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Things you Learned About Group Counseling in This Course

Essay Instructions:

Write about 600 or 650 words on my personal reflection paper. there are 5 questions on that I have started for you that I had trouble with. Then questions 8-1 and 8-2 must be substantial post with in text cation reference page for 8-1 and 8-2 make remaining word = that should be ab- out that should be about 85 words eachWrite a personal reflection paper (400-750 words) summarizing the following:
1. Most significant things you learned about group counseling in this course.
2. Most significant things you learned about yourself as a potential group leader.
3. Specific skills and experiences that you believe you need to develop in order to be a competent group counselor, based on your current strengths, weaknesses, and prior experience.
4. Your areas of greatest confidence and lack of confidence when you think about leading counseling groups.
5. Types of groups you might enjoy leading in your future career as a counselor. 
1. The most significant things I learned about group counseling was setting up a treatment plain and designing a group by myself from beginning to end
2. I have learned about myself to pay real close attention to instructions, directions and details that is so important and I am lacking in that area somewhat
3. A lot of hands on experience, guidance, and maybe tutoring and anything else you can put in here on any topic.
4. Area of confidence is motivating with sometimes a story and so on, confidence that I will get the job done, lack of confidence is note taking, and following instructions.
5. I think I want to still deal with addictions, and women getting back into the community after being lock up. 
8-1 & 8-2 is separated questions
8-1 When developing and implementing an adult support group, the following important guidelines should be considered: how the group is organized, how the format of each group session is structured, and what the short- and long-term outcomes of the group are. Consider the following three adult support groups: an HIV/AIDS support group, a support group for college students, and a domestic violence support group. What similarities do you see, and how do these similarities suggest guidelines for developing these groups?
8-2 At some point in your career, you may be asked to design and implement a group for involuntary clients, such as domestic violence perpetrators, drunk drivers, substance users, abusive parents, or prison inmates. What are your thoughts and feelings about working with mandated group participants? Describe fully. How would you approach counseling differently with them than with voluntary participants?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

1 Most significant things you learned about group counseling in this course.
The course has been instrumental at helping the students to shore up their skills in the field. Counseling involves skillful applications of the leaders’ abilities towards helping the members achieve their goals. It is the responsibility of the leader to form the group and establish the various mechanisms that are going to be followed by the group members in the quest to help the members achieve the said goals. During the course development and coverage, there are quite a number of aspects that have been instrumental to the leaning process. One of them is the ability to create and implement a treatment plan. Every other member in the group comes to the counseling sessions with certain goals. However, there are also shared goals between the different members of the group. As a leader, developing the ability to come up with an umbrella treatment plan that can then be tweaked to fit in with the rest of the group members at the individual level requires quality skills (Collins & Arthur, 2008). As such, the treatment plan has to be a close fit to the goals of the members and flexible enough to be molded to fit in with the rest of the group members. This is also reflective of the ability of the leader to mold the treatment plan to reflect the dynamics of the changing environment in the group and the goals. The other aspect that has been crucial to the learning process is the ability to create a group. This is an important part of the learning process relative to the fact that, it is the first step toward employing the various learning points in the course. The ability to create a group marks the first successes at establishing and implementing a treatment plan (Collins & Arthur, 2008).
2 Most significant things you learned about yourself as a potential group leader.
As a group leader, the course also allowed for self-evaluation on the accounts of abilities and aspects that could be improved for better delivery in the future. One of the aspects that have come out clearly, is the ability to pay attention to instructions and the various directions suggested in the course material and learning points (Collins & Arthur, 2008). However, there are some elements of the skill that still need to be polished. This is relative to the ability to pay close attention and further on the ability to observe details. Details make a great deal of difference relative to the different members and the approaches that best work in certain scenarios. This is one area that requires improvement as part of enhancing the counseling skills.
3 Specific skills and experiences that you believe you need to develop in order to be a competent group counselor, based on your current strengths, weaknesses, and prior experience.
During the course, there are quite a number of competencies that were developed. These were based largely on the strengths and weaknesses ...
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