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The Cause of the Conflict in North Ireland

Essay Instructions:

Provide a personal reflection on ‘Two decades after peace pact, reconciliation still lags in
Northern Ireland.

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Two Decades after Peace Pact, Reconciliation Still Lags in Northern Ireland
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Two Decades after Peace Pact, Reconciliation Still Lags in Northern Ireland
At the start, the film focuses on the cause of the conflict in North Ireland. The battle resulted from religious differences between the Catholics and Protestants, which finally forced the British army to respond with force. As a result, there was bloodshed in Northern Ireland that was identified as the “Troubles,” which led deaths of over 3,500 people (PBS NewsHours, 2018). The conflict was a result of the division between the two religions. During division, Northern Ireland’s Protestants primarily identified as British and favored the United Kingdom’s remaining parts (unionist). Northern Ireland’s Catholics identify as Irish, and most want a united Ireland. The video, two decades after peace pact reconciliation still lags in Northern Ireland, lastly focuses on the achievement of the Good Friday peace agreement and the construction of peace walls to reduce this violence.
In attempts to end the conflicts, agreements such as the Good Friday Agreement have been developed, and they have helped manage Ireland’s cultures and conflicts. “In Northern Ireland, the Good Friday Agreement established a framework for political resolution foundered on power-sharing among unionists and autonomists.” As a result, attempts have been made to reduce the level of violence in Northern Ireland among nationalists and unionists. Moreover, the British government constructed a barrier wall known as “peace walls” to separate the Catholics and the Protestants. As a result, there was a decrease in paramilitary violence and stability in Northern Ireland. Secondly, in the video, St. Cecilia School for the Catholics and Lisneal Hasa for the Protestants are combined for shared learning. Their teachers used religious, cultural, and political symbols to develop common interests among all the students despite their religion. This was helpful because it helped the students to develop shared goals and unity despite their regional differences.
Despite many years of bloodshed in Northern Ireland, the violence persists. In the video, Martine Mulhern claims that these vio...
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