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Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition

Essay Instructions:

this is a very long document because it is a case study with documentation an dynoisties of the client professor wanted us to look at chapter 6 and 7 then other stuff which I have send you all instructions it is ten days to work on this case of Jack take the information which you need because you will need a lot of the material in which I have given to you. the case study is 4-2 for 4-1 make it about 100 words or so. the rest put on the case study. I have a order with 4-1 that you all are answering

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Jack and Jill

4.1-Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition
Evaluating Jack’s case, using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition DSM-5 tool, there are a number of conditions that can be identified. Having been professionals for the longest time, both Jack and Jill have made some subtle adjustments and as a result of the condition that Jack is going through (Lane, 2016). Having undergone knee surgery, the recuperation process has been quite challenging forcing the two to change their lifestyles almost completely, where Jack is now a patient and Jill is a caretaker and has to foot most of the bills that come with Jack being out work and under medical care. At the highest level of conditions is the fact that, relative to the DSM 5 tool, it is important to note that the patient in this case is suffering from depression. This is relative to the fact that; he has changed in the cause of his leave at work after which the loss of work and the fact that he is now a patient. This is connected to the condition where patient is experiencing anxiety relative to the changes that has to bear with (Lane, 2016). This will explain why he is feeling rather angry most of the time, relative to the fact that he feels that he is failing those around him and most importantly himself. The other condition that is tied to this is the fact that he is also developing dementia. This is relative to the fact that he has been experiencing episodes of short-term memory loss (Lane, 2016). This is under the neurocognitive disorders, which depict that he had a problem maintaining memories, indicating that he may also be having problems forming them.
4.2-Persistent Depressive Disorder
One of the main aspects to note about the persistent depressive disorder is a condition that is chronic which means that it is ongoing. It is however important to note that the symptoms in this case are not as severe as the ones that are found in patient t...
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