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Students Comments on 2-2: A Tool for Medical Practitioners

Essay Instructions:

there are four students comments on their post of 2-2. Comments must be substaially with in text citations I need in three days. The students are Kathryn, Brad, Marisa, and Valerie all information is added

Kathryn  2 DQ 2       The DSM-5 is a tool for medical practitioners to use in regards to diagnosing and treating clients. However, it is just that- a tool. It is not a clear cut method of diagnosing everyone and each client presents differently. A counselor may get two clients when the same symptoms but they may not be diagnosed or treated the same way. For example, a female who is experiencing suicidal thoughts and another female who is experiencing suicidal thoughts, may not be on the same level of depression. One female may be experiencing post-partum depression which is a completely different treatment plan.

In terms of culture, treatments for certain disorders may warrant medication to aid in relief of symptoms. However, as practitioners, we know that some cultures will not believe in modern medical treatments. Some may not have access to the same medical treatments.

In working with undocumented citizens, some will be reluctant to follow through on treatment if it has anything to do with going to a hospital or simply filling a prescription. They tend to shy away from “being in the system”.

With all the additional support that the DSM-5 provides for diagnosis and treatment in terms of: prevalence, risks, prognoses, gender-related issues, and cultural considerations- it is still imperative that the practitioner take each and every client as an individual case to uncover a unique and useful diagnosis and treatment plan.  Dziegielewski, S. F. (2015). DSM-5 in action. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-13:   9781118136737

Brad 2 DQ 2
With ever expanding and changing health care system, the inclusion of multiple aspects about the human being as it relates to each one being a client/patient has increased. It is important when dealing with mental health to have as much data on possible issues as can be found, dealing with diverse cultures and lifestyles including religious and spiritual orientations, information on gender and age related information, and risk factors all combine to allow us as clinicians to assess and predict to some degree what a client may be dealing with diagnostically and how their issue may change in the future. As its name implies, the DSM is a statistical information catalogue of sorts offering some data on prevalence of disorders by age, culture, and gender in some cases as a means to verify the probability of a client having a specific disorder. This is one of several criterial means of quantifying and determining the diagnostic value of a client’s issues.

In treatment understanding these different factors can have either a positive or negative effect on the outcome; for example a client that is elderly may tend toward higher risk factors simply because they may no family living nearby, thus they have a less stable support group system. This can be mitigated by them living in an assisted living facility, however, the emotional impact may be less than adequate depending on their issues (Dziegielewski, 2015). The need to consider as many factors and variables in the life of a client will invariably afect the therapeutic outcome and make treatment a positive experience versus a negative one.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

As a diagnostic tool, the DSM includes diagnostic criteria for mental disorders. In addition, it includes information such as prevalence, risks, prognoses, gender-related issues, and cultural considerations for these disorders. What role might this information play in diagnosis and treatment?
Considering associated features like prevalence, risks, prognosis, gender-related issues, and cultural aspects are necessary in diagnosing mental disorders. Not all people seeking mental health services do so voluntarily, especially when then there a is lack of direct service support and at times shame, associated mental and development disorders (Hernandez et al., 2009). Even for clients who have similar patterns, the diagnosis may be different even as this is the basis for treatment. Assessment should not only focuses on symptoms, but also other diagnostic content.
Hernandez, M., Nesman, T., Mowery, D., Acevedo-Polakovich, I. D., & Callejas, L. M. (2009). Cultural competence: A literature review and conceptual model for mental health services. Psychiatric Services 60(8):1046-1050.
Brad health
An effective treatment plan incorporates the multiple aspects affecting the metal health disorders of the clients. Access to more patient data supports clinical case formulation where different diagnostic features are considered. There are cases where a community is misinformed about the mental health disorders, and this is especially for the underserved populations (Aggarwal, et al., 2013). The DSM-5 highlights symptom similarities for mental health disorders, and also considers prevalence, risks, prognosis, gender-related issues, and culture. Addressing the multiple aspects improves health outcomes since clinicians can identify that i...
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