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3 pages/≈825 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Essay Instructions:

Essay #2 will focus on stereotypes. As you know, stereotypes are commonly held beliefs, assumptions, or oversimplifications about groups or types of people. We all learn stereotypes about gender, race, class, ethnicity, religion, and age from the media, our peers, and families. Stereotypes, whether supported by evidence or not, make it difficult to see people as individuals. Some stereotypes, both positive and negative, get translated into expectations from parents/guardians, teachers, friends, and society as a whole: if, for example, you believe that blondes are not smart, as a teacher you may not recognize the abilities of a blonde student or push her to succeed since you already believe she won’t. Some stereotypes also get internalized: if a blonde student is constantly teased that blondes are not smart, she may begin to believe it and be less motivated in school. Before looking at these options for essay #2, make sure that you complete the “readings” for essay #2 first:

o “The Danger of a Single Story” (Chimamanda Ngozi; 2009) https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=D9Ihs241zeg&t=66s

o “Lucky Zip Codes” (Any Hinter; 2015) https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=gdX8uN6VbUE

Option for Essay #2 (pick one!):

● America is known as a “melting pot.” However, misunderstandings arise because of people’s ignorance of other people’s cultures. Have you ever witnessed something like this? What did you learn from this experience? What do you think about what Amy Hunter says about this issue in your TED Talks video?

● Are you personally part of a group of people in which there is a stereotype associated with that group? How do you respond to this stereotype (whatever it may be)? How could this stereotype limit or hurt you or others in this group?

● Has someone ever made an assumption about you because of some aspect of your identity? Was it a positive or negative one? What might this experience have taught you?

● Was there something specific said in either of the TED Talks videos that you watched that grabbed your attention? Was there something you fervently agreed or disagreed with?

● Many people fear the unknown. They are afraid of people who look different or belong to another race. They fear “things” that they don’t understand. What would be a specific idea/ suggestion that you have to help make our world work “better”?

● Examine a specific media text (i.e. television show, music lyrics, film) in which a stereotype is used and argue why this stereotype is effective (or not).

● Is there anything about stereotypes that you have noticed during this crazy pandemic? What is it and how do you respond to it?

Just like last time, pick one of these options noted above – I would pick one that I feel like I might have something to say about it. Like with essay #1, you will want to have an argument/ thesis and then you will support that thesis with (1) your experiences, (2) your observations, or (3) snippets from either of the TED Talks videos we watched. Aim for about 3 pages-ish and make sure you look at the comments I left on your first essay to make this second essay even stronger!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Holding a general belief about a particular category of people is a common feature in the human race. These general beliefs are famously known as stereotypes and are usually expectations anchored on personality, ability, and the appearance of particular groups. Stereotypes can impact individuals either negatively or positively. They can spur them to unimaginable levels of success, while on the flip side, they can impede them from achieving their full potential. Stereotypes, more often than not, represent just one side of the story leaving us impressionable and vulnerable. Sometimes, we believe that we can never achieve what is, in the real sense, well within our means (Adichie, 2009). Chimamanda, for instance, felt that she would never belong to the literature world. I belong to the black community, a racial group that has had to endure all manner of stereotypes. However, I have solidly resolved to respond positively to all stereotypes that come my way. This is because I have observed the far-reaching consequences black people have suffered from internalizing stereotypes.
The black community is one of the groups that have been subject to prodigious amounts of stereotypes. This is especially so where they are the minority. Interestingly, stereotypes have spread their tentacles and permeated the lives of black people living in Africa. For example, in her video, Chimamanda gives an account of her own experiences. She reveals that she grew up in an environment that made her believe that being a child of color, she would never make inroads in the literature world. However, the perception shifted when she got more exposure (Adichie, 2009). She eventually realized that she could go places in the world of literature. I have also had first-hand experiences of the same tendencies. I am a member of an athletic team, and in workouts at the gym, my white colleagues believe I do not need to work out. This is because they espouse the misplaced belief that black people do not get easily fatigued.
As stated above, my response in the face of stereotypes is to remain resolute and focused. In this regard, whenever my teammates insinuate that I can still perform well without exercising rigorously, I always remind them that I am as mortal as they are. There is no way I would let their assertions get into my head as they would breed complacency and affect my consistency. I cannot let my form dip by not exercising because that would only invite ridicule and more stereotypes. I have always been some...
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