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Technology and the Global Trend Towards Globalization

Essay Instructions:

signment will support your achievement of module/course outcome #4. This essay is your chance to demonstrate your mastery of this outcome. Please target all these factors in your writing.
4. Examine the interaction between the move towards a globalized human society and growing concerns with resource allocation and environmental integrity from the perspective of at least two of the disciplines included in the natural sciences.
Please read carefully the interview with Dr. Michael Klare on “Global Scarcity” Scramble for Dwindling Natural Resources” in the Yale Environment 360 web site:
Dr. Klare mentions several different resources that he believes will be defining the political and environmental realities of the 21st century. The interview highlights the perspective that it is not actually running-out of these things but their increasing scarcity and the extreme methods we will be using to extract them that is the important concern. The threat to the environment comes from these new extreme extraction processes and the locations where they can be found. 
For your 3rd Essay which is due in Module 6 you will begin working on this assignment by submitting a topic proposal and outline in this module. This will follow the format you have been using. The topic proposal should be no less than 200 words and no more than 400 words long. You will include a clearly articulated research question to be answered in the essay. The outline should follow the format you used in module 2. Brief ideas and sentence fragments or bullets to give the basic structure of how the paper will progress. Include at least 2 academic resources you will use beyond the assigned readings. See the EC library and the EC OWL or Perdue OWL for more information on constructing topic proposals and outlines.
Perdue OWL Outline types and samples: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/544/03/
Your topic proposal and outline for Essay 3 are due during Module 5.
To begin working on the Essay 3 you should follow these steps:
Select ONE of the natural resources that Dr. Klare discusses.
Research the environmental and health dangers that he mentions, as well as any others you can find and discuss these in detail. Be sure to use multiple sources that are academic research based not web sites supported either by industry or environmental groups that each have an agenda to push.
Research any efforts being undertaken to ameliorate these concerns and discuss if it is sufficient or if the dangers are too great to continue with this extraction method.
Explore which developing countries are impacted by the exploration and extraction of this resource. How has this shaped their economy?
Discuss the growing demand from developing countries for this resource and the equitable distribution of this resource.
Discuss the balance between the need for this resource to continue our life style, the growing economies of the developing world and the need to protect the environment.
What can or should we give up or can we have it all? Will alternative sources that are less threatening to the environment be available in time?
How does the push for controlling greenhouse gases around the world impact the extraction and use of this resource?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Proposal and Outline
Proposal and Outline
Topic Proposal
Technology has fuelled the global trend towards globalization. This has been further heightened by international migration of people across international borders. The result is noveau global phenomenon, where human society becomes even more integrated. As globalization occurs there is an increasing need for resources to satisfy the need of the populace. However, resources in most instances are limited and exhaustible in nature. Thus, with time most resources become depleted and the need arises for new ways to extract the remaining resources. The result is heighted "global animosity for the resources and the usage of environmentally unsound extraction mechanisms" (Santiago Borasin, 2002).
The paper will therefore choose one natural resource at risk of depletion as discussed by Dr. Klare. The paper will look into the environmental and health dangers associated with the extraction of the resource and the ameliorative strategies put in place to mitigate the challenges. The natural resource chosen is oil. The paper will examine the Environmental and health dangers of oil extraction in the following manner.
The environmental and health dangers of oil extraction vary depending on the mining technique used and the length of exposure to the mining environment. Extraction techniques such as phytonic process can contribute to the poisoning of water sources above or below ground. The technique utilizes toxic chemicals in the mining process (Prasad & Kumari, 1987). These chemicals can cause injuries to the workers and surrounding communities if released into the environment. A key example is Hydrogen Sulfide. Oil extraction also caused air pollution when conducted over land. In offshore mining, the extraction results in the pollution of the sea and the destruction of the flora and fauna present (Gosellin, 2010).
The paper will also consider the ameliorative efforts put in place as a result of concerted efforts by environmental groups and citizens. Governments can take note of the need to utilize environmentally sound extraction mechanisms. Key among these could be environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) to be conducted prior to mining activities. Some regions e.g. the European Union have enacted legislation to guide the use of hydraulic fracturing (King, 2012). Stringent legislation ensures that mining activities adhere strictly to the set protocols...
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