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Violence in media

Essay Instructions:

I selected the topic: Violence in the media Locate and read at least three (3) peer reviewed articles on the issued in the Strayer Library. I have attached files for reference from my school’s library. At least one (1) article should discuss the historical event(s) or legal decision(s) that make the issue a major one in the United States. Two (2) of the articles should have different views about causes, effects, and ways to address the issue. Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper (1,000 to 1,200 words) in which you: Provide an introduction to the paper with a thesis statement. Describe at least three (3) key historical events and / or legal decisions that make the issue a major or important one in the U.S. Discuss at least three (3) social psychology concepts addressed in the course that are related to the issue. Analyze at least three (3) challenges individuals and law enforcement agencies face with the issue. Explain your agreement with at least three (3) statements by authors of the references cited. Explain your disagreement with at least two (2) statements by authors of the references cited. Recommend at least two (2) ways that individuals should address the issue to help improve social elements involved in the issue. Suggest at least two (2) ways those in criminal justice (police officers, prosecuting attorneys, and / or judges) should address the issue. Provide a conclusion to the paper that includes a reference to the thesis statement and contains a summary of the main points. Provide at least three (3) external peer-reviewed references to support your paper. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Violence in media
Violence in media
The study of media violence looks into how the themes of violence within the media sources result in the real world aggression over time. Research carried out on the violent television and film, music and video games show that they increase the likelihood of real world aggression both in the short and the long term. However, the effects are rather minor. Media violence also turns out as a substantial cause for some amount of the aggressive violence. This paper seeks to establish some of the causes, effects, and ways to address the issue of media violence. Mainly, violent media result in physiological arousal, which are exhibited through the violent behaviors.
Investigations carried out by the United States government seek to establish the influence that the violent media have on the youthful media consumers. There are historical events that make the issue of media violence a major concern within the United States. First is the 1969 National Commission on Causes and Prevention of Violence. There is also the 1972 surgeon General’s report Television and Growing Up. U.S. Surgeon General Jesse Steinfield stated that media violence indeed had some effect on certain groups or members of our societies. In addition to that, the 1982 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) report Television and Behavior. The report reinforced the conclusion by U.S. Surgeon General Jesse on the effect of violent media on the youthful population. The report stated that violent media was a threat to the public health because it stimulated a feeling of violence within the youth. A Congressional Public Health Summit was held by six medical and public health professionals in 2000. They issued a report on the impact that violent entertainment had on children. The report confirmed the presence of a causal connection between violent media and the aggressive behavior among the children.
Social psychologists have shown a connection between psychological arousal and the human aggression. They have notified that playing of violent video games for example can result in psychological arousal and anger within individuals (Bartholow et al 2007, p. 178). Apart from psychological arousal, violent media can result in physiological desensitization. This refers to the reduction in physiological reaction towards violence in the later stages of one’s development. Exposure to media violence (television and video games) results in a reduced negative reaction towards scenes of violence. The negative reactions help inhibit the violent behaviors within an individual towards others.
Psychologists have taken into consideration the factors of social learning and the effect brought to it by media violence. They state that children often imitate what they see in the learning process. They look into the changes brought about by media violence to the attitudes, behaviors and values of the viewers. One, within children, they realized that violent media could make them less sensitive to the suffering of others (physiological desensitization). Two, they could become fearful of the world around them. Three, children may tend to behave aggressively and in harmful ways towards others (Anderson & Carnagey 2003, p. 88).
Challenges facing law enforcement
One of the limiting factors preventing the judicial system from dealing with the factor of media violence is the lack of appropriate information on the link between aggressive behavior and the violent media. However much the research has stated this, there is no substantial proof on the fact that exposure to the violent media results in criminal actions. Another of the challenges facing law enforcement on the issue of media violence is the lack of acceptance of the issue as a problem within the society. This is because accepting the problem would mean changing how people live. The criminal justice system has difficulty preventing the exposure of the individuals to violent media. Preventing exposure to such requires the change of the public attitude towards such. There is also the challenge of setting the limits of access to such med...
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