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Role of The Church in Quebec’s Politics

Essay Instructions:

This is essay needs to be comparative of the difference between the place of the church then and now.

The study needs to focus on politic as this is a politics class.

The works needs to have 5 main schorlarly sources with secondary sources

the Church exerts a great influence on the population and plays an active role in politics, generally supporting conservative, more traditionalist parties

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Role of The Church in Quebec’s Politics
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Role of The Church in Quebec’s Politics
Quebec has often been referred to as a priest-ridden province in that its clergy is of significant influence in the political arena. The Roman Catholic Church's involvement in the politics of Quebec has been viewed as exercising an inappropriate level of influence and at the same time keeping them in qualified awareness. This isolated Quebec from the rest of the country and continent and later contributed to their severe underdevelopment economically. It has largely resulted in the misinterpretation of the church in Quebec concerning its unique role in the political history of Quebec province in Canada. It is important to discuss the misinterpretation of roles the church has played differently in the past and today and how greatly it influences Quebec’s political life.
Generally, Christians struggle to understand the involvement of the church in economic and socio-political issues. The struggle has made Christians wonder if the church should actively get involved in politics or not. In that sense, the Bible and history back up the church's place in politics (Smith, 2018). For instance, Daniel became a Babylonian leader, many prophets like Amos talk of both political and social issues in Israel and the neighboring states. Both Jesus and John the Baptist give reference to the political points during their ministries. God's people in both the Old and New Testaments spoke in contradiction of misuse of political authority and advocated for the use of power justly (Jelen, 2019). The church ought to impact how Christians understand political issues in the national discussion
The church has dramatically supported many traditionalist political parties in the period of the Quiet revolution. During the Theocratic Period between 1608 to 1663, the church played a part in the colony's history. At that time, Quebec's church was much involved in the chase for the change of Amerindians and desired to create a European colony that acts as a typical community for Christians. The church got engaged with all of the socio-educational. They explored the continent and also got involved in the politics of the colony. Their participation attracted immigrants, and as a result, there was the establishment of cities like Ville Marie and missions. The church also influenced the relations between the economy of the colony and the Amerindians in many ways. When the state was absent, the church became the state and performed the functions of the state, like regulating people's lives and providing services to the community.
In the past, the church fully took part in policy and decision-making processes. The government used Roman Catholic Church's norms in Quebec politics to address justice, bribery, fraud, economic dept, schooling, health care, wellbeing, and safety (Jelen, 2019). The church gave support to and objected to government policies and promises that were not well-founded. It did so by opposing wrong acts of the government and supporting actual steps to ensure development in all aspects of society. Hence, in this case, the church became fundamental because it kept the government in checks and balances during policy or structure formulation and was not selfishly oriented.
Different people describe politics in many ways. Most of the early founders were Christians who made America be founded on biblical principles. In the early days, the laws were scripture-based. Most politicians severally gave references to the Bible because most citizens were well acquainted with the Bible. Politics is a broad topic and does not only relate to a political party or party platform. It touches on the life of societies, towns, cities, states, and countries (Smith, 2018). Churches that are Christians have the duty of being concerned with the kind of direction politics take. When moral standards are emphasized, a country grows and becomes strong, which indicates that a nation's strength is found in the faith that stands in the community and people. Embracing the faith our forefathers had will make us strong as a nation.
In the Gallican period between 1663 to 1760, the church's strength continued but was second in command under the state. The state set up values that were referred to as the Gallican freedoms. In this era, the church took care of matters related to education, health, and social services, under the supervision of the Quebec state. The church got several freedoms and support from the state. Which also included a set of guidelines guaranteeing the church an esteemed spot within the colony.
The period between 1760 and 1791 was also known as the post-Conquest period. The church lost the shielding mantle of the Catholic State. The church then dedicated its efforts to accept the British government. The church proclaimed faithful reverence for the authority, encouraged the Canadiens to back up the British when the Americans invaded them in 1775. They also offered cooperation whenever it was required of them. Even though the church received constant attacks from the government (Smuniewski, 2017), they still must fulfill their purpose in the political arena. In the revolution period, the church perceived the leaders that emerged in Quebec to be dangerous. The church challenged and strongly condemned their potential leadership in the community, who constantly influenced people into agreeing to the fundamental opinions and, ultimately, into rebellions.
The Roman Catholic Church of Quebec's power tremendously increased to unique heights between 1840 to1896 (the Liberalism and Ultramontanism period). This stirred up and resulted in the multiplication of spiritual audiences in Quebec, establishing numerous conventional colleges. In them, roughly fifty percent of the graduates enter the priesthood (Lyon and Harsch 2020). Later the church started Christianizing all the parts and modules of the French-Canadian community. They insisted that the elite go back to classical colleges to get renewed and establish several catholic social action clusters of people in their parishes within the province.
As the church in Quebec gained better success in mixing...
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