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Listen To Podcast Called The Fix and Complete the Worksheet

Essay Instructions:

Listen to the following podcast called "The Fix" - http://www(dot)radiolab(dot)org/story/addiction/ (click "stream" to listen)

Then complete the following worksheet


1. What drug did the French doctor use to help curb his cravings for alcohol?
2. The female journalist telling the story mentions that she was “torn” while attempting to write the piece on the doctor and the medicine to deal with addiction. Why was she torn?
3. How did addicts describe the cravings they would have for whatever it was they were addicted to?
4. The podcast tells the story of Ed (the paralyzed individual) who was one of the first individuals to explain the consequences of using Baclofen. What did Ed notice when he would increase the dose of this drug?
5. Why do you think some doctors were prescribing this drug off label?
6. What does the drug Baclofen (and others like it) actually do? How effective are they?
7. Why aren’t these drugs being used more often to treat addiction?
8. What are the two ways of seeing addiction mentioned in the podcast?
9. How do the individuals being interviewed (mainly doctors) compare the addiction situation with the depression situation?
10. What is “evidence-based treatment”? How did this help Billy, the individual who suffered from alcoholism?
11. What did researchers mean when they said that it seems like addiction is a “weakness born of strength”? In other words, researchers thing that people who are more likely to become addicts actually had an advantage in evolutionary terms…what would this advantage have been and how has that turned into a negative thing today?
12. What are your thoughts on addiction and its relation to mind and body after listening to this podcast?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Fix
1. What drug did the French doctor use to help curb his cravings for alcohol?
2. The female journalist telling the story mentions that she was “torn” while attempting to write the piece on the doctor and the medicine to deal with addiction. Why was she torn?
Though she skeptical about the addiction, she got torn because the alcohol addiction claim many lives. It is a medical challenge which makes people lose memory and paralyze the productivity of people.
3. How did addicts describe the cravings they would have for whatever it was they were addicted to?
Cravings for substance and alcohol is a true struggle and challenge which are beyond human cognizance. The addicts would prefer Vodka or other hard-substance over their girlfriend.
4. The podcast tells the story of Ed (the paralyzed individual) who was one of the first individuals to explain the consequences of using Baclofen. What did Ed notice when he would increase the dose of this drug?
According to Ed, increasing the dosage of baclofen makes one to resist and manage the temptation of addiction. The drug has positive effect on the paralyzed individual to recover from depression and addiction from alcohol.
5. Why do you think some doctors were prescribing this drug off label?
Though prescribing the drug off label is actually unprofessional, however sometime it is inevitable to assist the addicts who cannot walk to the facility to seek medical attention. Prescription of drug off level is not encouraged but it can work better for extreme addicts.
6. What does the drug Baclofen (and others like it) actually do? How effective are they?
The drugs soothes the brain. It makes a blanket cover on the mental cognition of the addicts and they stop to think about alcohol.
7. Why aren’t these drugs being used more often to treat addiction?
Though Baclofen is an effective medication to treat addiction ...
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