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Why I am Not a Christian

Essay Instructions:

based on reading, write an essay about "why I am not a christian?"

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Why I am not a Christian
Why I am not a Christian
The whole idea of the article authored by Bertrand Russel is to criticize the logical reasons given by the Catholic Church on why they believe in the existence of God. Russel addresses few of these reasons and shows that if these reasons are the baseline of Christianity, then he is not a Christian because he finds them very shallow and lacking irrefutable logical evidence that there is indeed a God.
The First Cause Argument
The Catholic Church hinges the first cause reason on the back-chaining of anything in existence. They believe it must have and the origin and that origin is God. For everything that exists, there must be a cause, and God is the ‘first cause’ who caused everything else to exist. According to CITATION Rus10 \l 1033 (Russel, 2010), it is a flawed concept to imagine that if we believe that everything is hinged on the existence of s single phenomena, it is only fair if we ask ourselves the origin of that phenomena. And that phenomena dubbed God where everything else came from, so where did it come from. If our understanding of God is synonymous with ‘what we do not know the origin of’, then our insufficient knowledge on the world does not automatically mean that there is a God. CITATION Rus10 \l 1033 (Russel, 2010) Further argues that the question of originality is not unanswerable because it always begs the origin of whatever phenomena that begot everything else. It is almost unlikely that there is a logical answer that can explain the origin of God if we base our reasoning on what begot everything.
The Natural-Law Argument
In the past when the church was instituting these logical reasons to prove the existence of God, human convections were confused to be laws. However, human convections do not meet the criteria of being referred to as laws. Man’s conventional wisdom if analyzed through the lenses of scientific data we and knowledge of the world cannot determine the origin of a deity. Therefore, the Catholic Church based their evidence of a God on flawed concepts out of ignorance that human convections are indeed natural laws. Thus, any of the laws cited to show that they were developed by a ...
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