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6-1 & 6-2: Suitable Strategies, Problems Identified

Essay Instructions:

I am sending you the 4 question this is mine. 5-1, 5-2, 6-1 & 6-2 please be detailed no material pass 10 years old. in text citations. 5-2 needs 2 journal articles I have added chapter 4 and others articles that is need take what you need to finish the assignment I still have to send you pages from the dsm5 I will send it in the morning. I need only 5-1 in 9 days can you do that for me please

Essay Sample Content Preview:

5-1, 5-2, 6-1 & 6-2
A treatment plan requires the client and the therapist to agree on suitable strategies to address the problems identified. The plan is meant to bolster strengths and resources to reduce vulnerability and build resilience to help clients face challenges in the future (McCrady, 2017). Without the client's collaboration, the therapist cannot fully address some of the causes of patient’s dysfunctional personality. In cases where clients develop clinically significant problems, the therapist can only treat these problems based on the information the patients provide including the background and his life circumstances (McCrady, 2017). The treatment plan should be patient-centered. The therapist goals need to align his plans based on patients’ needs. It is through collaboration that the therapist and the client have an agreement (Scott, Boylan & Jungers, 2013).
5.2. Delivering cultural sensitive treatment plans can be challenging, especially in a situation where the ethnic and cultural concepts are different from the mainstream values of the institution. Since the administrative process follows specific cultural and institutional values that, determine the nature of the services (American Psychiatric Association, 2014).
Counseling process occurs in three basic stages, however the development stage influences treatment plan because it is at this point that the client will either develop trust. During the development stage, mutual relationship is established (Carr, 2015). In this process, the counselor and client develop a relationship that foster will determine the outcome of the therapy by setting goals that form part of the treatment plan (Carr, 2015).
6. 1: SOAP notes
Name: Mary Johnson Date: 27/08/2017 DOB: 1999
Age: 18 Start Time: 2.00P.M End Time: 2:45P.M
Identifying Information:
The client is a Hispanic female with average weight, and currently undertaking her studies as a senior in college majoring in economics. She stated that she lived with her grandmother, the two live within the nearby suburbs.
S: Presenting Problem:
At the beginning of the session, the client stated that the main reason for seeking help is that she felt betrayed by people she cared about. Her best friends had shared out her secret with other classmates who in turn made fun of her situation calling her an abandoned child. On the other hand, she stated that her grandmother reused to tell her the truth about her real parents.
Life Stressors:
O:The client identified school as her life stressor because her cla...
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