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Treatment Approaches, Multiple Drug Abuse, Cultural Interventions

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Treatment Approaches
Treatment Approaches
Drugs and substance abuse among the adolescence and or adults are currently on its heights. Most of the teenagers who are abusers engage in multiple drug abuse. Some consume alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD) while others consume single drugs. Numerous interventions and treatment approaches are beneficial in curbing the menace. The methods such as empirical supported treatments on the substance use disorder (SUDs) give long-lasting improvements (Stevens, Smith & Reiner, 2013). However, most of the clients especially the adolescence experience relapse. One aspect that is critical in treatment approaches is cultural intervention. People of different cultures and communities bring diversity hence any treatment approach should factor in the input of the community. Culture promotes a positive outcome for all treatment approaches for SUDs and (ATOD) among different age groups. Thus, it directs a strategy to a particular need within a sociocultural context where dynamic exist that influences the context and outcome of treatment. This paper will therefore elaborates on the treatment approaches such as cultural intervention, behavioral, family-based intervention and medication approach among others.
Cultural Interventions
Treatment of SUDs and ATOD usually aim at providing healing and hope for the addicts as well as improvement of life among the family and the society. Cultural intervention gives a way of approaching the addicts in their respective social settings. People from various backgrounds appreciate their traditional teachings and sweat lodges among others which provide the context where they reside. The approach usually addresses the treatment and wellness of SUDs and ATOD patients in a holistic sense (Stevens, Smith & Reiner, 2013). The approach does not delve into the absence of disease with mind-body separation in treatment. Instead, it reveals the essence of wellness that encompasses harmonious relationship in the whole person with the inclusion of mind, emotion, body, and spirit. Thus, cultural intervention gives a relationship benefit of culture, community, and language which will consider a patient as a whole without focusing on the physical or mental health alone. Therefore, the case managers and clinicians find the approach used in improving the functioning in different areas of wellness for addicts (Gainsbury, 2017).
Behavioral Approaches
The different behavioral approaches aim at ensuring that all the addicts actively participate in the recovery processes from the drug abuse and addiction as well as enhancing their resistance to such drugs. Therefore, clinicians and case managers provide incentives to modify attitudes and behaviors that strengthen abuse of substances. Besides, the healthcare providers ensure that they assist the families regarding communication and interaction as well as providing the improvement of life skills to solve stressful situations. Furthermore, the healthcare practitioners use the behavioral approaches to solve environmental problems that trigger a craving for drugs. The following are some of the behavioral strategies for the treatment of SUDs and ATOD (Khan et al., 2017).
Group therapy approach enables addicts to participate in group treatment and other peer support initiatives during treatment to achieve abstinence. In most cases, trained healthcare practitioners follow Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) protocols that lead to positive social reinforcement via discussion in the group as well as ensuring enforcement of incentives to stay away from substance abuse. However, the trained healthcare provider should remain focus on the possibilities that may cause relapse and direct the group towards positive activities (Khan et al., 2017).
Secondly, Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA) is another behavioral treatment approach that helps the adolescents to achieve and maintain abstinence from ATOD and other drug abuse. The A-CRA mainly focuses on the replacement of influences that lead to drug abuse. Thus, the practitioners introduce social, vocational, educational and healthy family reinforcement approaches (Stevens, Smith & Reiner, 2013). One critical area that the healthcare practitioners use is the assessment of the needs of the addicts as well as their functionality levels. Consequently, care manager chose the best approaches from the 17-ACRA procedure to address coping mechanism, problem-solving mechanisms, communication skills as well as offering encouragement for active participation and recreational activities (Stevens, Smith & Reiner, 2013).
Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy is also a behavi...
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