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Virtual Child Grading Criteria (Child Development 1)

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This is Early Childhood education course. Check myVirtualChild.com. Please check the Rupic to follow the Requirement.


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Child Growth and Development
After the child is born, parents take the responsibility of caring for it. With time the child develops the understanding that once they cry their parents will take care o their needs, while the parents on the other hand tend to anticipate the needs of the child depending on the time among other factors. These interactions build the attachment that is common between the child and the parents (Women’s and Children’s Health Network, 2013). In terms of activities baby Amal is mildly active, especially around people that are friendly to her, but she takes her time before she can get comfortable around the strange faces. As such she can also be said to be social as she easily relates with the persons she is attracted to. She gets vocal and maintains eye contact once she gets comfortable around a stranger. Her emotional balance is very predictable as she rarely experiences the emotional fluctuations that are common in some children. Her temperament also points in the direction of a less aggressive child as most of the time she is very cooperative to the parental demands. This extends to the level of control that she shows with respect to her impulses. This is due to the controlled moderate hyperactivity she exudes.
During the growth and development changes from birth to about two years of age Amal has gone through as series of developments. According to the Paediatrician’s Report, emotionally she is able to express her feelings to those around her. She is very cautious around new faces, but will warm up fast enough to those that are friendly, becoming vocal and maintaining the eye contact (Natural Parenting Network, 2013). Her emotional reactions are normal for any kid her age as she expresses fear around new faces, anxiety when separated and will occasionally give loud cries when she is upset or experiences pain. In the realm of motor skills, the doctor pointed out that the child is lagging behind the normal stages and timing. Apparently a child starts off by sitting down, crawling, teetering and finally walking through considerable distance in the house. This was not what was expected as she has had all the other sections right and it seemed it would also be natural for her to master the motor skills as easily. According to the doctor, she never did much exploring in the playroom. This could be due to the fact that she is not very aggressive and prefers to e cautious.
As a professional one of the aspects that are required to make sure that the level of care extended to the child matches with the needs is the medical history. Then there is the medical history of the parents as well as the temperament of the child (Women’s and Children’s Health Network, 2013). These are crucial elements of the child’s life that could easily kind of care that a child would be satisfied with as well as the parents, with utmost professionalism.
As a parent one worries and questions their parenting skills alongside how well they have prepared the child for the world. It is also common that the parent will hope that their child will have the best moral standing in the society as well as success in aspects related to health, education, social skills and physical fitness. As a teacher it is important...
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