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Critical Review Of Student Learning On The Module And The Placement

Essay Instructions:

Coursework 3: Critical Review assignment

1. General format

The Critical Review assignment will critically review various aspects of your learning during the module and placement. You will need to reflect on at least three of these aspects in an overall reflective piece of work of your placement.

1.1. Overall format

You must include the following:

• Introduction

• Background - including a brief description of the organisation and anything else which helps to contextualise the placement

• Various elements (see 2. below) which have been relevant to your learning on the module and the placement

• Conclusion

2. When reflecting on your learning and their impact on your placement you might include some of the following:

• professionalism

• the use of problem solving techniques and decision making

• communication

• service user and carer engagement and involvement

• empowerment

• inter-professional working

3. Use of literature

Please note that you are expected to use appropriate literature sources to support your work with theoretical underpinnings.

• Dear writer in this essay u may need to make it up for me I'll give u my placement info. U need to write these write about it and cite in please all info or books most come from UK books or website only and link in with my placement experience (which is u have to make up ) please use uk English and make sure not plagiarism

• communication

• service user and carer engagement and involvement

• empowerment

• inter-professional working

And link it with my placement (make it up) while im working there I have to communicate with service user and helping staffs. Please always cite

• This is my placement website

• http://shopmobility-sheffield(dot)weebly(dot)com/

please follow this when u write my essay >> good or very good one

Appendix 16

Level Five Rubrics 2016-17 Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

FOCUS answers question / completes task engages with subject Outstanding; high to a very high standard. Critical and analytical work, which demonstrates a rigorous approach to the task. A contextual understanding of the assignment as part of the overall degree programme is evident. Very strong engagement with the subject Learning outcomes are met in a comprehensive response to the task to a very good standard. There is evidence of careful planning and all assessment criteria and learning outcomes are addressed. A good piece of work, which addresses in full the task requirements. Key topics are addressed in a straight forward and effective manner. Some material was not central to the task. A largely sound albeit descriptive piece of work, which addresses most of the task requirements but meets all the learning outcomes. Some material was not central to the task. Evidence is presented but there are some areas where this is missing. There was little sense of the writer's own connection with the material presented. Overall unsatisfactory with some sound aspects. Little or no evidence of focus on the task, with a consequent failure to meet the learning outcomes. Work is either insufficient or incomplete and does not address those elements essential to success. There was no sense of the writer's own connection with the material presented.

STRUCTURE clear logical and coherent structure The standard of the work is exceptional as it is written and presented in a mature, intelligent and considered style. The arguments and ideas are expressed cleverly and carefully and so the overall result is a highly effective communication of the author's intentions with very good coherence and logic. The work is presented in an accurate and effective format. Themes and topics are discussed in a clear and appropriate style, and there is evidence of careful planning. The work flows well from beginning to end and is structured well, in order to achieve this. There is commendable clarity of ideas and a very good sense of coherence and logic. The assignment has been produced in the required format with some care. Ideas and subject areas are discussed clearly and coherently in the main, with precise or successful communication. The sections of the work link or flow effectively with each other. There is some attempt to structure the work with ideas and arguments fairly clear and coherent. In places, there is evidence of a lack of care and planning in the production of the work, or of a lack of familiarity with the format. There is little or no flow throughout and component parts are poorly linked which fails to communicate ideas clearly or coherently. Introductory sections are limited or non-existent and there is no successful conclusion. The author should be familiar with the format of the task at this level and so this is not a successful piece of work.

READING AND CITATIONS referencing according to College guidelines and range of sources Exceptionally well researched with a highly creditable range of academic sources has been used, with an emphasis on primary texts and journals. These have been cited accurately and carefully throughout and represent a continuous engagement with reading throughout the programme. Reading and reference lists have been ordered and formatted with accuracy. This is well researched with clear evidence of wide and in -depth reading; sources are varied and the majority of the material is from primary sources. Care has been taken with referencing and citation, although there may be some minor inaccuracies in formatting. The work displays a good level of reading and is quite well researched, although there should be more engagement with academic sources beyond the reading list at this final level. There is understanding of, and engagement with, the Harvard system of referencing and citation, although there are basic errors that remain unaddressed. This is adequately researched. The number and range of academic literature is adequate although shows insufficient development for the final year of study. There are still several problems with the standard of referencing and citation. Not well researched. Sources are not cited correctly, and there may be examples of poor academic practice, relating to the origins and authorship of material that are unacceptable at this final stage of study with limited evidence of the development expected in this key area over the course of study. Texts and sources are limited, both in number and in quality.

THEORY AND PRACTICE knowledge and understanding of relevant material anti-discriminatory practice Evidence of sophisticated and varied knowledge, displayed in a mature and balanced approach to the task. The author demonstrates confidence and familiarity with theories, models of perspectives and so the work is extremely convincing with a high level or critical analysis and evaluation and incisive original thinking or originality. Very strong links between theory and practice throughout This contains a very good level of critical analysis and evaluation and significant originality. There is clear evidence of varied and in-depth reading and of a willingness to use independently acquired knowledge. The work shows significant comprehension of the subject as well as an interest in it. Theory presented could have a more sophisticated relationship to practice A fairly good level of critical analysis and evaluation with some evidence of or originality. Sound knowledge and understanding of key themes and data are present. The assignment reflects less engagement with autonomous study than is expected in the final year of study, but the overall result is good. In places, there are good links made between relevant theoretical perspectives and practice.

There is a fair level of critical analysis and evaluation, but little evidence of originality with some significant misunderstandings and errors. There is some basic knowledge in the work and a sufficient range of relevant material. Terminologies or language expected at this level are used either imprecisely, or not at all. Some engagement between relevant theoretical perspectives and practice. Inadequate critical analysis and evaluation with no evidence of originality. There is little evidence of engagement with course material and concepts over the course of the programme. The work does not meet the standards required in this final stage of study. No engagement between relevant theoretical perspectives and practice.

EXPRESSION AND PRESENTATION English expression and grammar, spelling and punctuation High quality presentation which is both highly literate and articulate; the author has developed an appropriate style throughout the programme that communicates their ideas most effectively at this level. completed within word count and clearly proof-read, with trivial or only very minor errors. A very good standard of presentation, communicated with exceptional authority. Sentences are clear, accurate and expressive. There are very few grammatical or spelling errors which are trivial or very minor. A good standard of presentation. The work is largely written in clear and effective English, however there may be poor choices of words and phrasing and some uncorrected errors of spelling, punctuation, paragraphing or grammar and some deficiencies in presentation. A sound standard of presentation, although some weaknesses in style or presentation. Expression may be unclear and meanings may not be satisfactorily communicated. There are several errors of grammar, spelling, paragraphing and punctuation that should have been addressed by this stage but satisfactory overall. unacceptable standard of presentation. The work is either difficult to read and understand, because of poorly written English, or because it has clearly not been produced carefully, nor proof-read. It is not an acceptable standard at this final stage.


An expression of your opinions and approaches to working in health and social care Excellent academic understanding and embedding of values and anti-oppressive practice throughout. Thorough in-depth understanding of the complexities of working with people from different backgrounds within Health and Social Care. Very good understanding of values and anti-oppressive practice. Demonstrates an understanding of the complexities of working with people from different backgrounds within Health and Social Care. There is a good attempt to relate the subject to values and anti-oppressive practice but this needs further consideration. There are some misunderstandings. Especially in relation to the complexities of working with people from different backgrounds within Health and Social Care Developing attention to values and anti-oppressive practice demonstrated but lacks an awareness of the complexities of working with people from different backgrounds within Health and Social Care. No understanding of values and anti-oppressive practice demonstrated. Some significant errors and misunderstandings. Demonstrates no understanding of the complexities of working with people from different backgrounds within Health and Social Care.

Coursework 3: Critical Review assignment

Essay question

The Critical Review assignment will critically review various aspects of your learning during the module and placement. You will need to reflect on at least three of these aspects in an overall reflective piece of work of your placement.

1.1. Overall format

You must include the following:

• Introduction

• Background - including a brief description of the organisation and anything else which helps to contextualise the placement

• Various elements (see 2. below) which have been relevant to your learning on the module and the placement

• Conclusion

2. When reflecting on your learning and their impact on your placement you might include some of the following:

• communication

• service user and carer engagement and involvement

• empowerment

• inter-professional working

3. Use of literature

Please note that you are expected to use appropriate literature sources to support your work with theoretical underpinnings.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional growth requires that students have a chance to work with the best in the industry. This is a growth mentality that is crucial for the student relative to getting the best platform to launch their career. Getting connected to professional in the field is one of the ways that students can get referrals for their next stage in their career buildup (McKay, 2016). The more the connections the better the chance the students have at interacting with professions who will assist them with getting to their goals. This is through connecting them with other professionals in the field, or even jo opportunities that will materialize and jolt them into the next stage in their careers (Barclays, 2017). Placement is one of the best ways that students get the chance to interact with professionals in their field (Page, 2017). At the same time the students get the chance to gain professional experience. It is not enough that students have had enough theoretical experience in the field, from class ("Students - How to get the perfect placement - Placement UK", 2017). It is important that students are able to apply the theoretical experiences, knowledge and information that they have acquired in class and use in the professional capacities (Page, 2017). As such it is crucial for the students to choose keenly where they would want to be placed. This should be an organization that supports their goals and objectives relative to the career from a professional point of view, academically and even personally (Vitez, 2017). A career should be part of the professional and social growth of a person (McKay, 2016). This is to mean that every student should have an approach that considers the academic, professional and social aspect of their lives and what they would want to achieve in the future, when choosing their placement organizations. The placement chosen for the completion of academic and professional goals in this case is Shopmobility Sheffield ("Shopmobility Sheffield", 2017). This is a company that offer its clients a chance to rent and buy a wide range of three and four wheeled scootas and manual wheelchairs as well. Mobility is a key challenge within Sheffield and beyond, especially for the elderly and person that have challenges walking relative to weak limb or otherwise compromised limbs. The companies offer the clients the reliability in service with scootas and wheelchairs and thus bring fluidity in transport and efficiency ("Shopmobility Sheffield", 2017).
Shopmobility Sheffield as the name suggests is a company that is based Sheffield. With reference to employees at the company there are staff, trustees and volunteers. The staff at the company is Mark Arber who is also the manager ("Shopmobility Sheffield", 2017).
The company offers its clients to move around using scootas and wheelchairs. The company offers a number of options for the clients, in terms of equipment that the clients can use three or four wheeled scootas as well access to the manual wheelchairs. The powered scootas some element of independence as the clients can ride them on their own. The manual wheelchairs on the other hand are for the clients that have to be assisted to move around. As such the clients have to have someone to push them around. Clients have access to the company services and products from two main outlets which are at Eldon street, specifically near the top of West Street while the other store is at Crystal Peaks ("Shopmobility Sheffield", 2017).
From the available options the clients are advised to use the four wheeled option before they can later use the three wheeled option. This is relative to the fact that the three wheeled scootas require higher balancing skills. after mastering balancing skills, the clients can then use the three wheeled scootas ("Shopmobility Sheffield", 2017). These offer better maneuver experience as they have a higher ability to turn in tight spaces. As such, they offer better ability when moving around, improving the element of mobility for the clients.
The clients have access to loans at the stores, where the staff will ask them to produce either, utility bill, bank statement, NHS, DSS, council letter, passport of their driver’s license. Where the clients want to access long-term loans, there is a package that allows them to hire one or more at the Eldon Street outlet. After a period of six weeks the clients are requested to always bring in their scootas and wheelchairs for surviving. This is crucial to make sure that the equipment is working and in a mint condition now and for the future for the same clients or even others. Clients can also pick out another if they need to ("Shopmobility Sheffield", 2017).
At the company, there were three main sections that were part of the placement, the sales department, loans and customer care. These three formed the bulk of the processes at the company relative to the fact that much of the operations at the company include, sales, loans and customers care services which is a common section for most of the businesses. Each of the section, students were required to take a month to fully learn the processes and gain the professional edge required by the company and by the industry. This also rhymed with the fact that the placement lasted three months. In each of the sections, the students were assigned an a patron who would guide them through the processes at the company’s department and assign duties. The student would report to the patron before any issues they have raised were taken to manager (Taylor, 2016). Issues that were forwarded to the manager regarding the students under placement, would have to be discussed between the student and the patron along with the departmental head. However, most of the decisions were made on a rather collaborative approach between the manager and the teams at the various departments. In some of the cases the manager, however made the decisions and expected the teams to cooperate ("Shopmobility Sheffield", 2017). As such, there some element of balance between the democratic approach and an autocratic one when it came to decision making process ("BBC - Higher Bitesize Business Management - Decision-making in business : Revision", 2017). Every week the students were expected to hand in a report with reference to the duties that they have assigned through the week and as part of their follow up on the progress that they were making at the assigned posts. The reports would be signed by the patron, then the departmental heads before they are then forwarded to the manager. A copy of the digitally signed report would then be forwards to the student with all the comments attached to it. These copies were crucial for the preparation of the final report.
Placement Experiences
Working at the firm for the three months offered great chances and opportunities to interact with the professionals at the different level of management. At the same time the chances included interacting with some of the stakeholders and mostly the clients. One of the aspects that came out quite clearly, is the level of professionalism that the company operates under (McKay, 2016). Every other member of the company is aware of their duties and this goes along into enhancing the professional connection. At the same time the level of efficiency at the company is quite high relative to the element of professionalism. This is an aspect that is boosted by the reliability found with the rest of the workers, forming a backbone professional work flow (The Telegraph, 2017). Despite the fact that there are different genders working at the company, there are no element of discrimination based on gender. This is also the case with religious back grounds and race of the employees (McKay, 2016). Ideally, the element of professionalism is baked into the company culture. For the students under placement at the company, some of the aspects that one notices are the willingness of the rest of the staff to assist. While the patron is supposed to assist, none of the staff do not assist the students. Despite the fact that the students are learning at the company and practically with little experience than the rest of the staff and volunteers, they are treated with respect. This is a crucial aspect and helps build the confidence of the students professionally and socially (McKay, 2016).
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