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Describe Treatment of Offfenders with Psychological Factor

Essay Instructions:

Application: Treatment of Offenders With Psychological Factors

While the treatment of criminal offenders is often considered a solution to behavioral misconduct, it is not a straightforward solution or process. Many criminals re-offend even after treatment, further increasing the difficulty in reducing criminal activity. In order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is helpful to understand the psychological factors associated with criminal behavior. For instance, offenders with impulsivity may benefit from different treatments than offenders with explosive tempers. Offenders with psychopathy may be relatively resistant to any type of treatment.

For this Assignment, consider psychological factors and criminal behavior. Then consider how these factors might influence the treatment of offenders.

The Assignment (2 pages)

  • Describe three psychological factors associated with criminal behavior.
  • Explain how these factors might influence the treatment of offenders.
  • Explain how the knowledge of psychological factors might contribute to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the treatment of offenders.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. Provide a reference list for all resources, including any you used from the Learning Resources for this course.

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Treatment of Offenders with Psychological Factors
Institutional Affiliation
Treatment of Offenders with Psychological Factors
Criminal activities are associated with three factors, namely the psychological, biological and social factors. Research shows that the psychological state of individuals affects their biology. The relationship between crime and medical disorders is complex, and the disorders constitute a major cause of crimes. People who experience hallucinations and delusions are more likely to engage in criminal activities. Mental illness such as schizophrenia is also linked to crimes and violence. The personality, cognitive ability and impulse control ability of individuals are also associated with criminal behaviors. Criminal control policy focused on the psychological factors of individuals employs measures such as training, promotions of self-awareness, resocialization, and rehabilitation. Psychologists recognize the past behavior of individuals as the best predictor of the future behavior.
Various theories such as the behavioral theory, cognitive theory, and trait theories are used to explain the psychological causes of the criminal activities (Eysenck & Gudjonsson, 2013). Some people are born with violent tendencies while others learn aggression through life experiences such as the mass media and environmental experiences. The cognitive theory focuses on mental reactions of individuals and how people view problems and the world around them. Cognitive behaviors relate to how individuals organize their thoughts to form criminal and non-criminal behavior. Mental disorders are also a major factor that leads to criminal activities. Finally, the trait theories focus on the personality and intelligence factors that result in criminal activities (Sharma, 2004). Antisocial and damaged personality characterized by a lack of emotional depth, aggressiveness, impulsivity, lack of concern for others, hostility and low intelligence quotient are linked with crimes.
The psychological factors influence the treatment of the offenders in the court of law...
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