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The Historical and Ideological Developments of UK Education Policy

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer please read this carefully and please use all information from UK only. 

Please include these books in the essay

Baldock J, Manning N & Vickerstaff S (2007). Social Policy. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press 

Blakemore, K (2007). Social Policy: An introduction. 3rd ed. Milton Keynes: Open University Press

Bochel, H. M. (2009). Social Policy: issues and developments. 2nd ed. Harlow: Longman

Please writer make sure that all citation must have page number. 

Thank you so much for ur help 

Guidance on Assignment (Learning Outcome 1)

Demonstrate an understanding of the historical and ideological developments of UK social policy identifying the underpinning principles and values.

-  You will need to choose a relevant Social Policy to focus on. One of the five Giant Evils that have been covered in the module. 

-  I chosen Education about this essay and link it with Marxism . write about how Marxist views on education.. 

-  This essay will focus more in education so please give more attention and write about education. 

-  Briefly look at how this policy has been developed in the UK, historically (from the 1940s to present) and ideologically (i.e., how different political views have influenced the development of the policy).

-  Identify the key values and principles underpinning this particular Social Policy 

-  Examples of how the policy been put into practice within the UK (locally/nationally)

-  Check that Learning Outcome 1 has been addressed.

2. Structure of the Assignment

Start with an Introduction (no more than 200 words), which explains the topic in your own words and tells the reader what to expect from the main body of the essay. Say why you chose the particular Social Policy. 

The Main Body of the assignment 

- the historical development of the chosen policy in the UK mainly from the 1940s (don’t make this too big a part);

- the ideological development of the policy, i.e., how have politics, the main ideologies and other factors (e.g., Community Care, mixed economy of care, consumerism, empowerment of service-users, purchaser-provider split etc), affected the development of the policy up to the present;

- the principles and values which lie behind the policy in respect of Health and Social Care workers and service-users, e.g., elimination of poverty, protection against abuse; development of new roles;

- you need to mention legislation (i.e., Laws and Regulations), Government White or Green papers and other publications or research which have influenced the policy and its formation and application to Social or Healthcare Practice. You do not need to reproduce whole sections of an Act – just refer to a section, and of course, reference your source.

- you need to “demonstrate an understanding” that is you need to define what is meant by (e.g., Social Policy, ideologies etc), explain, identify and discuss the policy (e.g., explain in your own words), thinking about the ideals and main beliefs behind the policy. 

The Conclusion should summarise the main body. 200 words This gives you the opportunity to draw together what you have found out from your studies, research, reading, lectures etc, about the topic you have chosen.

Your assignment will be marked using the following:-

• How well you have addressed all parts of Learning Outcome (you must address all parts of Learning Outcome to get a Pass grade);

• Evidence of how well you have used the reading materials, lists, lecture notes and handouts in the essay; as well as the guidance given;

• How clearly you have understood and explained the main ideas and values implicit in the subject of Social Policy;

• The appropriateness of your topic and themes and how well you have dealt with them locally/nationally;

• Referencing and Bibliography.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Historical and Ideological Developments of UK Education Policy
December 23, 2014
The Historical and Ideological Developments of UK Education Policy
In the recent past, Britain has formulated a lot of pioneering reforms to its education system in an endeavour to improve educational standards. These reforms are market-oriented (Hill, 2001.p.124). The UK education system is allied with Marxism, a theory conceptualized by Friedrich Engels and Karl Max in 1800s. The two developed conjectural viewpoints on contemporary societies which have been widely utilized in giving emphasis to the purpose and meaning of education in the society. The most notable education reform is that parents in UK have been given a variety of choices with regard to the schools their kids attend and the schools have inevitably been compelled to become more responsible.
In the utopian visualization of communism as proposed by Karl Max, education is supposed to groom well-socialized persons in order to create a supportive and harmonious society so as to release creativity in all of its forms (Hansen& Vignoles, 2005.p. 201). Thus Marxism is still inherently evident in the modern day UK education policy as stakeholders strive to implement nationally prescribed curriculum, post-compulsory schooling and they have also introduced tuition fees for higher education. In generations that came later on; neo-Marxian theorists and philosophers developed more robust theories of communication, perception, as well as education, where political subjectivities may be established to endeavour for democratic social change. This study will explore the UK educational policy to bring out the concept of Marxism and how it provides prominent and robust points of view on education, still of use, but that conventional Marxism has definite shortcomings and omissions that present-day theories of society must overcome.
Development of Educational Policy in the UK
There are several and significant education reforms that were implemented in the UK over the last decade garnering both social and educational impact on the mainstream society. In the Marxian convention, an extensive range and multiplicity of dissimilar positions, movements, as well as schools have developed over time. Economists and other allied policy makers have spawned views and opinions that have affected efficacy of specific policy interventions (Gibbs & Stobbart, 2007, p. 120). The major reasons why educational policies keep on changing are because the proposed interventions are usually not agreeable to economic valuation. In the 1980s, there were growing concerns amongst the stakeholders concerning the widening access and educational inequality. Prevalent fears emerged as educational standards seemed to fail, while a majority of school leavers left schools early and with minimal skills (Baldock, Manning and Vickerstaff, 2007).
Over two thirds of the cohort that left the educational system in the 1980s had no qualifications. As a consequent, there was need for change to be implemented through policy reforms, because the educational graduates entered the labour market with minimal skills and knowledge lacking the right qualifications. Despite the fact that these graduates had vocational qualifications there was an extensive opinion among education policy makers in Britain that the United Kingdom really had a specific problem due to low achievement by many people (Dixit, 2010, p. 44). Owing to these mounting concerns in 1980s the governments in place increased the speed at which schooling educational reforms were implemented. There were introduction of “market mechanisms” into the education system a move that was geared towards compelling the educators to raise educational standards.
A move towards a more robust education system came into being through the introduction of a ‘quasi-market’ which was kick started by the Education Reform Act in the year 1988. This legislation introduced market reforms and also a unified national curriculum that would ensure that students have access to the same study materials. Market oriented educational reforms were geared towards increasing parental choice; this would trigger accountability of the state funded schools. As a consequent, parents were accorded an opportunity to choose the kind of schools that their children attended and they were also allowed to have representation on the school governing boards. Owing to the implementation of this legislation the state funding process became linked to student enrolment; thus the schools were afforded the opportunity of attracting and admitting more students. Schools were at times given the permission of controlling their budgets and to get funded by the central government and not by the local government; hence schools were not under the control of the local government and this served to increase their independence and sovereignty in their operations.
There are notable limitations to the process of Quasi Market in the education system of Britain as schools are never permitted to leave the market, and a majority of parents also do not have adequate information as regards the quality of school. As a result, this weakens the motivation for schools to improve.
It’s not quite apparent what the goals of decision makers in schools are,
The goals and aims of schools’ decision-makers are not quite apparent. Unlike the private sector, public schools do not gear their efforts towards profit maximization (Gipps & Stobart, 2007.p.127). Often, the school principals and the allied stakeholders have conflicting objectives. Thus, the critical issue that policy have to work with is working out the most excellent method through which competition, motivation, as well as answerability could be blended for the purposes of enhancing the anticipated educational outcome.
Introduction of market reforms necessarily increased competition among schools but it also created a leeway for educational inequality (Bochel, 2009.p.89). The well-off parents are able to exploit the advantages of the market oriented system whereby they use the available information to take their children to the...
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