. Results 4.1 People’s Attitudes toward AI The data shows there are about 41% Americans somewhat support or strongly support the development of AI while small group of 22% somewhat or strongly opposes it. (Zhang, 2019) 4.2 Corporate awareness of AI ethics More than 50% of corporate executives concern about ethical and reputational risks of AI. (Rangnekar, 2021) Companies have the opportunity to increase trust in AI By proactively addressing ethical issues and taking meaningful steps. 5. Analysis and Discussion People generally remain optimistic about AI, which is a good sign for the development of AI. However, while AI is evolving, it presents many challenges to the regulatory system. Establishing ethical regulations and supervision of AI and clarifying the liability system is the primary challenge. 6. Conclusion AI is a major trend for future development. AI needs a standardized code of ethics that maximizes the positive impact of AI while minimizing risks and negative outcomes. The government needs to clarify AI-related legal regulations and accountability systems to create a more equitable and harmonious society. References Tate, K. (2014, August 25). History of A.I.: Artificial intelligence (infographic). LiveScience. Retrieved March 18, 2022, from https://www.livescience.com/47544-history-of-a-i-artificial-intelligenceinfographic.html Penumudy, T. (2021, November 17). Artificial Intelligence for trading. Medium. Retrieved March 18, 2022, from https://tp6145.medium.com/artificialintelligence-for-trading-4cb0766a9a9f Lempriere, M., team, the M. T., & Molly. (2021, October 29). The minerless mine: Ericsson's Kankberg Project is a glimpse into the future of Automation. Mining Technology. Retrieved March 13, 2022, from https://www.miningtechnology.com/features/featurethe-minerless-mine-ericssons-kankberg-projectis-a-glimpse-into-the-future-of-automation-5925612/ Woo, M. (2017, June 22). When driverless cars crash, who pays? Inside Science. Retrieved from https://www.insidescience.org/news/when-driverless-carscrash-who-pays. Kiara Goodwine research on. (2021, July 26). Ethical considerations of Deepfakes. The Prindle Post. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from https://www.prindlepost.org/2020/12/ethical-considerations-of-deepfakes/ Zhang, B., & Dafoe, A. (2019, January). Artificial Intelligence: American attitudes and Trends. Retrieved March 19, 2022, from https://governanceai.github.io/USPublic-Opinion-Report-Jan-2019/us_public_opinion_report_jan_2019.pdf Rangnekar, P. (2021, August 30). Everyone in your organization needs to understand AI ethics. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved March 18, 2022, from https://hbr.org/2021/07/everyone-in-your-organization-needs-to-understand-aiethics

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The Impact of AI on Society
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..3
1.1 Provisional Thesis………………………………………………………………………..3
2. Background………………………………………………………………………………...3
2.1 The History and Development of AI…………………………………………………….3
2.2 The Application of AI in 2022……………………………………………………………4
3. The Significance of AI……………………………………………………………………...5
3.1 Benefits…………………………………………………………………………………….5
3.1.1 Increase Productivity……………………………………………………………………5
3.1.2 Reduce Cost……………………………………………………………………………...6
3.1.3 Enhance Safety…………………………………………………………………………..7
3.2 Ethical Risk………………………………………………………………………………...7
3.2.1 Privacy Risk……………………………………………………………………………...7
3.2.2 Algorithmic Discrimination……………………………………………………………..8
3.2.3 Ethical Decision………………………………………………………………………….9
4. How Individuals Perceive AI………………………………………………………………10
4.1 People’s Attitudes toward AI……………………………………………………………..10
4.2 Corporate Awareness of AI Ethics……………………………………………………….10
5. Analysis and Discussion…………………………………………………………………….11
6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………...12
The Impact of AI on Society
1. Introduction
1.1. Provisional Thesis
Technological advancement is inevitable. Recently, many new technologies have emerged with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and the construction of big data. Undeniably, AI is the path to the future. Today, numerous industries, such as education, banking, healthcare, mining, and automotive, have implemented AI systems. In reality, machines can outperform humans in multiple fields, which will undoubtedly bring many benefits to society. For example, they can work 24/7 without getting tired and in hazardous environments, such as mixing chemicals without side effects. Some large automotive companies in the United States of America (USA), such as Ford and General Motors, are already using AI-driven systems in vehicle assembly. However, the tremendous power of AI raises concerns about ethical risks. AI systems are required to make decisions without human input. In that light, they need to acquire sensitive information, which might lead to data privacy issues. The current system is inadequate to face upcoming challenges because the rapid advancement of technologies makes things more complicated. Therefore, AI systems can be used to address various problems in the future more effectively and efficiently than humans.
2. Background
2.1 The History and Development of AI
Classical mathematicians, logicians, and philosophers introduced the idea of AI when they contemplated how human thinking can be artificially manipulated and mechanized by intelligent machines. These critical thinkers manipulated symbols, leading to the programmable digital computer invention in the 1940s called the Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC). The invention made scientists more inspired to create an artificially intelligent machine or an electronic brain. Alan Turing, who was a renowned mathematician, proposed a test intended to measure a machine’s ability to replicate people’s actions. The Turing test was introduced in Turing’s “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” in 1950. In the same year, Isaac Asimov published the influential collection of science fiction stories “I, Robot” (Tate, 2014). John McCarthy, a cognitive and computer scientist, first coined the term AI in the mid-1950s during a summer conference that took place at Dartmouth College. Since the 1950s, numerous logicians, scientists, mathematicians, computer scientists, theorists, psychologists, and computer programmers have understood AI and performed studies to suggest appropriate improvements in that field. With each decade, innovations, inventions, and findings of AI have continually changed individuals’ knowledge about AI. For sure, scientists have undergone many challenges for AI to be what it is today. The advancement of AI is crucial and significantly contributes to addressing multiple problems now and in the future.
2.2 The Application of AI in 2022
Today, AI has facilitated the development of intelligent machines that simulate human thinking and behavior and can be used to address specific issues. AI has a broad range of applications in various fields. Indeed, it can be used in e-commerce to enhance personalized shopping, fraud prevention, and virtual shopping assistants that improve online buyers’ experience. In astronomy, AI is used to solve complex universe problems. In the education sector, AI is used to assist in grading, teaching, handling administrative tasks, voice assistant, creating smart content, and personalizing learning. Additionally, AI is used in the financial industry to make algorithmic trading. The trading bots help traders to have an optimized analysis of the financial assets by maneuvering data based on the previous pattern to enhance greater precision in stock forecasting. Traders use AI algorithms to make timely decisions so that they can maximize their financial returns. AI can be incorporated into chatbots, adaptive intelligence, algorithmic trading, and machine learning (Penumudy, 2021). Moreover, AI systems are used in spam filters, autonomous vehicles, facial recognition, vehicle assembling, inventory management, carrying goods in factories and warehouses, healthcare, agriculture, gaming, and social media (Biswal, 2022). Organizations are incorporating AI into their information systems to foster their responsiveness, effectiveness, adaptability, reliability, and efficiency.
3. The Significance of AI
3.1 Benefits
3.1.1 Increase Productivity
Automation is a crucial aspect of AI. What is more, automated production is far more efficient than human labor. With the help of Ericsson, a telecommunication company, Volvo, and ABB, Boliden’s Kankberg gold mine in Sweden has been fully automated. In that case, the gold mine can operate without any personnel and on a 24/7 hour schedule, which significantly increases the production capacity (Lempriere, 2017). The Kankberg gold mine has become increasingly automated, and a 5G network is used to connect all equipment used in mining, such as haulage systems and excavators. According to Frontier Economics and Accenture, AI increases labor productivity by 40% in developed countries. By 2035, AI is believed to promote labor productivity by 34% in Japan, 37% in Sweden, and 35% in the USA (Buchholz, 2020). Additionally, PwC argues that AI will lead to the growth of the world economy by about $16 trillion by 2030 (Ricard, 2020). The best thing about AI is that it allows employees to be more productive through task automation. In addition, it promotes job effectiveness and efficiency. For instance, the Kankberg gold mine can operate 24/7 since machines can work together for many hours without getting tired. As such, a task that would have taken humans several decades to accomplish can be done in months.
3.1.2 Reduce Cost
AI can significantly decrease production costs. In particular, it can improve the utilization of energy and raw materials in manufacturing. SmartVentilation system with 5G connected allows Sweden mine operator to save 18MW energy annually, meaning that 54% of power is saved (Lempriere, 2017). Besides, ventilation is a significant thing in mining and consumes more energy. Intelligent machines are more efficient and reliable than humans. As such, incorporating AI in machines automates various tasks, meaning that a company replaces human labor with machines. Studies have revealed that about 50% of jobs in various organizations can be automated. Notably, AI reduces labor expenses despite the huge initial costs associated with purchasing machines. AI has the potential to optimize companies’ operations in a cost-efficient manner (Shafin et al., 2020). Specifically, it improves communication efficiency and reduces core operational costs, namely salary expenses, office rent, travel expenses, and marketing charges. For example, a company can replace human customer care agents with chatbots. When it comes to decision-making, machines have been proven to be more efficient and effective as long as they are fed with accurate data. Most importantly, AI reduces costs by minimizing errors in the production process that contribute to the manufacture of defective products. That is why numerous companies are implementing intelligent machines and AI systems to maximize their productivity and reduce operational costs.
3.1.3 Enhance Safety
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 94% of vehicle accidents are caused by human drivers (Woo, 2017). In that light, eliminating human drivers in autonomous cars increases safety. Autonomous vehicles increase safety since computers cannot get distracted, fall asleep, or get drunk. AI is well-known for increasing safety in th...
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