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Structural Functionalist and Conflict Theories on the Existence of Social Inequality

Essay Instructions:

Answer questions 1 through 3 using the cites under each question if there is no cite you may use other references. For each question write a semi-formal analytical response with a thesis statement, evidence, and significance explained clearly

Use the APA format when citing

Write in your own words. Paraphrasing can be problematic, even when cited. Simply changing a word or two is not paraphrasing. Read the source material. Set it down. Write in your own words; do not copy and paste. Cite.

Question 1 (300 word response minimum)

Durkheim is most closely associated with the structural functionalist theory and Marx with conflict theory. How does each theory explain the existence of social inequality? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each approach?

Question 2 (300 word response minimum)

Georg Simmel and W.E.B. DuBois both write about dualism in their social theories.

Compare and contrast the dualisms they identify. What are the major features? Use Simmel or DuBois's concept of dualism to discuss how dualism operates in your own life.





Question 3 (300 word response minimum)

Thorstein Veblen is famous for his The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899) in which he developed the concept of Conspicuous Waste to analyze symbolic representations of social class.

(a) Using Veblen define Conspicuous consumption, provide an example from contemporary society of conspicuous consumption and use Veblen's theory to interpret those examples.(Analyze the example, rather than simply describe it, demonstrating that you understand Veblen's theory).

(b) Using Veblen define Conspicuous leisure, provide an example from contemporary society of Conspicuous leisure and use Veblen's theory to interpret those examples. (Analyze the example, rather than simply describe it, demonstrating that you understand Veblen's theory).

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Social Science Theories Questions
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Social Science Theories Questions
Question 1
Some of the more recent scholars of social inequality include Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx. Durkheim through his structural functionalist theory sees society as a complex structure formed from multiple interrelated parts (Solomon & Anthony, 2018). All the interrelated factors play a pivotal function to ensure the success of society, thus bringing about the concept of functionalism. However, despite the interrelatedness of society and the need for consensus to ensure the success of society, Durkheim also notes the existence of individual multiplicity (Solomon & Anthony, 2018). Each individual has multiple forces that determine how effectively coercive powers such as social norms influence their decision-making. Thus, social inequality comes about due to individuals lacking the ability to overcome their multiplicity to become a collective part of the whole society (Solomon & Anthony, 2018).
On the other hand, Karl Marx perceives society to be “an arena for social conflict” (Sawar et al., 2021, p.2). Marx’s reasoning is based on the existence of social classes; the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, or the haves and the have not. The bourgeoisie holds the power of production and is in charge of running social institutions, while the proletariat can only provide cheap labor to maintain their survival (Sawar et al., 2021). The existence of social institutions such as public schools ensures that the status quo in society does not change, which in turn limits the social mobility of the lower classes, thus bringing to life social inequality.
The strength of Durkheim’s theory is that it recognizes the inter-relatability of society and how inseparable each class of individuals is to societal success. On the other hand, the concept of the two forms of solidarity that makes a society collective only looks at the physical characteristics of individuals, but fails to consider some influencing factors such as economics. The strength of Karl Marx’s conflict theory is that it focuses on the economic factors that influence multiplicity within society, leading to the creation of social classes as each individual attempts to look out for their own needs. However, Marx’s approach on how to solve social inequality does not seriously consider the individualistic nature of man.
Question 2
Both W. E. B. Du Bois and Georg Simmel attempt to explain dualism based on their interrogation of the self and society. Their understanding of dualism has a striking semblance, although the context of their dualism varies due to cultural heritage. One similarity between the two dualisms is how the human soul responds to the environment it exists. For example, Du Bois’ famous quote that the soul of the African American is split into two, that of being American, and that of being a Negro (Du Bois, 1903) indicates a warring state within the individual based on how they perceive themselves versus how the multicultural society perceives them.
Similarly, Simmel sees the individual soul and society at large split into two tendencies (Simmel, 1957), such as the human need for both motion and repose. The result of this duality according to Simmel is the creation of generalization on the one hand, and specialization on the other (Simmel, 1957). Generalization gives rest to the spirit by allowing psychological predisposition to imitation, while specialization gives the soul the ability to deal with each concept or ...
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