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Youth Services Practice Report: Youth Mental Health

Essay Instructions:

Description: A paper investigating an area of practice relevant to youth services

Relates to learning outcomes: 1 & 2
Weight: 60%
Word limit: 2000 words

Weeks 4 -12 will each focus on a different area of youth services practice. You are to select an area of practice for your assessment piece, this could be an area already discussed in class, or any other area you are interested in.

Examples of an area of practice include: Youth justice; homelessness; mental health; AOD; etc

Your focus topic cannot just be practice with a specific demographic of young people ie, young women, or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, or LGBTQIA+ young people. However your critical analysis section (part 2) will take a a narrower focus within a nominated field.

For example:
The field of youth justice practice is considered in part 1 and a tighter focus on youth justice practice in respect of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander young people is discussed in part 2.
Or a broader consideration of youth homelessness as an area of practice might be considered in Part 1, with a narrower focus on LGBTQIA+ homelessness for part 2.
If you are uncertain about your focus area please discuss it with me.

Your assignment should include the following clearly identified elements – use headings:

Part 1 - A description of an area of youth services practice which outlines the major service types it is comprised of.
If relevant note any distinctions between statutory and non-statutory locations for practice (only consider statutory/non statutory if relevant to your area of practice) eg youth justice has both statutory and non-statutory services.
Where a field contains a wide diversity of practice settings you should list and outline the broad service types eg in the field of youth homelessness incorporates outreach, youth refuges/ shelters, early intervention services, and transitional housing are different types of service response.
This is not to be a list of specific agencies (though you can name an agency as an example of a particular type of service – eg Brisbane Youth Service is a key agency providing a range of youth homelessness services).
Key funding programs services receive funding from should be identified and briefly explained.
If relevant, key policy initiatives that shape your area of practice should be noted.

Please note this section is just a snapshot, it is not an analysis of the service system. Note in the CRA it is worth less points than section 2 - this should indicate where more effort should be directed

Part 2 - A critical analysis of 2 key elements most central to critical practice in that area of practice.
Clearly identify which practice element you are considering (again use headings) this critical analysis will demonstrate :
Clear understanding of the practice principle being discussed.
Critical analysis of why that practice principle is relevant to that specific target group. This will include a critical examination of how the construction of the particular target group links to the practice responses. In considering this also think about who is included and who is left out in such responses and why. Think about what the young people who are the target of this area of practice would think is good practice.

This critical analysis must be based on evidence from relevant academic and industry sources which you have located.

Workshop discussions, case studies and practitioner guest speakers will provide some insights into key skills, knowledge and good practice approaches relevant to particular fields of practice. You may refer to information provided by the guest speakers to illustrate particular points you are making in your report.
The assignment should be written in report format with headings for each section (you may use conventions for reports such as dot points) and must be fully referenced in an academic style. It is expected that the references utilized will be both relevant, numerous (15 + in number), and include those most central to practice in an Australian / Queensland context. The length of the report is to be approximately 2000 words (+ or _ 10%). Overall this project constitutes 60% of marks for the unit.
Please use Australia youth justice and resourse for the report.

Please fellow the instructions to write the report and please use Australia Youth practice and resourse for the report. I am not sure how many reference need to use but I will let you know asap

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Youth Mental Health
Student's Name
Instructor's name
Institutional Affiliation
Youth Mental Health
Part One
Mental health refers to an individual's behavioral, cognitive, and emotional well-being. Mental health is significant to how we go about our daily lives, from physical health, careers, and relationships. The youthful stage is a formative and unique time during the development of human beings and hence the necessity to maintain a healthy mental condition during the stage; not that there is an age that does not necessitate a healthy mind. The youth with mental health issues are significantly vulnerable to discrimination, exclusion, stigma, educational difficulties, and other human rights violations (Rickwood et al., 2019). The number of youth with mental health issues has been on the rise. This paper discusses the practices of youths' mental health in Australia with mentions some of the programs in place for ensuring youth mental health. Additionally, the paper discusses the ethical considerations of youth mental health and other critical practices. The paper will conclude with a brief discussion on finer categories in youth development like gender and LQBTQIA+ and how they cope with mental health.
Youth Service Practice
In Australia, cases of mental health problems among young citizens between the ages of four to seventeen have been estimated at thirteen-point nine percent (13.9%). Among the young citizens between sixteen to twenty-four has been higher at an estimated twenty-six percent (26%). Australia forms a distinction between children and youths; for the children, Australia recognizes the age bracket as between zero to eleven years and twelve to twenty-five for youths (Talbot & Verrinder, 2017). For example, the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation and the National Youth Mental Health Foundation focus their research, mental health advocacy, and other services, especially young people between twelve and twenty-five years.
Australian Primary Mental Health Services
The Australian government formed the primary mental health services as a nationwide network to reshape how the country delivered health services. The network operates independently with funding from the government in its independent regions across the rural and metropolitan areas. The network is expected to simplify and improve the integration between health services across the country while responding to local consumer needs (Talbot & Verrinder, 2017). The network, which was formed in 2015, received additional funds from the Australian government in 2016 to include the child and youth mental health services, which is the basis of this paper.
Before forming the primary health network, the county relied on the services of Access to Allied Psychological Services to improve the mental health of the Australian population. The primary mental health services include clinical care coordination, psychological therapy, youth-specific mental health services, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health services (Talbot & Verrinder, 2017). The primary mental health services offer most youth services through headspace centers that specifically target the youth between twelve and twenty-five years.
Youth Enhanced Service Commissioned by the Primary Health Services.
The services offered by the program on mental illness among the youths are flexible to allow the program to tailor-make the services based on the needs of the local region in which it operates. The nominated key areas, lead sites, where the program operates have health care providers and case managers. The program has since reached previously underserviced youth who did not have access to any mental health service (Hetrick et al., 2017). The program has also increased the reach of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth, who represent roughly five percent (5%) of the Australian population. The program faces challenges like lack of adequate skilled personnel and funding.
VicHealth is among the pioneers of health promotion, established approximately thirty years ago. The organization works as a statutory of the Victorian government. It has a vision of ensuring that every young person in Victoria has access to full potential in physical and mental health. The organization works directly with youths between the ages of twelve and twenty-five years (Lim et al., 2019). According to the organization, youths between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four have a higher rate of mental health, of twenty-seven percent (27%) compared to fourteen percent (14%) of the youths aged twelve to seventeen. Additionally, the organization aims to provide equality in the deployment and access to mental health services in Victoria.
Part Two
Critical Analysis of Key Mental Health Ethical Considerations
It is common that when young people communicate their feelings and thoughts on mental health, the issue is always oblique and disguised. The older population has also paid less attention to youth mental health because they have instilled in their brains that youths are still not hit with the stressful nature of life that comes with finances and other responsibilities (Schleider et al., 2020). Therefore, youth mental health is a critical and sensitive area that must be considered. The sensitivity of youth mental health treatment and care brings about many ethical issues that challenge the medical practitioner. The following are some of the key practices in youth mental health treatment and the ethical perimeters.
* Consent and Assent to Treatment.
Decision-making for children, including adolescents, comes with many challenges for the youths, psychiatrists, and parents. The entire practice relies on the consent and permission of the proxy, which is mandated in the code of ethics. The assent identifies that minors, on occasions, might not, based on their development level, be in a position to have informed preferences and intelligently communicate their preferences on psychiatry. However, on occasion, the minor can make informed decisions about psychiatry (Wang et al., 2019). The field of psychiatry can, at the same time, not ignore the value of the input of the minor on whether they want to participate in the psychiatric process and, therefore, should not be excluded in the decision making.
Regardless of the patient's age, the medical world recognizes consent as the patient's decision based on the medical practitioner's information. The validity of consent to treatment is based on the following factors; the patients must have the ability or capacity to consent to the treatment. Secondly, the consent by the patient must encompass the act of treatment performed. Additionally, the patient, in our case, a youth, must understand the abstract nature of the treatment. Lastly, the consent by the patient must be voluntary. However, informed consent must be distinguished from general consent; informed consent is the decision made by the patient after the medical practitioner has detailed all the aspects of the treatment, including the ri...
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