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Voting Behavior Influenced by Education and Employment

Essay Instructions:

Compare the non-immigration group and immigration group in Canada in terms of voting participation, And describe the social outcome in relations to Canada. Explain the difference by comparing education level and employment rate. *include occupation, and woking hours to the explanation.

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Voting Behavior in Canada.
Voting is a fundamental aspect of public engagement. A large number of political researchers link voting with the well-being of the equitable procedure and contend that declining voting rates is one of the signs of a "democratic deficit" (Albert & Steven, 2011). Political participation is one of the factors that influence public policy. There are thus concerns that lower participation in the voting process could result in policies not representative of key constituencies because such constituents tend to vote less (Albert & Steven, 2011). Voter turnout rate is therefore used as one of the indicators of democratic civic engagement.
In Canada, a number of administrative data sources and surveys have been used to carry out voter turnout studies. Examples of such surveys include Security and Community Survey last conducted in 2003, the Equality survey done in 2008, and most recently the Elections Canada study that involved population estimate for the May 1, 2011 elections
(Bevelander & Ravi, 2009). This paper seeks to compare the non-immigration group and immigration group in Canada in terms of voting participation, and describe the social outcome in relations to Canada. The paper also looks at the difference in voting patterns by comparing education level and employment rate.
Immigrants vs Non-Immigrants Voting Patterns
At Statistics Canada, Canada survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (CSGVP) was the first survey that was conducted to cover voter participation in the country. The CSGVP continued to survey the elections process in 2001 and 2008 (Bevelander & Ravi, 2009). This survey and others show that some groups including the young, the less-educated, and the immigration group voted less. Recently, the Labor Force Survey (LFS) in collaboration with Elections Canada included in the survey where the respondents who did not vote were asked to give the reasons of not voting. This process is helpful in understanding the socio-demographic situation in the country and to cast some light on the factors associated with less voting engagement of the immigration group in comparison to the non-immigration group.
Based on the surveys those immigrants who immigrated to Canada from 2001 onwards had a voting rate of 51% in comparison to 66% for more established immigrants who migrated earlier than 2001. The voting rate for Canadian-born immigrants was 67% (Statistics Canada, 2011).
Participation in General Election Based on Education Level.
Employed individuals were 66% more likely to vote in comparison to 57% for the general population. According to National Youth Survey Report, the employed or self-employed youths in school were significantly more likely to vote in comparison to the employed youths who live at home (75% versus 59% of the surveyed youths). The huge disparity is associated with the high school environment’s encouragement to v...
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