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Understanding the Concept of Jedi Knights and Religion

Essay Instructions:

Religion Essay: What is religion (Choose one of the questions) and answer on 2-3 pages excluding title page and references.

· You are human rights NGO in Turkey. A cem evi asks for subsidy for electricity but is denied. Seek to understand the role of worship houses by the Alevis in Turkey and how they are addressed. Are the Alevis a religion in the sense of the Diyanet?

· You are a university administrator. A group of Jedi Knights seeks access to the university prayer room but there have been questions raised to whether they constitute a religious group and should be included. What are the policies governing access to these spaces? How should this be decided? Replace Jedi Knights with Pastafarianism if you want.

· Is neoliberalism a religion? For this assignment I have a source to recommend: Klotz, M., & Medovoi, L. (2021). Neoliberal Political Theology. In L. Medovoi & E. Bentley (Eds.), Religion, Secularism, and Political Belonging. (pp. 107-124): Duke University Press. There is also a famous article by Walter Benjamin on capitalism as a religion.

And here is something interesting: are people who are seeing UFOS starting a new religion? https://www-taylorfrancis-com(dot)ezproxy(dot)library(dot)yorku(dot)ca/books/edit/10.4324/9780203866535/ufo-religions-christopher-partridge?refId=dd677e4a-b81b-4839-aa5b-5884b151f8d7

Evaluation: we are going to discuss the world religion approach and its criticism. This discussion needs to be integrated into your discussion.

Need to be included : also the two picture that are attached are the in class the teacher want us to include it in our work but that should not be the references we need to research other references at least 8 others

Schilbrack, K. (2012). The social construction of “religion” and its limits: A critical reading of Timothy Fitzgerald. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 24(2), 97-117. We only need page 97-103.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Jedi Knights and Religion
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The concept of religion is complex and diverse as it differs from one group to another based on their beliefs and practices (Dawes, & Maclaurin, 2012). Jediism is one of the religious groups that has grown over the last two decades based on the film Star Wars. Various arguments have been raised against the classification of Jediism as a religion due to its fictional origin. However, like other religions, Jediism has teachings accompanied by practices and beliefs used as guidance by their followers. Regardless of not being recognized as a formal religion, the followers of Jediism follow its teachings and identify it as their religious affiliation. The presence and use of the internet have enabled the Jediism religion to be spread across various regions and attract many followers (Beyer, 2020). Based on the multiple definitions of religion, Jediism constitutes as a religious group, and its followers should be accorded the same rights as other religions within the institutions.
One of the features of a religious group is the ability to carry out their beliefs and practices based on their teachings. The University prayer room is a platform for various religious groups to carry out their instructions along with their beliefs and practices. Although not fully recognized as a religious group (Beyer, 2020), the Jedi Knights should be given access to the university prayer room as long as they adhere to the terms of using the facility. The freedom of worship allows people to freely practice their religion without the interference of others or discrimination based on their beliefs and practices. Therefore, denying the Jedi Knights access to the university prayer room will be regarded as religious discrimination, which is prohibited across all public insti...
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