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Social Sciences Essay: The English Language and Language Varieties

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment 3: "The Story of English: Black on White"

Write 2-3 pages (at least 500 words. Write double spaced in essay format. Cite Haviland with page numbers and refer to the video by its title.

Below is the video guide (again) and the essay question for this assignment.

Video Guide

The video illustrates many of the topics in Chapter 5 on Language and Communication.

What are some formal properties of African American language? (Descriptive Linguistics)

How and where did African American English begin? How has the language changed through time? (Historical Linguistics and Culture Contact)

How do class, race, gender, age, occupation, and region influence the talk of the social groups in the video? (Sociolinguistics)

How do speech patterns relate to identity and educational issues?

5. In what ways are issues about how we talk political?

What are your reactions to the local context of the video? (Philadelphia in the past)

Essay Questions

Writing in essay form in paragraphs, use the video “The Story of English: Black on White," the chapter notes, and Haviland Chapter 5 to illustrate formal (descriptive) linguistics, historical linguistics, and sociolinguistics. Discuss male and female talk, and social class and language. How do speech patterns relate to identity and educational issues? Explain how dialect use is also political. You may briefly use your own experiences if you wish.

Directions for citing sources and for submitting your response:

The use of the words I or me is fine when referring to your own experiences and ideas. If you use an author's direct words, or almost their direct words, quotes must be used and the source (last name of author, most recent year of publication and page number from the text) must be given. For example, “Anthropology is the study of humankind in all times and places.” (Haviland 2017, 3). If re-written, mostly in your own words, you omit the quotes but DO give the author, date, and page number. When discussing a video, give the title. For a web source, give a brief address and use quotes if quoting. For example: (americananthro.org, 1/3).

video url


Essay Sample Content Preview:

The English Language and Language Varieties
[date] The English language has been the world's business language. It has reached even the non-English speaking countries, proving that it is a global language of today's generation (McCrum, MacNeil, & Cran, 2011). Although English is a particular language, it has become versatile over time. The language has been shaped by a country's culture, people, and even linguistic rules. The English language now has varieties that showcase the culture that influence each array. There are British English, American English, African-American English, and many more. These varieties differ in diction, linguistic characteristics, and contextual use.
One variety of English is African-American English, which developed when the African race enters the English lands like America and Europe. Their formal English is called African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) (Labov, 1998). The words in this English variety are mostly repetitive and creative. They are rooted in a specific story that must be reformed to suit the people's situation or state. This exhibits the language's dynamics. It can change according to its users' experience and situation (Haviland, Prins, McBride & Walrath 2017, 123). African-American Vernacular English also differs from standard English grammar. They mostly use a redundant and double negative, but they mean the same familiar English grammar idea.
The development of the African-American English variety is attached to Africans' history to English speakers (The Story of English Program 5 Black on White). The combination of English has been considered a dialect of English because of its long connection to English development history. Because of the history of slavery and migration between Africans and English speakers, a mode of communication had to...
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