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The Rise in Computer Crime

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Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography

Due Week 6 and worth 150 points

An Annotated Bibliography is the result of a critical review of sources of information and the organization of those sources in preparation for writing the Research Project. The description and evaluation of sources allows students to choose specific sources of information that are most relevant to the topic. This evaluative process goes beyond simply collecting and listing references and requires students to review the specific content of each source. Students will submit an organized list of at least eight sources and an accompanying summary for each in order to explain, assess, and evaluate their relevance to the Research Project.

Information at the following is helpful in completing this portion: 


Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

Submit six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly references for use in the Research Project.

Provide a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each reference.

Evaluate the relevance and applicability of each reference to your chosen topic.

Organize the references in alphabetical order.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Use technology and information resources to research issues in crime and criminal behavior.

Write clearly and concisely about criminal justice topics using proper writing mechanics and APA conventions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Rise in Computer Crime
Annotated Bibliography
Celentano, L.Z., Farmer, J. J. et al. (2008).Computer Crime. A Joint Report, 1-151.
The joint report on the situation of computer crime in United States by US Investigative Department and State of New Jersey indicates that rise in computer crime is largely attributed to the increased penetration of computers in the population with 40% of Americans already having owned a computer by 1998. This has allowed access of the internet to the masses to both the good and bad intentions users. The report also underscores the point that though networks may be owned by companies, organizations and individuals, the internet is not regulated, owned or controlled by governments or organization. This leaves it unrestricted for any use whether positive or otherwise. The report also designates the areas where cyber crime has been on the incline; cyber bulling, internet fraud, hacking and identity theft. Especially in America where e-commerce has flourished and the trade value estimated to at least $1.4 trillion by 2004, fraudsters are becoming opportunistic at this monetary pool.
McGuire, M. & Dowling, S. (2013). Cyber Crime. Research Report, 1-35.
This article just as by Celentano begins by pointing out internet penetration rate in UK population quoting it at 80% in 2012. The article notices that more people consume most of their time on the internet, especially on social networking sites such as face book. In the UK, online retailing was valued at £586.6 million in 2013. With increased use of internet, McGuire indicates that computers have become ubiquitous and vulnerability to computer crimes has heightened. In the UK, cyber threat has been classified as a tier one security threat due to the foreseen repercussions of increased internet proliferation. This report delves into statistics of reported incidences of misuse of internet. 31% of adult internet users in the UK in a 2012 survey have experienced virus intrusions in their computers while 8% of businesses have reported cyber crimes directed towards them. It is however acknowledged that cybercrime incidences are under-reported which means these figures could be significantly higher.
Anderson, R., Barton, C., Bohme, R., Clayton, R., van Eeten, M. J. and Levi, M.
(2012). Measuring the cost of cybercrime. Retrieved: http://weis2012.econinfosec.org/papers/Anderson_WEIS2012.pdf.
According to Barton et al, most organization including cyber security agencies and firms are lagging behind in tackling computer related crimes. Threats towards intellectual property, state secrets and private communications are regarded as concerning. There is a marked increase in cyber organized crime against state installations such as oil, gas pipelines and transport infrastructure in espionage cases.69% of US business executives a...
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