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The Brain and Behavior

Essay Instructions:
Disorders of the Brain For this 2-4 page written Assignment, select a disorder of the brain that you are interested in learning more about. Describe the disorder, making sure to answer the following questions in your discussion of the disorder: Which parts of the brain are believed to be involved in this disorder, and how do these areas of the brain influence the development and behavior of the individual? Briefly describe at least one method which has been used to study this disorder (EEG, fMRI, etc.), and what this method involves. Describe at least one neurotransmitter(s) that is believed to function abnormally in this disorder, and how this impacts on the behavior of the individual. You will need a cover page, which includes your name, the name of the class and section, and the date. In completing this Assignment, be sure to use specific information from the text or other outside sources as needed to support your answers when defining the different terms and concepts. When referencing the text or outside sources, you need to use APA formatting. Information regarding APA formatting can be found in the Writing Center and should be reviewed thoroughly. APA formatting dictates how your paper should appear on each page. In addition, your paper should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display quality content, organization, style, and mechanics. Formatting Information Your paper should include: Cover page Main body of the paper (2-4 pages) Reference page (Need only reference text) Correct APA formatting for in-paper citations You should follow these formatting guidelines for your paper: Use standard margins: 1" on all sides. Use standard 12-point font size. Use standard double-spacing Be sure the text is left-justified. Your paper must be your original work; plagiarism will not be tolerated. Be sure to review the syllabus in terms of what constitutes plagiarism. TEXT REFERENCE INFORMATION Textbook Information Title: Introduction to Psychology Author: Charles Stangor ISBN: 978-1-936126-48-4 (Color: 978-1-936126-49-1) Publisher: Flat World Format: eBook Stangor, C. (2010). Introduction to psychology. Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge, Inc.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Brain and Behavior: The Bipolar Disorder Name Course number Instructor’s name Date Introduction A bipolar disorder also referred as the manic depression is a mental disorder which is known by  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychiatry" \o "Psychiatry" psychiatrists to be a mood disorder. In most cases, patients with this disorder encounter moments of a frenzied mood that is referred as mania, which alternates with depression episodes. This disorder is quite serious and can result into risky behavior, damaged careers and or relationship and if untreated can lead to suicidal tendencies. Although it can affect all people, its happens to be more common in young children and teenagers who may be as young as five years. Although some analysts have argued that the disease is not very common, there are those who claim that the disease is consistently growing. Until recently, doctors have been unable to ascertain the real causes of this disorder (Stangor, 2010). Discussion Though bipolar disorder is categorized as a brain disorder, it does not affect all the brain parts; rather it affects some specific parts. A study conducted by the National University of Seoul, department of Psychiatry was purposed to find out the part of the brain which bipolar disorder affected. The FMRI technology was employed in assessing the brain anomalies with this disorder. The researchers found gray substances in the brain of patients that had bipolar I disorder. Patients with disorder 2 had deficits of this gray matter in the entromedial prefrontal parts of the brain, the cortex and at the top of the eyes orbits. The grey substances were also found in the brain’s anterior limbic cortices. The areas that are affected by this disorder, that is, the anterior limbic cortices and ventromedial prefrontal parts, subseq...
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