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The United State's Jihadists Control Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:

Possibly the most important step in the research process, yet one that is routinely overlooked, is hypothesis development. This is the key successfully identifying and then addressing a research topic. An example of homeland security research hypotheses has been developed in the document “Why have we not been attacked again?” Choose one of the hypotheses for homeland security document between pages 35 and 141. Read the 3-4 page discussion of this hypothesis then choose which one you selected. Explain if you believe this hypothesis you selected is (a) declarative (b) directional in relationship and (c) specific. Conclude by assessing whether or not you believe this is a good hypothesis for research. Support your reasoning with appropriate resources.

Below is the associated reading

Criteria for generating a sound Hypothesis-2

A hypothesis:

Is written as a definite statement, not a question

Is based on observations and current knowledge

Must be Testable and Faslifiable

Is either disproven or supported by evidence

Avoids vagueness in the possible answer

Is mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive

Directional Hypothesis

A directional hypothesis is one regarding either a positive or negative difference or change in the two variables involved. Typically based on aspects such as accepted theory, literature printed on the topic at hand, past research, and even accepted theory, researchers normally develop this type of hypothesis from research questions, and they use statistical methods to check its validity.

Non-Directional Hypothesis

This hypothesis states that there is a distinct relationship between two variables; however, it does not predict the exact nature or direction of that particular relationship.

Difference Between Non-Directional and Directional Hypotheses

In a directional research hypothesis, the direction of the relationship is predicted. The advantages of this type of hypothesis include one-tailed statistical tests, theoretical propositions that can be tested in a more precise manner, and the fact that the researcher’s expectations are very clear right from the start.

In a non-directional research hypothesis, the relationship between the variables is predicted but not the direction of that relationship. Reasons to use this type of research hypothesis include when your previous research findings contradict one another and when there is no theory on which to base your predictions.

Difference Between a Hypothesis and a Theory

There are many different differences between a theory and a hypothesis, including the following:

A hypothesis is a suggestion of what might happen when you test out a theory. It is a prediction of a possible correlation between various phenomena. On the other hand, a theory has been tested and is well-substantiated. If a hypothesis succeeds in proving a certain point, it can then be called a theory.

The data for a hypothesis is most often very limited, whereas the data relating to theory has been tested under numerous circumstances.

A hypothesis offers a very specific instance; that is, it is limited to just one observation. On the other hand, a theory is more generalized and is put through a multitude of experiments and tests, which can then apply to various specific instances.

The purposes of these two items are different as well. A hypothesis starts with a possibility that is uncertain but can be studied further via observations and experiments. A theory is used to explain why large sets of observations are continuously made.

Hypotheses are based on various suggestions and possibilities but have uncertain results, while theories have a steady and reliable consensus among scientists and other professionals.

Both theories and hypotheses are testable and falsifiable, but unlike theories, hypotheses are neither well-tested nor well-substantiated.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The United State's Jihadists Control
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I chose hypothesis (O), which states that terrorists believe that striking the United States' homeland again could rally international support for America and weaken support for the radical Islamic movement(Painter, 2019). This hypothesis is directional since it gives the jihadists the decision not to strike the United States again, citing fears of overwhelming support America is likely to get. The Al-Qaida forces have two main goals: to ensure that they run the United States into bankruptcy and spread their forces. Therefore, taking the war outside the United States seemed to them to spread out the forces, hence making the United States' forces weak and defeat able. Based on this information, the jihadists developed several assumptions, such as striking the United States, which could ignite the international sympathy they enjoyed during the 9/11 era(Painter, 2019). Jihadists believed that the empathy had already declined as a result of Iraq's intervention. Besides, terrorists were more sensitive to the level of international support for the United States. For instance, Al-Qaida's leadership, headed by Osama bin Laden, initially withdrawn from the war in the 9/11 attacks, citing that they need to be aware of global public opinions' sensitivity.
This hypothesis is essential since it illustrates the finer details of what made the jihadists withdraw their planned a...
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