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Buffer Overflow Attack on a Microsoft IIS Web Server

Essay Instructions:

Review the following resources to complete the assignment:

*NIST SP 800-61 Rev. 2: Computer Security Incident Handling Guide [PDF].

*Data Integrity: Detecting and Responding to Ransomware and Other Destructive Events [PDF].

Suppose that you are the Incident Response Team Lead for a medium-sized organization. You have been alerted of a potential incident involving a suspected worm spreading via buffer overflow techniques, compromising Microsoft IIS& Web servers. As the IR Team leader, it is your responsibility to determine the next steps.

Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

1. Research incidences of a buffer overflow attack on a Microsoft IIS Web server.

2. Develop a malicious code attack scenario using your research.

3. Populate the Week 2 Assignment Table Template [DOCX] with developed scenario content.

4. Discuss the incident recovery processes for the resolution of this incident.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 2 Incident Response Strategies
Student's Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Working for a medium-sized organization as the Incident Response Team leader, it is fundamental that you clearly understand the process of handling incidents and the required steps to take while responding to any possible incident. Such incidents may include work spreading through buffer overflow methods and thus affecting Microsoft IIS and Web servers. In this paper, I will research incidences of Microsoft ISS Web Server buffer overflow attacks, develop a malicious code attack scenario using my research, populate a template using the developed scenario content, and discuss the incident recovery processes for this incident's resolution.
Research incidences of a buffer overflow attack on a Microsoft IIS Web server.
Incidences of buffer overflow attacks are becoming a common type of attack nowadays
which aim at exploiting software applications' vulnerabilities. In a Microsoft IIS Web server, buffer overflow attacks may either happen in the server's operating system or its web application (Cawthra, 2020). A famous example of the Microsoft IIS Web buffer overflow attack was in 2001 when a Code Red worm infected multiple web servers. This worm was responsible for exploiting a buffer overflow vulnerability in the servers, executing arbitrary code, and then propagating it to various vulnerable servers.
Research incidences of a buffer overflow attack on a Microsoft IIS Web server.
In this scenario, the attackers take advantage of the Microsoft IIS Web server's buffer
overflow vulnerability such that they inject malicious code and thus enable them to access the server illegally or unauthorized and interfere with sensitive data. Substantially, the attackers craft a unique HTTP request and send it to the server. This request will trigger the buffer overflow and force the server into executing the injected code. Once the attacker illegally accesses the server, they can employ different methods to gain sensitive data, install other malware, and run further attacks (Cawthra, 2020).
Populate the Week 2 Assignment Table Template [DOCX] with developed scenario content.
Date of Analysis


Attack name/description

Microsoft IIS Web server buffer overflow

Threat/probable threat agents

Cybercriminals or hackers

Known or possible vulnerabilities

Buffer overflow

Likely precursor activities or indicators

Unsolicited or unsecure...
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