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Theories of International Relations

Essay Instructions:

Hello. I have 48 hours for submitting so please try to send an hour before so I can have to read and tell you if there is smth needs to be changed. There will be 3 questions and you can choose any two questions suitable for you and answer. I chose 5 pages, 2 page for each question and 1 page for Bonus question by choosing any video that i mentioned below. Questions are on the files that i also mentioned below. Professor said to write with our own words. References should be only from the files and videos which I will send you, not an internet research. Please do your best and write the best essay you can, its very important for me. Thanks from now and text me whenever you have question. Answer 2 essay questions and also answer the bonus question

Files are here : https://dropmefiles(dot)com/gqUyu

And these are the videos you can give reference from:


(The Globalization of International Society - Tim Dunne and Chris Reus-Smit)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=kYU9UfkV_XI&t=87s (Constructivism)


(Social Constructivism)


(War in Iraq through the lens of Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=I7CyPpnZ7PU (How the colonial past influences the way we see the world today)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=kGBnkk3-fS0 (Homi Bhabha on Post Colonial Studies)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=s7lmz4UL4wE (Africa Post-Colonial Development)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=wQ07tWOzE_c (Copenhagen School and Securitization Theory)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=zwSdjBU7LFI&list=PLhYE8cjKxVOPqhwGl4f0NvQ2dj7MUyHpL (Societal Security Issues in the Baltics)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=3d2avHynw9A (Societal Security in the Black Sea Region and the Balkans)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=HKJlSY0DBBA (Understanding Derrida, Deconstruction & Of Grammatology)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=UBpI7PxwjzU (Foucault's Governmentality - International Relations)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=XgKJVz40lds (Drones, What Drones? News Media and the Ongoing War on Terror)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=ajAWGztPUiU (Feminism and International Relations)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=B33FkDx4__k (What has feminism done for International Relations? - Ann Tickner)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=eDsX2dl9hn0 (Interview with Cynthia Enloe)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=g8yOamWq3a0 (Garrett Hardin on the Tragedy of the Commons)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=ZWUIIM0jgYY (Why climate change negotiations fail - An IR perspective)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=LE_jle2QL6M (Future Resource Wars)

https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=6reFswkkZYA (Is green-socialist ideology destroying Germany?)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theories of International Relations
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Theories of International Relations
1 Elaborate on the link between "language," "knowledge," and "power" in critical international theories by giving examples for each theory.
International relations theories provide a framework for scrutinizing situations incorporating interactions between various international actors or the conforming phenomenon evolving from the actions and decisions of these actors. Based on the critical international theories, there is a link between language, knowledge, and power. For instance, there is a link between language, knowledge, and power in constructivism theory, which delineates liberalism and realism. Constructivism does not perceive international relations as the only product of the actions and behaviors of primary actors. However, constructivism highlights the thought that international relations are a social construction.
The principle supposition of constructivists is that the crucial traits of international politics are social, shaping actors' characters and interests. Hence, the world is organized by material components and knowledge, as indicated by constructivists that the primary significant connection is between structures and agents. Constructivism theory is linked with knowledge whereby it focuses on influencing new ideas rather than concentrating on material factors such as power. In the debate between constructivists and rationalists, the role of language has been fundamentally ignored. However, the use of language is part of the growing world. Hence, without language, there could be a lack of proper communication between individuals. For instance, the state identity would not influence states to interact with each other without appropriate language. As a result, the desire of the United States to transform the world would collapse.
The other international relations theory is realism theory which assumes that the international framework is intrinsically dislocated and relations are anarchic because essential actors are interminably bolted against a battle for security and power. The link between power and knowledge is evident in the realism theory whereby for the state to be primary actors in international politics, there has to be the supranational authority that would oversee the conduct of these states by enacting rules. Hence for power to be inflicted, the supranational authority has to know how to govern the conduct of the states and enforce regulations. Nonetheless, states desire the ability to ensure self-preservation. Therefore, the actions and behavior of the states are engaged in the promotion of self-interest.
Additionally, power is a property of the state which is measure in terms of resources and capabilities. However, there can be no center ground or control concerning the extent of power amassing. A state either has no power or none by any means. Consequently, from Beier's examination, it is clear that power is founded on specific deletions of memory and history that honor a Eurocentric self, based on realist understandings.
The theory of liberalism, on the other hand, contradicts the idea of realism. Liberalism focuses on the necessity of interdependence and cooperation. It centers on the concept that the only possible international outcomes are based on the rejection of power politics. Hence, rather than perceiving the international framework as intrinsically anarchic, liberalism assumes many chances of collaboration. According to liberalism, states are not only the principal actors in international politics. International organizations like supranational authorities and non-governmental organizations such as non-profit organizations and business organizations play a critical role in shaping international relations. However, the link between power and knowledge in liberalism theory is that the government has always had the power to safeguard the freedom of individuals. With this authority, there have to be policies that prevent those who rule from harming the people they lead. Therefore, for the development of democracy, there has to be knowledge that will help the authorities develop the right policies and have the necessary skills to govern individuals and enhance cooperation, which secures stability, power, and wealth in the long run in international relations. Thus, through the activities of independent actors, power and knowledge are linked in international relations.
Marxism theory in international relations focuses on the economic theory that resulted from the works of Karl Marx. Thus, the Marxism theory rejects liberalism and realism by contending that the economy should focus on analysis. Notwithstanding, liberalism and realism are politics-centered international relations theories. On the other hand, Marxism theory contends that the instability within the international system emerges from various aspects of class struggle like the problems due to uneven distribution of wealth, capitalism, exploitation of resources by the few, and the institutionalization of injustice and inequality.
Based on the link between power, knowledge, and language in the theory of Marxism, there is a clear relationship whereby knowledge is regarded as a clear account of events during post-colonialism. The gap between what is said to have happened and what happened is understood frequently by examining how colonial and imperial power structures delivered the entire world of Western and European scholars. Scholars had to access the world to reach certain universal truths and conclusions regarding the economic process. They had to apply the available scientific methods or instruments of analysis, including knowing the theories revolving around this thought. However, the goal of these scholars is based on the power inflicted to pursue their self-interest and the interest of the nation. In this regard, power is a typical feature of the mechanisms of a capitalist world economy. It is both a foundation and a consequence of the uneven relations amid developed and underdeveloped, rich and poor, or periphery and metropolitan center.
In conclusion, the connection between violence, language, and knowledge in international relations h...
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