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Stereotypical Portrayals in TV or Film

Essay Instructions:

Television and film producers have editorial control over their media products; they control all aspects of the TV program and/or movie with the intent to impart a specific set of values to the viewing audience. This is especially true for character development. Certain characters are made to look attractive, smart, kind, generous, and altogether likeable. Others, less so. The characters, likeable or not, are automatically associated with their lifestyle choices and, importantly, the outcomes those choices produce. People tend to like the characters whose decisions lead to desirable outcomes. TV and film producers can develop characters whose appearance and lifestyle choices reinforce familiar stereotypes (e.g., the careerist female who, having forsaken marriage and children, seems destined to live a lonely life). In this way, TV and film producers convey messages about what kind of people we should aspire to be and what sort of lives we should aspire to live.

For this Assignment, you will closely examine stereotypical portrayals in TV or film.

Review the Learning Resources for this week and think about how TV and film can function as a vehicle for delivering stereotypical messages (e.g., powerful women who sacrificed family for career and lamented their unmarried, childless status).

Reflect on television shows or films you have seen that employ stereotypical portrayals used by producers to condemn or endorse specific lifestyle choices.

Submit 3–5 pages, not including title page or reference page:

Your task is to choose a current (e.g., in the last 12 months) television program or a film and conduct a content analysis that identifies the stereotypical portrayals used by the producers to condemn or endorse specific lifestyle choices.

Choose one of the major characters in the movie or TV program you’ve selected.

Describe their physical appearance; are they made to look attractive?

What role does this person play in the story? Is it stereotypical? Are they effective in that role?

What is this person’s job? Is it stereotypical? Are they successful in their job?

Describe two or three specific actions taken by this person.

What was the outcome of each action? Was it positive or negative?

Do the actions/outcomes reinforce a stereotype?

Is the stereotype positive or negative?

How likeable and/or intelligent is this person?

How desirable is this person’s lifestyle?

What are ways to mitigate the stereotyping portrayal you identified in your content analysis?

Be sure your analysis is informed by social psychology theory and research.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stereotyping Essay
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Due Date
Television programs and films are vital in modeling societal views and conveying messages concerning lifestyle aspirations and choices. Producers often use stereotypical portrayals to condemn or endorse certain lifestyles, especially for characters in significant roles. One such instance is "The Diplomat," a television show offering valuable insights into the depiction of females in leadership positions. Through examining the show's lead role of Kate Wyler, a US ambassador to the UK in the film, it is possible to evaluate the stereotypical messages that the show represents through her role, lifestyle, physical appearance, actions, likability, job, and outcomes. Media communicates and enforces shared understanding, impacts the perception of the message, and confirms, resists, or perpetuates stereotypes (Besana et al., 2019). This paper uncovers the support of gender stereotypes and examines the chances for challenging and reducing such portrayals. Overall, the paper highlights the significance of balanced and diverse representations in television programs to enhance inclusive and nuanced comprehension of various lifestyle choices.
Character Description
The lead character in the television program "The Diplomat" is Kate Wyler, whom the show represents as an attractive and intelligent female in an esteemed political position or rank, the US ambassador to the UK. Her physical appearance aligns with the general societal view of beauty, reinforcing the perception that females in high-profile offices can have attractiveness (Anderson, 2023).
Role and Stereotype
Through the presentation of Kate Wyler in a high-profile government position, the show challenges the existing gender stereotypes. The producer presents Kate Wyler as an influential and powerful diplomat who defies the idea that only males should be in such high-profile political positions. However, at the beginning of "The Diplomat," Kate's portrayal does not represent a stereotype that it is hard to trust females with political ambition or that such women are incompetent. The stereotype becomes evident when Hal, her husband, maneuvers her into the vice president's list without her consent and takes advantage of her political lethargy. Such act reinforces the societal gender stereotype of viewing ambitious women negatively instead of ambitious men. Ultimately, gender stereotypes reflect the societal expectations of women's and men's roles (Xu et al., 2019).
Job and Success
Kate Wyler's job as the US ambassador to the UK is a demanding and prestigious position. Her success is paramount through the program as she skillfully and professionally navigates sophisticated diplomatic cases and effectively manages foreign policy issues. Such portrayal challenges the societal stereotype that females, unlike their male counterparts, cannot successfully hold high-profile diplomatic or governmental roles. "The Diplomat" depicts Kate Wyler as an influential and competent leader defying societal expectations. In some countries, the societal expectation is that men hold foreign ministries, while authoritarian states exclude women from such positions (Schneider & Bos, 2019).
Specific Actions and Outcomes
Some various actions and outcomes lead to Kate Wyler's portrayal in the TV show "The Diplomat." While in a foreign policy crisis, Kate learns of her scheming for the vice presidential nomination. However, she takes a nonpolitical stance by stepping and declining the position, supporting the stereotype that women without political lethargy are sincere. Although such action reinforces the stereotype, it represents her integrity and refusal to ...
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