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Assignment 2: Competiveness and Performance Effectiveness for Health Care IT Systems

Essay Instructions:

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

1.Define the fundamental responsibilities and key characteristics of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) within health care organizations. Make one (1) recommendation where they can utilize their expertise to assist with employee and patient satisfaction. Support your response with related examples of such expertise in use.

2.Suggest two (2) developing technologies that health care systems should use in order to improve health care processes and thus increase the quality and lower the cost of health services. Provide a rationale to support your response.

3.Determine two (2) significant methods that health care systems should use in order to prevent misuse of information and protect data privacy and thus achieve a high level of security of health information. Provide a rationale to support your response.

4.Suggest one (1) strategy for health care organizations to train providers in using technology in health care. Provide a rationale to support your response.

5.Provide three (3) best practices for effective IT alignment and strategic planning initiatives. Justify your response.

6.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar type Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Competitiveness and Performance Effectiveness for Healthcare IT Systems
Question 1
Chief Information Officer
The Chief Information Officer plays an important role in making sure that the technological infrastructure of the healthcare systems is managed appropriately. He/she ensures that the communication channels of the healthcare organizations are at par with the latest happenings in that field, are secure and also makes sure that they are functioning well as it is required of them. Secondly, the Chief Information Officer has the responsibility of coordinating the IT operations for the healthcare systems. For one to take up the position of a CIO within the healthcare organization they must have the following characteristics. First, the individual must have attained high levels of experience and expertise in the field of communication and technology. Secondly, the person must be willing to come up with various creative and innovative strategies for reducing the cost of running the organization in order to maximize the profits. Finally, the person taking that position should be willing to sacrifice their own time for the sake of others.
Chief Technology Officer
The Chief Technology Officer of a healthcare organization plays a crucial role in creating the communication systems and the intranets. The two ensure that the business within the organization is able to run smoothly. Additionally, the Chief Technology Officer is also responsible for making sure that technology is used to enhance the services being offered by the healthcare organization. Those who qualify for that position are likely to have the following characteristics: Good communication skills for purpose of sending the message to all other departments. Secondly one should be a guru in the field of engineering and technology. The knowledge enables them to come up with the software to ease the work.
The two officers can use the expertise they have in that field to ensure that there is smooth communication between the patients within the healthcare systems and the physicians. Most hospitals have invested heavily in their communication system making sure that patients can talk to the physicians at any time of the day whether they are on duty or not. It has also assisted in saving the lives of many patients. The automated machines have also been of great assistance making sure that the patients have taken their medicine at the right time. As a result, the services being offered have improved.
Question 2
The use of Personal Tablet Computers
Although tablets have been in existence for a long time, a new development has been found as to how they can be used in the healthcare organizations. The tablet has an advantage of its large size as well as the wireless capabilities. Additionally, it is portable and could be carried from one facility to the other without much struggle. The patient’s medical records can be kept on the tablet and they can comfortably carry it from one place to the other. It is unlike the traditional electronic medical records which were only limited to the office. The use of the tablet enables patient get high-quality medical services through the records saved in it. Further, patients can now save the money they used for traveling to a specific healthcare over and over again to view their medical records.
The Touch Screen Technology
The touchscreen technology has been an added advantage to the healthcare systems. By just touching the screen physicians can be able to tell the pressure readings of that particular individual. The other advantage of using a touch screen to detect the body changes is that the touchscreen gadgets can be used by people with little or no computer knowledge. For most patients, the technology will save them from going to the hospital for regular checkups. They will only visit when their condition has worsened and must be seen by a physician. It is also an advantage to the patients and the healthcare organization because the technology is cheaper as compared to the others. Many healthcare organizations will ensure they have it to ease their work.
Question 3
One way in which the patient’s information can be protected in the healthcare organization is through the protect...
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