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Comparing and Analyzing the Extent of Internet Censorship

Essay Instructions:

Here are some suggested aspects of internet censorship for your research paper.

If you come up with another related idea, you must get it approved. The paper should be

4-6 pages of writing. More instructions will follow.

Compare and analyze the extent of internet censorship

Compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of internet censorship

Argue how much - if any - internet censorship is needed

Argue who should be responsible for censoring the internet (i.e. governments, private citizens, social media sites

You may connect the topic of Internet Censorship to your field of interest.



APA format

4-6 pages of writing

6 reliable sources (Six sources have been given to you. You may choose 2 other reliable sources.)

Maximum 3 quotes in paper with citations. Quotes should not be too large.

Charts, graphs, pictures do not count as part of the page requirement.

All papers must have:

Introduction: Explanation of the issue with background information and a thesis statement. You must also have information on sources, scope, methods, and plan. See the sample paper.

Body paragraphs with supporting evidence from sources and analysis/explanation. Start with topic sentence.

Conclusion- go a step beyond with prediction, call to action for more research, etc. This is in addition to a restatement of the thesis & main ideas.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparing and analyzing the extent of internet censorship



Course Code and Title




The internet should be a good place where people are supposed to connect. Some challenges arise due to the varsity of the internet. People discuss whether rules should be set to keep the internet safe. Internet censorship is setting up rules to guide how the internet is used. Debate on internet censorship is a bit complicated as some argue that it is good to have regulations, while others say they should be allowed to enjoy the internet freely (Clark et al., 2017). The essay will explore internet censorship. It will be written using various sources such as credible article reports to clearly bring forth the whole concept of internet censorship. Additionally, it will compare how different countries handle censorship. For a better understanding real examples and experiences will be used. 

Extent of Internet Censorship

Different countries have different rules on how they use the internet. The Chinese Government has stringent rules about what should be done online. "Great Firewall" is a technology used in China to protect people from accessing harmful internet sites (Guo & Feng, 2012). Restricting harmful locations on the internet helps the Government be in order, but this makes some people feel that they have been denied the right to express what they know and explore several things of interest.

In a continent like Europe, they focus on protecting personal information from leaking into

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