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2 pages/≈550 words
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Research Exercise: Workplace on the Streets, Certain Types of Violence

Essay Instructions:

For the assignments, I will be checking word count very closely. To answer each question will require at minimum 225 words per question with 1 reference used per question. For example if you are required to answer 2 questions from a list of 6 questions, I will expect a word count just for the content of 450 words with 2 references used (1 for each question). Going under this word count will result in a point deduction. 
For every written assignment, a separate title page, and reference section is required. In text citations are required as well as a reference section at the end. No title page or not showing what questions you answered will result in point deductions as well as going under the minimum word count. 
12 point font, times new roman and consistent double spacing is required throughout the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

At the workplace much like on the streets, there are certain types of violence that can encounter. Over the years people have experience gross acts of violence at their place to the extremes of homicides. Other than homicides there are other acts of violence that staffs experience including physical attacks. In the nursing field for example, there has been an alarming rate of violence towards the nurses from the patients. For every ten nurses, there is an estimated three that have been physically abused by the patients ("Nurses Face Epidemic Levels of Violence at Work", 2015). The most affected nurses are those that work in the emergency sections. The staffs are threatened by patients who physically shove, punch or throw objects at them or even around the room.
One other form of abuse that is perpetrated at the work place is verbal abuse. This involves interacting with persons that are either swearing at the staff involved, using condescending language or insulting language among others. As previous cited, the nursing field one the most affected by workplace violence and verbal abuse has also been on the rise, where nurses are constantly threatened and insulted by their patients of even their families. This is a common trend in the emergency sections where tensions are constantly high. What is most worrying about the trend is that more than 80% of verbal violence is not reported (Jacobson, 2016).
Over the years one of the most profound violence that has taken place with only recent strategies to reduce the incidences is sexual violence. Sexual violence relates to any acts that contain sexual provocation. More than 90% of the victims of sexual violence at the work place are women, while men take up less that 10% on the scale ("The Facts on the Workplace and Sexual Violence « Learn « A National Resource Center", 2016). Ironically the majority of victims of rape have been raped by acquaintances and intimate partners, than they have by strangers.
Threatening behavior is a common practice that takes place at the place of work, with most of cases involving the victim being threatened with physica...
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