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Data Warehousing and Security

Essay Instructions:

For this module, we’ll continue to work with products from the SAP Crystal Solutions website. Please select 2-3 of the tools for the final SLP at https://help(dot)sap(dot)com/database.     

When you’ve had a chance to complete your viewing and/or hands-on work with your selected demo, please prepare a short 4-6 page report addressing these issues:

  • What do you think of the site and tools presented this time around?
  • What do you think can be learned from these tools?
  • In what situations do you think these tools are useful?
  • How can and/or could you apply these tools in your organization, career, or personal life?
  • What is your overall evaluation of the tools? (Make sure you give specifics and the basis of your evaluation).

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length, and reflect your personal experiences with this issue. The important part of all these project assignments is to carefully assess your own experiences with the topic, and then reflect critically on what you might have learned about yourself and about situations through this assessment process.

The more that you can use the exercise to develop personal implications for your growth as a potential business person as well as a knowledge user, the more value you'll get out of the exercise.

If there are reasons why the entire exercise is impractical for you to undertake at all, please explain them to your instructor as early in the Module as possible, so that an alternative assignment can be arranged.

Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Precision: You carried out the exercise as assigned, or carefully explained the limitations that might have prevented your completing some parts (running out of time isn’t generally considered an adequate limitation).
  • Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.
  • Breadth and Depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.
  • Critical Thinking: The paper incorporates yourreactions, examples, and applications of the material to business that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data Management
Data management is one of the major processes that every other organization is tasked to undertake regardless of the level of operation. In business it forms part of the backbone of the business operations. As such, it plays a major role in the direction the business will take relative to the flexibility of the data between the different parties using it. Every other organization has data that they work with, some of which is sensitive while others are relatively safe to handle. The level of flexibility that the organization employs is relative to the platform that they use. There are different data management softwares in the market and choosing the right one is one of the tasking affairs of data management(Help.sap.com, 2015). Depending on the type of data that the organization handles, the manipulations possible on the data and the various levels of clearance among others factors, a data management system is supposed to offer flexibility of data access, manipulation while at the same time offering top level security. Data mining is becoming a common practice among organizations, relative to the massive data packages that they have to handle at any one time and the number of manipulations that are performed on the data by the various people that have access to the same at different levels(Boorman, 2011). As such with the emergence of big data, companies are under immense pressure to find and implement reliable platforms that can support their data operations and maintain high level of security, within the data warehouses (Phifer, 2011). Relative to the high number of programs that are available in the market, the pressure to find a fitting programs, limited resources and time to do the same, manager are hard pressed to find a platform that is professional and accurate. SAP Crystal Solutions have realized this and come up with a number of professional tools to help with data management woes(Help.sap.com, 2015).
SAP Crystal Solutions has managed to put together one of the most elaborate websites that highlights their brilliant programs on offer to the market. The first thing that catches the attention of anyone that is visiting the website for the first time is the fact that the arrangement of the content on the page is excellent. A first glance at the website invites one to look through the content presented in the page, relative to the high element of order and professionalism exhibited. At the top of the page are the various tabs that highlight the various programs which have been detailed by the company. On the left pane are the various programs that appear under each category of the tab that is active(Help.sap.com, 2015). As such, programs that are related are organized under specific tabs appearing at the top of the page. At the middle of the page are the same highlights on the left pan, with brief descriptions of what the program offers and what situations the program would be a best fit. What is most important to note from the first glance is the way that the company has managed to organize the tools in an orderly manner(Help.sap.com, 2015). For busy businessmen, students and researchers, the site offers an easy of browsing through their products. This is a crucial element, given the fact that with millions of products on the market, customers have only few minutes to look through the products and get impressed. As such, the products on the website are organized without clutter and an easy access profile.
Data management is a wide topic and tools that could be applied are quite many. Different organizations will have different demands and functions to carry out on their set of data(Boorman, 2011). This is an aspect that comes out from the website and is illustrated in the number of programs that are offered to the customers. The company has listed programs ranging from database servers management tools, portal management, streaming, data analysis, big data warehousing, remote access and data migration (LaValle, Lesser, Shockley,Hopkins &Kruschwitz, 2010). According to the products presented it is easy to see the kind of complexity that exists in data management. Companies have to make informed choices that go with their needs. Data management is also quite sensitive relative to the emphasis that has been given to database security and servers (Microsoft TechNet, 2011). Loss or manipulation of data by unauthorized parties can easily lead to subtle impacts(Help.sap.com, 2015). The element of flexibility also comes to play, relative to the fact that data within any database is going to be manipulated by a number of personnel.The level of flexibility offered by a system should take into consideration the fact that, in a globalized economy it is likely that some of the staffs are going to work from the field away from the database physical presence and hence remote access is crucial for high productivity. This also ensures that persons working on the data can do it from wherever they are and still achieve high productivity.
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