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Hardware Experience

Essay Instructions:

Module 2 - SLP


For Module 2, you are to continue to work with the information architecture tutorial at Webmonkey.com. Please read through Lesson 2 [1], and follow its steps for creating Chapter 2 of your design document:

  • Define the Audience
  • Create Scenarios
  • Competitive Analysis

This part of the tutorial concludes:

“It is time to document what you have just done. Create a new chapter in your design document called User Experience. Add the audience definition, and incorporate the scenarios. You could try to integrate the scenarios with the audience definition, but it is probably better to put them in their own section. Next, write up a summary of the competitive analysis and add it to the design document. The competitive analysis itself should be included as an appendix. Remember to publish these results so that everyone can see them.”

Your “publication” consists of submitting your “results and appendix” in report form as your SLP 2 assignment.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Length: 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced

The following items will be assessed in particular:

  • The degree to which you have carried out the assignment completely, or clarified why you could not and investigated alternatives
  • Your ability to focus on the overall purposes of the assignment, not just its specific steps
  • Your use of some in-text references to what you have read; please cite all sources properly

Upload your paper when it is completed.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

User Experience
In implementing IT systems there is a need to take into account the user needs since the implementation of projects increases the likelihood of success. Broderick (2013) conducted a study on the implementation of telehealth in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) pointing out that addressing the care needs of the aging veterans was beneficial when the innovation was based on patient satisfaction. This highlights the need to link the audience, with creating scenarios and a competitive analysis. The data management platforms that integrate the three elements since this makes into easier to target the segmented audiences, while also gaining the ability to target repeat audiences.
Defining the audience
Defining the audience is important in designing the site since the categories determine the priorities that will be most visible to the users. Additionally, ranking the audiences is important where information is gathered with the aim of creating an audience list and determining how they are likely to respond since they may have different needs. In choosing the audience there is a need to conduct a survey to determine the most important aspects of the user preferences. This was then aligned with the goals and aims of the site to ensure that the designing process takes into account the different aspects of user experience. In designing the sites, the capabilities are identified based on the purpose and they may be linked to each other in large organizations to facilitate accessibility (Dube, Bernier & Roy, 2009).
For instance, a site where a car dealership sells vehicles and accessories has different users with buyers the primary audience who seek to get more information and purchase cars. Buyers also compare prices and the types of cares being sold. The information available allows users to make decisions on whether to visit the site again. Other than buyers are the dealers, other sellers and people who would like to get more information on the individuals who deign the website. Buyers are increasingly searching for cars online before making the final decision on whether to purchase. A website that attracts the intention of the primary target audience is necessary since there is visibility, and provides an avenue to attract potential buyers.
The socio-technical aspects are increasingly defining the world especially in the workplace, whereby both human interaction and technology use influence their relationships (Balloni, 2010). Additionally, people utilize their knowledge to influence interactions, but users have a variety of alternatives to choose from highlighting the need to take into account their needs. The identified goals were taken into account when deciding on the most effective strategy to reach out to the target audience. The ultimate aim is to communicate with the audience with the aim of attracting more of the target audience who feel that they get the value for their money.
Creating the scen...
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