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Women and the Prison Industrial Complex

Essay Instructions:

please limit your response to no more than 300 words for each question or 550 words total words for both questions asked.

1. Discuss how gendered interpersonal and state violence; racism; colonization; and economic oppression intersect in the lives of women of color and thirld-world women contributing to their criminalization. please consider the accounts of STORMY OGDEN (chapter 4), Robbie Kina (chapter5) and lisa neve (chapter2).

2. Discuss AT LEAST TWO ways women are in the words of Julia Sudbury "CRIMINALIZED FOR SURVIVAL". Be as specific as possible to illustrate your points. (I WANT YOU TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION BASED ON CHAPTERS FROM GLOBAL LOCKDOWN BY JULIA SUDBURY 


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women and the Prison Complex
For the women living in the third world nations it is a constant struggle to beat the system that is determined to put them down. Aspects of being criminalized are rife as most of the women that have mental issues are seen to be dangerous to the rest of the society. Relative to the social services that have failed them, they are taken to correction facilities where they imprisoned for fighting their way. Once a woman who has mental health problems is taken to the mental facilities a couple of times they are then jailed for the petty offences that they commit and the sentences are unwarranted (Neve & Pate, n.d.). In the case of Lisa Neve, she was an aboriginal and was labeled as a dangerous criminal for petty crimes. She ended up serving more than six years in jail for a sentence that should have been have three years or less, however, since she had been racially profiled and criminalized she was jailed, mistreated and dehumanized in the name of justice (Neve & Pate, n.d.). According to the account by Robbie Kina, the black lady in the story was also a prostitute right before she decided to move in with Tony (Kina, n.d.). She would also get abused on a regular basis. He husband would not only beat her up, but would also encourage his friends to rape her. Ironically the system was ready to take her case seriously (Kina, n.d.). Even with photos of her abuse, testimony from the niece and an open case for self-defense, the court sort to turn the other way and jail her for killing the husband. As per the account by Stormy Ogden, women in the third did not just have to go through racial profiling, state violence, economic oppression and interpersonal violence but they also colonization. Native American women were always a soft target for punishment (Ogden, n.d.).
Relative to the global restructuring, where governments spend billions of dollars on prison facilities while they neglect the social services, monies that would be spent on providing better social services are cutback. Low income families who are comprised of a greater majority by people color are denied basic services. Women of color in the low income segment are left to provide for the families and supp...
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