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Critically Review Current Theoretical Perspectives In Health And Social Care Practice With Adults

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer please use UK english and all the information must from uk website or books please make sure it is all ur own word don’t copy.
Thank you so much for ur help.
CW 2 (This must meet Learning Outcome 2 )
‘Critically review current theoretical perspectives in health and social care practice with adults’.
This individual assignment using a case study will evidence a critical understanding of the theories underpinning adult care, and will illustrate your knowledge and understanding of the major explanations of risk, vulnerability and different forms of abuse. You will demonstrate familiarity with the main literature sources, including research and make links between theory and practice developments.
Case study Guidelines
• Identify the issue that you want to use from the case study for your assignment. Use this issue to demonstrate your critical understanding of how theoretical perspectives are used to manage aspects of risk, care and provision of services to vulnerable adults.
• Apply your understanding of theory, research and models of thinking with vulnerable adults.
The assignment should demonstrate:
• Good presentation
• Clearly explained concepts
• Understandable and relevant themes
• Considered use of relevant material linked to learning from the module
• Ability to critically discuss, apply and analyse theory
• Evidence of planning skills
• Clear presentation
• Coherent structure
• Correctly referenced
• Reading from a wide range of sources.
To achieve a high grade you should avoid:
• Vague or confusing descriptions
• Being too descriptive (outweighing analysis)
• Poorly planned and organised work (unclear structure, poor presentation)
• Over reliance on web sites
• Little evidence of wide reading
General Assessment Criteria
In your work you will be expected to:
1. use the Harvard referencing system to show clearly where you have obtained the
knowledge you are using and when you are quoting the words of other writers;
2. demonstrate your ability to carry out research by referring to more than one type
of academic source (text, journals, credible websites, professional literature etc), ensuring you have accessed the materials provided in the reading list and in teaching sessions;
3. present work in a clear, legible way with a high regard to grammar, spelling and
punctuation, use of paragraphs etc;
4. give the module title, module code, assignment title and word count clearly at the start of your work.
Module Learning On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Apply legal, policy and ethical principles in the analysis of a complex issue related to the care of adults
2. Critically review types of abuse and theoretical perspectives in health and social care practice with adults
Module Content The module is aimed at enabling students to develop the skills and knowledge to holistically assess and manage the care needs of adults within a range of health and social care settings. Topics include an overview of theories of ageing and the impact of the ageing process, mental ill-health, dementia and end of life care. The key principles of person centred care and integrated biopsychosocial assessments are explored alongside the legal and policy drivers that underpin practice with adults. Focus is placed upon the inter-professional nature of care and support reflected in the teaching input from a variety of social and healthcare practitioners. Key themes include:
• Safeguarding adults
• The context of care and vulnerability
• Assessment and intervention
• Risk Management
• Mental Capacity and Best interest
• Ethical Issues in Adult care
• Partnership in Decision making
• Evidence based practice applied to care of vulnerable adults
• Early intervention and preventative care
• Compassion and person-centeredness
• Communication
• End-of-life care
• Mental Health
Module Learning
and Teaching Methods
Scheduled learning and teaching activities: 20%
Guided independent study: 80%
Assessment Submission of a 500 word assignment plan
Module Assessment
Component: Practical (50 Weighting)
P1: A group presentation examining a contemporary legal and ethical issue in adult care practice
Component: Coursework (50% weighting)
C1: A 2500 word assignment which focuses critically on types of abuse and perspectives on the quality of care delivered to an adult who is at risk or in need
Theoretical Frameworks
Psychopathological Models – Understanding individual behaviours in relation to the context.
Vulnerability hypothesis – For example ageing and theories on ageing. Do people become more vulnerable as they get older as a rule?
Situational Models – For example environmental factors (Psychosocial model)
Case Study
Margaret Jones is 76 years old and is the main carer for her son Paul aged 35 who has learning disabilities. He has always lived at home with his mother who has refused any involvement from services since Paul left special school. Paul has never been anywhere without his mother so has never accessed respite or residential care. In addition to his generalised learning disabilities, Paul has high levels of anxiety and depression. He spends a great deal of time watching DVDs and TV soaps, becoming upset and aggressive if he has to miss his favourite programmes. Paul has good spoken language however he doesn’t understand other people’s language well. People overestimate his communication skills because he can talk well and when he doesn’t understand or respond appropriately to what they say, they think he is being difficult.
Margaret also has a daughter June, who is 39. June lives with her husband Lee quite a distance away so they don’t get together very often. June and Margaret do not have a close relationship, after Margaret’s second husband Dougie died 2 years ago following a stroke, June did not come to the funeral. They have hardly seen each other since.
Margaret and Paul live in a 2-bedroomed terrace property in Derby. Margaret has had three falls this year due to poor balance and vision problems. After suffering another fall at home in August 2016 she has been admitted to hospital with a broken hip and arm. She has been finding it very hard to recover and is still quite poorly and restless, asking to return home to Paul. The doctors are concerned she may deteriorate but are considering moving her to a residential facility due to a shortage of beds. A Physiotherapist assessment has yet to take place however a social worker has visited the ward and has not agreed to the move. A home visit to the property found it cluttered and messy, unopened post and some open letters from creditors demanding payment. A housing support leaflet and debt advice brochure were also among the opened post.
Paul has been staying with June and Lee whilst Margaret is in the hospital and has only been to see his mother once since she was admitted. When Paul visited he had a black eye and some bruising to his cheek. He was uncommunicative but clearly distressed, especially when it was time to leave. June said that he had a small accident at home and that it was nothing to worry about. She was however anxious about taking Paul home and confided to the nurse that her husband is very angry about the situation. Lee had made it clear that he wants nothing to do with the care of Paul as he does not like how ‘slow’ he is. She was also worried about the extra money needed to look after Paul and about making ends meet on the little money she has as she is unemployed and relies on Lee’s wages.
Paul complained to a nurse that he is having persistent pains in his abdomen, his head is hurting all the time and he is not sleeping. He stated he has been having these symptoms for several weeks. He also stated he wants to stay with his mother and only left with June after a fuss.
Related Issues:
• Safeguarding
• Hospital discharge
• Carer(s)
• Domestic Violence
• Personalisation.

The group have:


Unsatisfactory understanding/evidence 40-49% Satisfactory understanding and evidence 50-59%

Good standard of understanding and evidence but mainly descriptive 60-69%

Very good understanding and evidence of analytical/critical thinking 70-100%

Excellent in relation to all aspects

Evidenced effective skills in distribution of workload and planning/preparing the Presentation

Demonstrated a critical understanding of policy and legislative

development in relation to Vulnerable adults

Critically discussed the ethical issues in the case study

Demonstrated a good knowledge of the importance of inter professional working

Communicated a sound knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities within the area of safeguarding

Included academic support for the ideas presented in their work.


Core Text

Pritchard J. (2009) Good Practice in the Law and Safeguarding Adults. London. Jessica Kingsley.

Aitken L and Griffin Gabriele. (1996) Gender Issues in Elder Abuse. London Sage.

Brown K., (2006) Vulnerable Adults and Community Care. Exeter Learning Matters. Electronic Resource

Hothershall S. and Maas-Lowith M. (2010) Need, Protection and Risk in Social Work Practice. Exeter Learning Matters.

Mandlestram M. (2009) Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and the Law. Gateshead Tyne and Wear. Athenaem Press

Mantell A.and Scragg T. (2008) Safeguarding Adults in Social Work Exeter Learning Matters.

Mellor J. and Brownell P., (eds) (2006) Elder Abuse and Mistreatment, Policy, Practice and Research. USA Haworth Press. Also co-published as Journal of Geontological Social Work Vol. 46 Nos. 3/4 2006

Ministry of Justice. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – code of practice to supplement the Mental Capacity Act 2005 code of practice. Great Britain

Penhale B and Parker J. (2008) Working with Vulnerable Adults. Community Care Series. London and New York. Routledge. Electronic Resource

Pritchard J. (2008) Good Practice with Vulnerable Adults. London Jessica Kingsley .


Ageing and Society

Community Care

The Journal of Mental Health Law and Practice

The Journal of Public Childcare Law and Practice

The Journal of Social Housing Law and Practice

Useful Websites:








Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Theoretical Perspectives in Health and Social Care Practice with Adults
As individual ages, there is a need for caregivers to have a better understanding of the aging process in a bid to improve the quality of life for these people. With the increase in ages, older people are considered to turn out as vulnerable and frail to a broad range of adverse effects. Given this, it is essential for health care providers to develop different prevention approaches for age-related vulnerabilities that include hospitalizations, falls, and the need for the inclusion of assistive activities that enhance their daily living (Alcock et al, 2010). In this case, the establishment and recognition of aspect that characterize vulnerable individuals remains an essential element in developing preventive measures and interventions.
Before embarking on the theoretical perspectives in health and social care practices with adults, it is critical to understand some key concepts such as health, healthcare, and medicine that are considered as essential for health and social care. Health, in this case, infers to the extent of an individual’s physical, mental, and social well-being. As depicted, it is imperative to understand the concept of health as a multidimensional concept (Copeland &Radvansky, 2010). Given that the three dimensions of health established herein affect each other, it is vital to consider that an individual may be in good physical health while at the same time presenting poor mental health or vice versa. On the other hand, healthcare refers to the dissemination of medical services aimed at preventing, diagnosing, and treating health issues. This paper consequently seeks to determine the theoretical perspectives in health and social care practice that can be utilized in adult care.
Analysis of Case Study
As depicted in the provided case study, it is essential to consider that Margaret Jones a vulnerable 76-year-old patient to neglect is the primary caregiver to her son Paul. Paul is aged 35 and presents learning disabilities that are coupled by levels of depression and anxiety. On the other hand, Paul finds comfort and security in living with his mother who is aged and suffers from health related issues. It is noticeable that Paul turns aggressive and upset in the even he misses his favourite programs. Having a well-spoken language, his peers underestimate his communication skills believing that he cannot talk well and fails to understand what they say, an aspect that proves to be difficult.
Besides, this Margaret is considered to have had a daughter who lives with her husband and had not met for a long time, hence depicting the lack of a strong relationship between the two. Margaret has encountered health issues that resulted in three fall’s due to poor vision and balance problems (Trodd & Chivers, 2011). Following another fall at her home recently, she was admitted to a hospital with a broken arm and hip, an aspect that proved challenging for her to recover. However, the physicians take note of her deteriorating health and consider moving her to a residential facility due to a shortage of beds in the hospital. The placement of a social worker to attend to her proved fatal, with a home visit to the facility depicting several irregularities.
Paul has stayed at June's place, while Margaret was in the hospital, is met by certain instances of abuse, an aspect that is evident in the physical impression he presents when he visits his mother. Paul is seen with a black eye and some bruises on his cheeks. He additionally declines to communicate and appears distressed especially when the time to leave comes. June points out to her worries in regards to the extra funds required in looking after Paul and in making ends meet with the little money she has. Paul, however, complains of persistent pains on his abdomen and head, thus causing him sleepless nights and insists on staying with his mother in the hospital (Alcock et al, 2012). As detailed in this case, it is essential to point out that Paul was a victim of physical, emotional, and financial abuse while Margaret encountered an instance of neglect from her daughter. Abuse, in this case, is considered as a violation of a person’s civil and human rights by other individuals. The risks associated with abusive actions depend upon different situations that include the environment and those who cause this harm to victims.
Abuse can, therefore, be inferred to as an act of failure to act, which results in a breach of vulnerable individual’s civil liberties, human rights, the dignity of general well-being, and physical and mental integrity, whether intentionally or through negligence. In the case of Paul, it is important to consider that the victim was prone to physical abuse that included hits and slaps. On the other hand, Paul encountered a psychological abuse that victimized him to emotional abuse, harassment, isolation, and verbal abuse (Jones & Atwal, 2009). Besides this, Margaret was forced to cope with neglect from her daughter and financial abuse from a daughter who complained about providing her and Paul the access to appropriate care and health. The abuse of a vulnerable individual may take part in a single act or through repeated actions over a period and may comprise of multiple forms of abuse. Care providers and social workers, therefore, need to understand that the lack of taking appropriate actions can be viewed as a kind of abuse, thus necessitating the need for actions driven towards safeguarding the lives of the vulnerable victims to instances of ill-treatment.
As adults age, there is a need for caregivers to have a better understanding of the aging process in a bid to improve the quality of life among these individuals. With the increase in ages, older people are considered to turn out as vulnerable and frail to a broad range of adverse effects. Adults are likely to be abused irrespective of their age, disabilities, and genders, which this action prevalent among the people known to them well. In this case, the inclusion of adult safeguarding measures remains of the essence in addressing the instances of abuse (Mendelstem, 2013). Adult safeguarding is considered as an approach aimed at upholding an adult’s fundamental right of being safe while respecting their rights to make their choices. Acts of safeguarding adults who undergo abuse involve empowering, protecting and granting justice to these individuals. Given this, evidence indicates the need to ensure that caregivers and social workers understand the aspect that constitutes abuse and appropriate measures that need to be employed in a bid to respond to this unethical conduct.
According to Hearnden (2014), safeguarding adults is considered as an adult protection act that defines activities aimed at supporting vulnerable adults to retain their choices, well-being, and independence, hence enabling them to live a free life away from abuse and neglect. The Act is primarily established to prevent the neglect and ill-treatment of the adult population, hence promoting good practice in caring for these populations (Harlen, 2015). The Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure should, therefore, be incorporated in instances where allegations and suspicions are established on the abuse of vulnerable adults by harms caused by other people. The Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure, therefore, applies to all individuals and residents who present different challenges.
On the other hand, the Dignity in Care campaign is an approach sought to improve the standards and the manner in which people are treated in different care services. As in the case of Margaret who was referred to a residential facility that had no capacity to address her health needs including the unavailability of a social worker, it is imperative to understand that the Dignity Care campaign promotes services that are person-centred that seek to ensure patients are treated with respect (Carpenter et al, 2009). In addition to this, it is imperative to consider that a person-centred approach remains relevant in guiding the UK health and social care providers on how to incorporate therapeutic approach in protecting the rights of adults and in encouraging them to take decisions that best suits their interests.
Theoretical Perspectives in Health and Social Care Practice with Adults
Theoretical perspectives in health and social care remain important in establishing the causes of elderly abuse, an aspect that is drawn heavily from different kinds of literature on forms of family violence such as adult abuse. First, it is vital to consider that there is no single paradigm for aging and old age, with both of these aspects relating to a multi-faceted approach established not only for the passage of time but physiological, cultu...
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