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Value Objective Paper and Guidelines Related to Licensors

Essay Instructions:

value objective paper there are 4 to 5 questions need to be answered read the information about the objective paper which is included chapter 3 which is also added is one of the reference that has to be used along with three other scholarly resources with in-text-citations. this paper must be a 1000 words. If the  is needed we must use the DMV-6 only because that has the most updated information. To get into my information at my university  this might help you. I live in Ohio the paper is asking for things in my state. The second paper will be the other 100 words which is explore the PNC licensure requirements the web cite is on the instructions I live in Ohio I think there are three questions I have added all information that is needed. with my school information you can go to that cite and find anything I need in text citations reference page for both papers. I will take care of them asking for the signature form. Please do not get the papers mixed up let me know the questions you are answering and work on one paper at a time pleased. This paper has three questions. .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Value objective paper and guidelines related to licensors
Institution of affiliation
Value objective paper and guidelines related to licensors
Values are fundamentally shaped by moral and legal frameworks; thus, they can be defined as societal or cultural constructs. An understanding of one's values and belief systems is crucial to a counselor. The process of questioning these processes should be continuous and geared towards ensuring the counselor has adequate mastery and understanding of their values and dispositions that shape these values. Moral judgment should be key strategy that can help a counselor avoid expressing their values to the clients. Expressing the counselor’s values to the client may lead to a value conflict between the client and the counselor CITATION Cha \l 1033 (Chapter 3: Values and The Helping Relationship). The counselor should understand how to manage such a conflict when it arises. Moral judgment is distinct from the values depending on an individuals, cultural and social beliefs. Moral judgment can be seen as what is considered morally right before the eyes of a normal human being. Therefore it’s not likely to lead to value conflict and hence very effective as compared to expressing values to the client.
Question 1
In counseling, counselors will encounter a diverse set of clients. Some of these clients will have values that are at odds with the counselor's values. The dichotomy provides a critical conundrum as the two value systems are at odds. The counselor is thus presented with a challenge on whether to continue counseling the client or refer them. It is critical to determine the ethical implications of a counselor expressing their values to clients. The answer to this challenge can be guided by the A.1.A of the ACA code of ethics that notes the counselor has a duty to ensure that the dignity of the client is respected and their welfare promoted CITATION ACA05 \l 1033 (ACA Governing Council , 2005). Thus, the counselor should question the motives behind expressing these values. The clients need should take precedence over any potential discomfiture the counselor might feel. Guideline A.4.A requires that the counselor avoids harming the client CITATION ACA05 \l 1033 (ACA Governing Council , 2005). Any potential disclosure of the counselor’s value may result in the client interpreting that as rejection. The client wound be inevitably harmed, and the disclosure would destroy progress made. Guideline A.11.A requires that counselors ought not to abandon their client especially where the client would be harmed. A facility for referral is provided where the counsellor is unable or incapable of providing the required services, but strict guidelines should be followed to ensure the facility is not abused.
Question 2
A counselor will in the course of practicing be confronted by differing values. There is a need to evaluate the appropriate course of action. There a number of actions a counselor can take where they are confronted with different value systems, these include;
Seeking supervision from a more experienced counselor to avoid transference of their values and inherent beliefs and biases. The supervisor would be in a unique position to evaluate the manner in which the counselor conducts the session. The supervisor can point out points of weakness and thus provide a tool to countertransference. The tool is beneficial to both the counselor and the client, as the client does not need to know the nature of the supervisor's work CITATION Vas \l 1033 ( Vassar College faculty).
Referral is an option that should, however, be utilized in limited circumstances. Referrals can be aggravating to a client. The new counselor will need to begin building a relationship with the client. Progress made by the client will be jeopardized. Thus, referrals should only be made where the counselor is incapable due to a lack of the required skill set to counsel the client CITATION Que13 \l 1033 (Queensland Council of Social Service, 2013).
The counselor could also consider utilizing counseling to enable him or her to compartmentalize their values. It would enable the counselor to keep their values away from the counseling process. It ensures the integrity of the counseling sessions and ensure the client’s need are given due credence.
When presented with clients who they find difficult to treat with suicide, abortion, domestic violence, adultery and drug use they are required to seek consent of an attorney on what the laws say in regard to the particular situation. The laws, policies and regulations differ widely from one state to the other. The counselor should understand the laws in the state that they are operating. They should explain these law requirements to the clients in regard to the situation and help them understand that the counselor and the client both under the law. The attorney can clarify to them on the exceptional sit...
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