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What I would like to discuss are the similarities and differences between these two movies in terms of gender, female roles, female power, female liberation, and gender equality, etc.

Essay Instructions:
If you choose the paper option, you have two choices for how you might approach the final. Option one: choose any two texts from our course to compare and contrast. Option two: choose one text from our course to compare to an outside text of your choosing. You may choose any literary texts from the semester - however, they should not be texts that you used for Paper #1. Your final paper can be an extension of your Close Analysis assignment. You may use the keywords from the beginning of the semester as support, but your two primary texts should be chosen from our literary texts or a literary text of your choosing. In your comparative analysis, you should seek to explore the similarities and differences between your two texts, and how they approach the topic of gender. If both texts revolve around similar issues, how do they approach them? Are they similar or different? Is one more effective than the other? When read together, what do the two texts say about their subject matter? How do the texts explore gender in ways that are productive or reductive? How is gender depicted, reshaped, stabilized, or reimagined? The paper should be between 1,200-1,500 words, and should use at least three quotes from your primary texts. The quotes should not be plopped in at random - be sure to integrate them into your analysis. Use them strategically to emphasize your analysis and draw attention to areas you find important within your chosen texts. Using the feedback from the instructor and your peers, revise and work to complete the final draft of your final assignment to be submitted on Friday, 5/3 by midnight on Turnitin. Guidelines for the paper and project options can be found above. Format for written assignments Please use 12 pt. Times (New Roman) font and double-spacing. Your margins should be no greater than 1 inch. Put your name, the instructor’s name, the class number, and the date on the first page in the upper left corner. Pages should be numbered. Film, television show, and media titles should be italicized. Include the film’s director and its year of release in parenthesis following your first mention of its title, then just the title each time after. Example: Predator (John McTiernan, 1987), and subsequently just Predator. For all in-text citations and works cited, follow MLA citation formatting rules, and please be consistent in your paper. Papers that do not meet these formatting and citation requirements will be penalized.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Transcending Gender Boundaries: A Comparative Analysis of Female Empowerment in "Ex Machina" and "Mad Max: Fury Road" Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date Comparing Gender Perspectives in "Ex Machina" and "Mad Max: Fury Road" Introduction This paper will critically discuss the similarities and differences between the two highly acclaimed films, "Ex Machina" and "Mad Max: Fury Road." The paper will analyze the movies through the lens of gender dynamics, female roles, female power, female liberation, and gender equality. Though their genres and settings are opposed, "Ex Machina" operates in a sci-fi cloistered environment, whereas "Mad Max: Fury Road" exists in the wilds of a post-apocalyptic wasteland; both of these films are filled with a multi-dimensional perspective on gender issues. Consequently, they force audiences to re-examine long-held notions and perspectives concerning gender. Similarities Prominent Female Characters Challenging Traditional Roles One key similarity is how both movies depict female protagonists who dare to challenge long-held, traditional gender roles and expectations. In "Ex Machina," Ava is constructed as artificially intelligent with a human-like consciousness. She shows a daunting depth in complex emotions, remarkable intelligence, and self-guided agency, such as the trait usually and very narrowly connected with human men in patriarchal structures. Through her progressively more complex interactions with her creator, Nathan, Ava systematically undermines this archetypal power relationship between a man and his creations through technology (Dai, 2024). Similarly, in the visually striking film "Mad Max: Fury Road," the character of Furiosa is constructed as a stunning warrior who possesses unparalleled physical and mental fortitude. Furiosa emerges as the leader of an indomitable spirit who marshals her forces in open rebellion against the tyrannical rule of Immortan Joe, with his brutal enforcement of an oppressive patriarchal societal order, ruling it at will and subjugating women ruthlessly (Ellis et al., 2023). Exploring Female Empowerment and Hard-Earned Liberation Paired with strong female protagonists, these films bravely ventured toward stories of female empowerment and the struggle for freedom from systematic subjugation. The tense and gripping flight of Ava from the imprisoned conditions of Nathan's research facility in "Ex Machina" can be regarded as an example of the relentless women's struggle to free themselves from the many restrictions imposed by the patriarchal systems and cultural practices (Kulturvetenskaper, 2023). Her relentless path to authentic self-actualization, independence, and self-determination embodies core feminist ideals. It reflects the monumental sacrifices generations of women have made in the struggle for essential agency and equality. Similarly, "Mad Max: Fury Road" is set in motion, echoing the sturdy theme of the indefatigable Furiosa and her ingenious, high-stakes plan to liberate Immortan Joe's captive wives from his oppressive rule and the routine violence of his warlike society. Her altruism in the drive to achieve freedom for these women sharply outlines the astronomical personal costs and life-threatening risks entailed by standing up for bodily autonomy and self-determination (Barros-Grela, 2022). Rejecting Rigid Gender Binaries Critically, both films overtly flout well-defined, unequivocal social norms of binary gender, challenging deep-seated expectations. In "Ex Machina, the transformation in the capacity of Ava's ability to shift across different anthropomorphized corporal forms and presentations underlies any essentialist approach to gender identifications as static and non-mutative. All ...
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