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Critical Analysis of IT Governance

Essay Instructions:

Once you have read through the articles and related material, compose a 4- 5-page critical analysis answering the following questions in depth:

What dynamic role do IT managers play in IT governance? Why is IT governance necessary? What is the exposure if a company ignores IT governance? Illustrate the Case with the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act and the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) federal regulations for compliance. What is the connection between regulations and IT?

Carefully explain and justify your conclusions.

(please not 3 and a half, FOUR FULL Pages or more please just like you did last time) analyzing what you have learned.

***Use information from the 9 background readings (listed below) as well as any quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper. In addition, the optional readings expand on many of the central points; you may also want to do some independent research to clarify any issues.

***POINTS to consider,

This Case is about how organizations can promote operational success while assimilating emerging technologies and e-commerce. The design of effective IT infrastructure has enabled organizations to accomplish their goals and strategies but remains a challenging task for IT management. The ability to execute IT operations requires a set of policies, procedures, and regulations that are critical for survival. While the IT infrastructure deals with technical aspects, IT architecture focuses on IT governance.

As an IT manager, you must continually question the process to understand what parts of IT operations are well-managed or, conversely, lacking effective control. Some of the main issues include:

IT Infrastructure: Define the computing and network platforms. Has the organization adopted industry standards? Is the necessary technical expertise and talent residing internally? Is there a formal system to acquire technology and track project development? Who leads the IT function and what is the reporting structure?

IT Architecture: What role does IT play within the organization? Are IT performance matrices in place? Is data properly stored and secured? Are IT platforms designed to enable the evolution of products and services and new development? Is there an information policy? Is information available for timely management reporting?

IT Governance: Does the CIO attend the technology governance board meetings? What are the accountabilities and system controls in place for internal auditing and regulation compliance? Are IT and organizational strategy properly aligned? In general, what are the security mechanisms in place to guard company information and assets.

***PLEASE NO PLAGIRISM. You wrote an OUTSTANDING paper the last time for me, which is why I am requesting you again. Please write a dynamic A+ paper like you did last time, the more info the better!!!**** I will have more papers in the near future for you specially, Thank you!!! 

**These are the readings/references to use:_____

#00.) Schwartz, K. D. (2007, May 22). IT governance definitions and solutions. CIO. Retrieved February 15, 2011, from http://www(dot)cio(dot)com/article/111700/IT_Governance_Definition_and_Solutions

#1.)Cantor, M., & Sanders, J. D. (2007, May 15). Operational IT governance. Retrieved from https://www(dot)ibm(dot)com/developerworks/rational/library/may07/cantor_sanders/

#2.)Zurich Help Point. (2010). The liability of technology companies for data breaches. Retrieved from https://www(dot)advisen(dot)com/downloads/Emerging_Cyber_Tech.pdf

#3.)Huhta, S. (2011). IT architecture for small & mid-sized organizations. Business Forum Journal. Retrieved from http://www(dot)bizforum(dot)org/Journal/www_journalSH002(dot)htm

#4.)SlideShare. (2009). IT infrastructure (Part I). [Power Point slides]. Retrieved from http://www(dot)slideshare(dot)net/soetam/1-mis-it-infrastructure-part-i

#5.)Schwartz, K. D. (2007, May 22). IT governance definitions and solutions. CIO. Retrieved February 15, 2011, from http://www(dot)cio(dot)com/article/111700/IT_Governance_Definition_and_Solutions

#6.)Musthaler, L., & Musthaler, B. (2008, March 26). IT governance best practices are critical for business success. NetworkWorld. Retrieved from http://www(dot)networkworld(dot)com/newsletters/2008/052608techexec1.html?page=1

#7.)Master Control Compliance Accelerated. (2011). Master Control Quality Management System. Master Control Resource Center. Retrieved from http://www(dot)mastercontrol(dot)com/resource/online_resources.html#od

#8.)Kadivar, S. (2011, February 15). Green memories accelerate ROI for data centers. CIO. Retrieved from http://www(dot)cio(dot)com/article/665167/Green_Memories_Accelerate_ROI_for_Data_Centers?taxonomyId=3028

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Analysis of IT Governance
Student Name

IT governance is a section of corporate governance dealing with the impact of integration of IT in the company. The management must, therefore, distribute functions meant to monitor IT infrastructure (Accelerated, 2011). Recent changes in rules and regulations, for example, the Sarbanes-Oxley and Basel II, have effected the necessity for such control. Good IT governance supports the growth of your business in delivering reliable development in your enterprise architecture; this is achieved through the stringent measures introduced by the IT managers. Some of the major tasks implemented by IT managers in most organizations include
Gauging the effectiveness of IT management structure for the providence of directions, decisions and performance of IT following the company’s strategies and goals.
Evaluate the IT strategies and processes used for better growth, implementation and its maintenance in line with the organization’s mission and objectives.
Providence of the information on the effectiveness of IT governance frameworks.
Evaluate the observance of relevant legislative and regulatory measures implemented by the organizations, for example, the intellectual property rights, privacy and the corporate government specifications.
IT Governance is critical to the success of agencies in the current era. IT governance is inclusive of the decisions involving the purchase and deployment of various IT resources meant to upgrade the overall performance of the company (Calder, 2006). Many businesses have set their goals and strategies that will enable them achieve these objectives. These might involve the deployment of IT projects that will enable the realization of these objectives. Even so, for better performance, the business projects, and the IT projects must be synchronized. Doing this will generate a clear picture of what is to be accomplished and how they fit into the strategies and goals set by the company; this is the essence of IT Governance (Cantor, 2007).
IT management involves standards, decision rights and the compliance with the set regulations; it is primarily concerned with the element of an organization being compliant and then the implementation of the business processes (Huhta, 2011). The regulations will affect almost all aspects of your organization. Therefore, better understanding of these regulations and effective IT governance will help you implement the strategies and goals of your business. Compliance regulations include the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act and the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) (Point., 2010). BSA compliance is meant to safeguard the financial system from any form of financial crime, for example, money laundering and illicit financial transactions. This involves the use of record keeping of all transactions or processes undertaken by the organization. The information resource is a critical aspect of the BSA, which is made reliable through the integration of IT resources in the company operations. The SOX is also meant to protect the general public and the owners of the organization by integrating corporate responsibility and control of the information, records and the financial reporting of the organization. Modern, effective internal control of the information systems and records of the company are done by use of IT resources like softwares that offer secure verification and accuracy of the entity accessing a certain information resource.
A computer and network platform is a pre-existing platform meant to execute at different abstraction levels. The various abstraction levels may include specific hardware architecture, software and an identified network (Kadivar, 2011). The significant aspect of the computer and network platform in IT governance is to safeguard the data/information on the platform/system. This will involve ensuring data integrity, the data confidentiality/security, and the data accessibility. The data integrity refers to the completeness and the accuracy of the information keyed into the platform/network; the privacy/security aspect pertains to the measures effected in the platform/system to safeguard against inappropriate alteration, damage or loss of data. Accessibility is a strengthening factor to the security of the information stored on the computer platform that involves the authentication of the digital signatures assigned to particular persons of the management structure of the organization. The information is stored in secure IT resources like the Object Storage Manager (OSM) technology for future references (Khosrowpour, 2006). The organization should acquire latest secure IT resources for improved performance of the organization....
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