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ITM431 Module 3: Intrusion Prevention - Hiring a Hacker

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Overview

There's no doubt that intrusion detection and prevention is a corporate problem of enormous proportions. There are a couple of interesting sides to this business. Mark Seiden tests the vulnerability of corporate computer networks to hackers. Please read about his business and the general problem of intrusion into information systems in an article published in the New York Times available in Proquest.

Rivlin, G. (2005, Jul 31). The Sniffer vs. the Cybercrooks. New York Times, pp. 3.1. [Available at PROQUEST in our virtual library]
SourceFire is a company that provides intrusion prevention solutions to its clients such as saleforce.com. Please check out the overview of its solution to get some sense of its views on vulnerability, cost, and solution.

SourceFire (2012). SourceFire Solutions Overview.
In addition, read the following article available at Proquest at our TUI virtual library:
Cross, T. (2006). Academic freedom and the hacker ethic. Communications of the ACM, 49(6), 37-40.
There aren't a lot of businesses apart from organized crime where the boundaries between the Good Guys/White Hats and the Bad Guys/Black Hats become obscure, but information security is one of them. You might want to review a site on "hackers." PBS's Frontline also has interviewed hackers and provided information of their culture and understanding:
Frontline. Hackers, a report on the exploits of hackers and how they have highlighted the internet's insecurities. FRONTLINE. Retrieved from http://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/hackers/

Darknet.com (2012). http://www(dot)darknet(dot)org(dot)uk/
Case Assignment

There is material in the background information bearing on these questions, and you may wish to do further research yourself by following up some of the links or other references.
When you've had a chance to review these materials, and think about the issues involved, please prepare a 3-5 page paper addressing the question:
"Should you hire an experienced hacker to protect your IT systems? Or is there such a thing as too much experience on the "dark side" of the law?"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Intrusion Prevention: Hiring a Hacker
Institutional Affiliation:
Case Intrusion Prevention: Hiring a Hacker
A hacker alludes to a kind of PC programmer who is included in computer security having some expertise in the revelation of adventures in computer frameworks for misuse or anticipation, acquiring or averting unapproved access to frameworks through abilities and strategies CITATION Deb10 \l 1033 (Shinder, 2010). Before hiring a hacker, it is imperative to understand the sources of attacks for most organizations. According to CPI survey, most associations are affected by internal and external attacks, but 59 % of the attacks comes from internal assaults (Security Paragon, 2014). External attacks have been reported to be easier to prevent than the attacks that originate from within an organization. The attacks from within an organization completed by the displeased workers who end up to turn around the organization and choose to hurt the organization in whichever way they can. Despite significant consideration given towards securing against external computer attacks, but internal attacks are hard to control. The essay will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a hacker and end with the conclusion that shows the position on the question.
The second aspect is the level of requirement of the expert needed. In the current economy, 60% of organizations globally consider skills before hiring than an education requirement CITATION Dai00 \l 1033 (Duffy, 2000). It is the aspect that hackers get an upper hand. Hackers have hands-on experience with all types of attacks hence employing one is a weapon to external and internal attacks. The remarkable difference between a hacker and an IT expert is that the hacker has experienced in both defending and attacking while the IT pro only knows how to protect the computer systems and networks. Hiring the IT experts might be more expensive than employing a hacker. The common environment for a hacker is to explore the challenges in vulnerabilities of computer systems CITATION Oza12 \l 1033 (Babaoglu, 2012). A hacker knows the conditions that cause the attack to fail and thus apply the experience in stopping similar occurrence. The main challenge is knowing whether an individual is reformed hacker or not. The main strategy that can be used to determine if a hacker knows the reasons behind the unlawful act that one was charged with, background knowledge, family background and previous job behavior history. Otherwise, hackers are the best people to employ to man the security system of an organization CITATION PBS01 \l 1033 (PBS, 2001).
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